USMB Coffee Shop IV

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

Well we're happy you're back with us AA. And hope you stick around.

I'm not a strong extrovert so also enjoy quiet time with just me. But I also very much enjoy people, love to visit, play games, and I have done quite a bit of public speaking and teaching as well as use of organizational and management skills that I enjoy immensely. That kind of activity is stimulating and exhilarating for me.

I don't do anything controversial on Facebook--my personal rules there are pretty much like our Coffee Shop rules, i.e. no politics, no controversial theology or social issues, etc. But we have hundreds of friends and family scattered across the country, and in some other countries, and FB is a wonderful way to keep up with everybody and stay in touch much more than would otherwise would ever happen or even be possible.

Twitter and message boards are the place where I have the most opportunity to exercise my critical thinking, investigative, and debate skills these days and I enjoy doing that as well as being able to help with some causes that are important to me.

In short I would miss social media even as I am aware of and acknowledge the downside which is very real.

Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever.
Snore post for non-crafters... you are warned! :coffee:

I pieced baby quilts all day today. I worked on a red and white one until I got tired of looking at red, so I switched back to the never-ending postage stamp quilt, that so far only had 8x8 (64 squares in a 10-inch square, found my old twosies sack (where 2 small squares were sewn together in a package that contains several thousand pairs which were partly sewn before moving from Wyoming to the Piney Woods of Texas, and another group that contains several more thousand squares are somewhere around here. I have enough to make several huge quilts, but choose to make small quilts with controlled areas of borders, and sometimes I place the squares to resemble cross stitch quilt stuff.

I worked till nearly midnight on the postage stamps, not knowing what time it was, Earlier today, 9 rows of red and white bricks with royal blue "grout" between the perky red and white prints cut 5.5"x3" (baby brick size when sewn together) I worked until I had only one of each print Seems there were 56 bricks when I counted them, but may have added more after that. I can't wait to finish it, but I need to make 8 more rows if there are going to be 17 rows of 6 bricks separated by the royal blue grout, which is looking better than any brick quilts I've made so far.

I located another 30 pieces of red and white print, and I'm pretty sure there are another 20 or 30 pieces in the Wyoming room, where all the fabric there is mostly what I brought to Texas from my store in Wyoming. Unfortunately, most of that was red-reds, and not red and white prints. Will have to do a lot of digging to find them. There must be 50 boxes in that little room full of odds and ends, and some really pretty pieces as well.

Well, I found a red and white brick quilt, but not light red on white prints like I used, and white "grout" rather than royal blue.

And a blue and red brick quilt (below) with zero grout
Not only that, but both quilts use vertical rows instead of the horizontal rows I'm doing. lol
Neither quilt looks like mine, but I know someone did a lot of work on both quilts!


Also, the postage stamps in the middle of this quilt (below) have the same number my 20" square has--256 fabric print "stamps," but all her lights (below, center of the quilt) are the same color. Mine is a charm postage stamp. "Charm" in front of a quilt name means that no two squares are alike.

^^^^I love this lady's quilt^^^^It just sings hallelujah^^^^
Her center small squares are 2 inches finished. Mine are postage stamp size, much smaller. She still has the 256 squares though, even with half the work already figured out due to using white strips to do all that with and cross cut when done. I have my little short cuts too, but putting thousands of squares into those 2 humongous clear heavy-duty plastic sacks took a few months of work over a 15-year span of working intensely for a week here and there doing all the cutting. I've gone through at least 15 cutting mats and who knows how many rotary blades in the process. People think I work around the clock. They have no idea... <giggle>
Now, it's time to take a long winter's nap. I'm saying a little prayer for every one of you. :huddle:
Oh, and my little stack of quilts now has 5 quilts on it to hopefully have 10 by the third Tuesday for the Charity Bees. It's been fun. :)

I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

Well we're happy you're back with us AA. And hope you stick around.

I'm not a strong extrovert so also enjoy quiet time with just me. But I also very much enjoy people, love to visit, play games, and I have done quite a bit of public speaking and teaching as well as use of organizational and management skills that I enjoy immensely. That kind of activity is stimulating and exhilarating for me.

I don't do anything controversial on Facebook--my personal rules there are pretty much like our Coffee Shop rules, i.e. no politics, no controversial theology or social issues, etc. But we have hundreds of friends and family scattered across the country, and in some other countries, and FB is a wonderful way to keep up with everybody and stay in touch much more than would otherwise would ever happen or even be possible.

Twitter and message boards are the place where I have the most opportunity to exercise my critical thinking, investigative, and debate skills these days and I enjoy doing that as well as being able to help with some causes that are important to me.

In short I would miss social media even as I am aware of and acknowledge the downside which is very real.

Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever.

Foxfyre, your last paragraph has me confused.

"Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever."

Are you implying anything I posted made others feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever"?

I assure you that was not the gist of my post. I believe in "live and let live" and not judging others for how they choose to do that for their own non-criminal pleasure. There was nothing implied or intended to suggest otherwise. I was merely addressing my own reasons for not enjoying what those sites have to offer and I am thrilled they are available for those who find them worthy. Those sites serve a great purpose for millions. I do not compare myself to others.

It was an affirmation AA, not a criticism. :)
Mr. P made it through his bypass surgery. :)
He was still on his breathing tube and asleep when I left the hospital late last night.

Thank you all for your kind words and prayers.

He still has to heal and regain his strength. Let's don't ease up on those prayers and positive vibes just yet folks. But such great news!!!!!!
Hi all, not much to report, things are still going as always, I'm still trying to get things done around the house, shopping, etc.
Did screw up a couple of days ago, I have my mortgage and my one credit card through Navy Federal, went to pay the mortgage and accidentally paid off the credit card........ They reversed the payment the next day and apparently it's not an uncommon occurrence, both are listed one above the other on the webpage so it's pretty easy to make that mistake if one is not paying close enough attention, like I wasn't........ Won't make that mistake again.
Glad to see most seem to be doing well, successful surgeries, etc but with a couple of coffee shoppers looking at the loss of loved ones, my heart goes out to you.
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.

I've seen that kind of cat before on a show I watch called The Zoo. It is some type of rare wild cat - I can't remember what they are called right now.
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

Oh, that would be so great! :2up: Keeping fingers crossed for you and Mr. G!
Found the cat! :) So cute! They call it "the original grumpy cat."

Pallas's cat - Wikipedia


The Pallas's cat is about the size of a domestic cat. Its body is 46 to 65 cm (18 to 26 in) long and its tail 21 to 31 cm (8.3 to 12.2 in). It weighs 2.5 to 4.5 kg (5.5 to 9.9 lb). The combination of its stocky posture and long, dense fur makes it appear stout and plush. Its fur is ochre with dark vertical bars on the torso and forelegs. The winter coat is greyer and less patterned than the summer coat. There are clear black rings on the tail and dark spots on the forehead. The cheeks are white with narrow black stripes running from the corners of the eyes. The chin and throat are also white, merging into the greyish, silky fur of the underparts. Concentric white and black rims around the eyes accentuate their rounded shape. The legs are proportionately shorter than those of other cats, the ears are set very low and wide apart, and the claws are unusually short. The face is shortened compared with other cats, giving it a flattened look. The pupils are circular rather than vertical slits. The short jaw has fewer teeth than is typical among cats, with the first pair of upper premolars missing, but the canine teeth are large.[5]

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