USMB Coffee Shop IV

My wife had a shoulder replacement on the 15th. Yesterday, the 27th, she had her bandages and sling removed and is recuperating more rapidly than the doctor predicted. Pretty good for an 82 year old. I have been on duty 24/7 as a nurse and orderly for 2 weeks, but I ain't complaining.
Prayers up for Mrs. H, Hossfly. Give her a hug for all of us here. :huddle:
My wife had a shoulder replacement on the 15th. Yesterday, the 27th, she had her bandages and sling removed and is recuperating more rapidly than the doctor predicted. Pretty good for an 82 year old. I have been on duty 24/7 as a nurse and orderly for 2 weeks, but I ain't complaining.

Good news! :113: She must be one tough lady!
Just got home from a day at a local college, my employer booked me in for a 4 day certificated course, twas an easy day, tomorrow I have some practical theory to do, it will ask me to fault find on various apparatus, the only thing good about this is they feed me rather well at lunch time and I can drink as much coffee as I want to keep me awake.

Do you have to do homework? :1041:
My wife had a shoulder replacement on the 15th. Yesterday, the 27th, she had her bandages and sling removed and is recuperating more rapidly than the doctor predicted. Pretty good for an 82 year old. I have been on duty 24/7 as a nurse and orderly for 2 weeks, but I ain't complaining.
Hossfly, I had to come back here because I haven't been able to let go of your post I read a while ago. Even though I left the board, your post came with me. I just want you to know something, sweetheart. What your dear wife has gone through and will be going through for a long time to come, no doubt is MAJOR surgery at any age much less hers. What a brave soul she is. My heart goes out to her and I would like for you to tell her I am sending a kind and gentle hug on her good shoulder and I will be thinking of her as she recovers from the pain, rehab treatments and lack of independence she must go through to return to her abilities before the surgery. My feelings extend to you, Hossfly, as you are her best friend and warm and loving husband at her side to help her through.. What a loving relationship you and she have. I am sending pretty pink, light lavender, flowers with bunches of green in a vase to place by her favorite resting spot and to make her smile. Please let her know she will be on my mind and so will you. You and I go way back and I feel comfortable talking to you this personally. *Hugs* ~ AA

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O, I remember these birds from our Carribbean cruise when we visited the interior areas of Belize. When they spread their wings, they are one of the most beautiful sights in the bird kingdom. Seems the ones we saw were white or something... It's been a few years.

The tropical kingbird (Tyrannus melancholicus) is a large tyrant flycatcher, growing to a length of about 22 cm (8.7 in).
Wikipedia:Picture of the day - Wikipedia
Both Mr. P and I have been so busy with everything this whole month.
So many Doc appointments and tests that started Jan. 6 and just ended yesterday. Whew!
I won't get back from the Hospital till late Wednesday night.

I will keep in touch with you all on Thursday on how Mr. P is doing.
The doc decided to keep him in rehabilitation across from the hospital because of his MS. They want to keep a close eye on him for about a week and a half or so.

I miss every one, hope you are all ok.

Like Schwarzenegger say's "l'll be back. :)

Mr. P and also you, Peach, are on top of my prayer list today.
Daughter texted me this morning that the Son in Law is not expected to make it. Planning on driving there Friday though may have to go sooner....

So sorry Ollie. Your Son in Law and also your daughter and granddaughter have been in my prayers and will remain so.
My wife had a shoulder replacement on the 15th. Yesterday, the 27th, she had her bandages and sling removed and is recuperating more rapidly than the doctor predicted. Pretty good for an 82 year old. I have been on duty 24/7 as a nurse and orderly for 2 weeks, but I ain't complaining.

We should have had her on the vigil list Hossfly but glad she is doing well. Our weekly 42 partner had both shoulders replaced and got along great.
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

Well we missed you and are happy you are back AA. :)

I am very much a people person
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

I'm not a strong extrovert so also enjoy quiet time with just me. But I also very much enjoy people, love to visit, play games, and I have done quite a bit of public speaking and teaching as well as use of organizational and management skills that I enjoy immensely.

I don't do anything controversial on Facebook--my rules there are pretty much like our Coffee Shop rules, i.e. no politics, no controversial theology or social issues, etc. But we have hundreds of friends and family scattered across the country, and in some other countries, and FB is a wonderful way to keep up with everybody and stay in touch much more than would otherwise would ever happen or even be possible.

Twitter and message boards are the place where I have the most opportunity to exercise my critical thinking, investigative, and debate skills these days and I enjoy doing that as well as being able to help with some causes that are important to me.

Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or bad or whatever.

23andme gave me some more yank family members, one is maternal related something cousin, I sent her our family ancestry chart, she was ecstatic in her email thanking me. She’s planning a trip over to the mother country at some time.
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

Well we're happy you're back with us AA. And hope you stick around.

I'm not a strong extrovert so also enjoy quiet time with just me. But I also very much enjoy people, love to visit, play games, and I have done quite a bit of public speaking and teaching as well as use of organizational and management skills that I enjoy immensely. That kind of activity is stimulating and exhilarating for me.

I don't do anything controversial on Facebook--my personal rules there are pretty much like our Coffee Shop rules, i.e. no politics, no controversial theology or social issues, etc. But we have hundreds of friends and family scattered across the country, and in some other countries, and FB is a wonderful way to keep up with everybody and stay in touch much more than would otherwise would ever happen or even be possible.

Twitter and message boards are the place where I have the most opportunity to exercise my critical thinking, investigative, and debate skills these days and I enjoy doing that as well as being able to help with some causes that are important to me.

In short I would miss social media even as I am aware of and acknowledge the downside which is very real.

Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever.
Although I understand that there is small comparison between the lives of four-leggers vs. our loved two-legged family members, I am reminded daily that life is a big circle. Some lives end, some begin. Sorrow to SFC Ollie and his family for their impending loss. SIL must be fairly young. For Peach and Mr. Peach, and Hoss's Mrs. I hope that healing is swift and they will soon enjoy a better quality of life. For all my numerous CS friends who are suffering, I surely hope that relief comes. Ringel and Mrs. R. in their ongoing trials. Gracie and Mr. G, too. Hopefully they will find out what ails him and are able to cure it for him. So much pain and sadness sometimes.
While things go on pretty much routinely here, there is new life arrived this past week. I have five new mommas and six new babies. All but one kid are doing well, this one doesn't seen properly inspired to eat like she should. Despite the losses earlier this years, it is time to celebrate the new year opening before us. I wonder what this year will bring?
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:

Well we're happy you're back with us AA. And hope you stick around.

I'm not a strong extrovert so also enjoy quiet time with just me. But I also very much enjoy people, love to visit, play games, and I have done quite a bit of public speaking and teaching as well as use of organizational and management skills that I enjoy immensely. That kind of activity is stimulating and exhilarating for me.

I don't do anything controversial on Facebook--my personal rules there are pretty much like our Coffee Shop rules, i.e. no politics, no controversial theology or social issues, etc. But we have hundreds of friends and family scattered across the country, and in some other countries, and FB is a wonderful way to keep up with everybody and stay in touch much more than would otherwise would ever happen or even be possible.

Twitter and message boards are the place where I have the most opportunity to exercise my critical thinking, investigative, and debate skills these days and I enjoy doing that as well as being able to help with some causes that are important to me.

In short I would miss social media even as I am aware of and acknowledge the downside which is very real.

Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever.

Foxfyre, your last paragraph has me confused.

"Everybody is different though. I think happy is the person who knows himself/herself and feels free to be who and what he or she is without pressure or being made to feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever."

Are you implying anything I posted made others feel wrong or inadequate or he or she should be different or whatever"?

I assure you that was not the gist of my post. I believe in "live and let live" and not judging others for how they choose to do that for their own non-criminal pleasure. There was nothing implied or intended to suggest otherwise. I was merely addressing my own reasons for not enjoying what those sites have to offer and I am thrilled they are available for those who find them worthy. Those sites serve a great purpose for millions. I do not compare myself to others.
Although I understand that there is small comparison between the lives of four-leggers vs. our loved two-legged family members, I am reminded daily that life is a big circle. Some lives end, some begin. Sorrow to SFC Ollie and his family for their impending loss. SIL must be fairly young. For Peach and Mr. Peach, and Hoss's Mrs. I hope that healing is swift and they will soon enjoy a better quality of life. For all my numerous CS friends who are suffering, I surely hope that relief comes. Ringel and Mrs. R. in their ongoing trials. Gracie and Mr. G, too. Hopefully they will find out what ails him and are able to cure it for him. So much pain and sadness sometimes.
While things go on pretty much routinely here, there is new life arrived this past week. I have five new mommas and six new babies. All but one kid are doing well, this one doesn't seen properly inspired to eat like she should. Despite the losses earlier this years, it is time to celebrate the new year opening before us. I wonder what this year will bring?
Great post GW. I can only post I hope the new year continues to bring more of your thoughts and wonderful, gracious nature. May the new one begin eating and soon.

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