USMB Coffee Shop IV

Found the cat! :) So cute! They call it "the original grumpy cat."

Pallas's cat - Wikipedia


The Pallas's cat is about the size of a domestic cat. Its body is 46 to 65 cm (18 to 26 in) long and its tail 21 to 31 cm (8.3 to 12.2 in). It weighs 2.5 to 4.5 kg (5.5 to 9.9 lb). The combination of its stocky posture and long, dense fur makes it appear stout and plush. Its fur is ochre with dark vertical bars on the torso and forelegs. The winter coat is greyer and less patterned than the summer coat. There are clear black rings on the tail and dark spots on the forehead. The cheeks are white with narrow black stripes running from the corners of the eyes. The chin and throat are also white, merging into the greyish, silky fur of the underparts. Concentric white and black rims around the eyes accentuate their rounded shape. The legs are proportionately shorter than those of other cats, the ears are set very low and wide apart, and the claws are unusually short. The face is shortened compared with other cats, giving it a flattened look. The pupils are circular rather than vertical slits. The short jaw has fewer teeth than is typical among cats, with the first pair of upper premolars missing, but the canine teeth are large.[5]

Thank you Chris, I knew something was very different about it. It was the pupils that thru me off, though I didn't realize it and made me look closer, otherwise I'd have thought a housecat.
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

Good for you Gracie. I'll be keeping the fingers & toes crossed for you & MrG

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
Cats are nice. Dogs are better.
I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
Cats are nice. Dogs are better.

I like them too.

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??

I think it's a wild cat - manul..

p.s. or maybe just a fish-cat

I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
Cats are nice. Dogs are better.[/QUOTES]

So different though. We have had cats. We have had dogs. At times we have had them both at the same time.

The important thing is that most dogs have masters.

Most cats, and also mini doxies and shi tzus have staff. :)
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
Cats are nice. Dogs are better.[/QUOTES]

So different though. We have had cats. We have had dogs. At times we have had them both at the same time.

The important thing is that most dogs have masters.

Most cats, and also mini doxies and shi tzus have staff. :)

I like both cats and dogs. They both have their pros and cons. For one thing, cats don't bark. :D
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
I love potatoes, too, but in uses for health, I find them prized for their vitamin C delivery, plus a lot of reduction in amount--one source praises eating only 1/4 of a potato for maximum benefit to the health. And, alak, potatoes may be a nightshade family member if memory serves me right, and many people have trouble with nightshade vegetables and fruits. I'm not sure but I think nightshades are generally annuals. I'll see if I can locate a list of nightshades for those who have problems with their family of edibles...
Keep in mind that a small quantity of certain substances found in foods are a benefit, but too much of a good thing can cause serious side effects. It's complicated, but keep in mind benefits come in small packages. Here's a listing I found, and learned something. This may not be all. While blueberries are not a nightshade, their cousin, the annual berry called "garden huckleberry" is a definite nightshade. List of Nightshade Veggies and Fruits: List of Nightshade Veggies and Fruits

Huckleberries must be completely ripe, are best when cooked, warnings and uses here:

Pardon my edit after the fact, but apparently my java hasn't kicked in...
excuses, excuses :abgg2q.jpg:
Last edited:
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
I love potatoes, too, but in uses for health, I find them prized for their vitamin C delivery, plus a lot of reduction in amount--one source praises eating only 1/4 of a potato for maximum benefit to the health. And, alak, potatoes may be a nightshade family member if memory serves me right, and many people have trouble with nightshade vegetables and fruits. I'm not sure but I think nightshades are generally annuals. I'll see if I can locate a list of nightshades for those who have problems with their family of edibles...
Keep in mind that a small quantity of certain substances found in foods are a benefit, but too much of a good thing can cause serious side effects. It's complicated, but keep in mind benefits come in small packages. Here's a listing I found, and learned something. This may not be all. While blueberries are not a nightshade, their cousin, the annual berry called "garden huckleberry" is a definite nightshade.

Huckleberries must be completely ripe, are best when cooked, warnings and uses here:

Hmm. That's interesting.

I can eat mashed potatoes with no problem though. Maybe because they are boiled?
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
I love potatoes, too, but in uses for health, I find them prized for their vitamin C delivery, plus a lot of reduction in amount--one source praises eating only 1/4 of a potato for maximum benefit to the health. And, alak, potatoes may be a nightshade family member if memory serves me right, and many people have trouble with nightshade vegetables and fruits. I'm not sure but I think nightshades are generally annuals. I'll see if I can locate a list of nightshades for those who have problems with their family of edibles...
Keep in mind that a small quantity of certain substances found in foods are a benefit, but too much of a good thing can cause serious side effects. It's complicated, but keep in mind benefits come in small packages. Here's a listing I found, and learned something. This may not be all. While blueberries are not a nightshade, their cousin, the annual berry called "garden huckleberry" is a definite nightshade.

Huckleberries must be completely ripe, are best when cooked, warnings and uses here:

Hmm. That's interesting.

I can eat mashed potatoes with no problem though. Maybe because they are boiled?

A lot of edible nightshades are better for you when well-cooked. A lot of produce is nightshades, and the other night I loved but couldn't finish off a Chiles Relleno platter. (chilis and peppers we put in salad might better be cooked, but small amounts add a zing, and tomatoes have some very beneficial properties when ripened by the sun, namely an antioxidant called lycopene which benefits the eyes, heart, Oh, there's a better list here, and it's a good thing to know:
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
I love potatoes, too, but in uses for health, I find them prized for their vitamin C delivery, plus a lot of reduction in amount--one source praises eating only 1/4 of a potato for maximum benefit to the health. And, alak, potatoes may be a nightshade family member if memory serves me right, and many people have trouble with nightshade vegetables and fruits. I'm not sure but I think nightshades are generally annuals. I'll see if I can locate a list of nightshades for those who have problems with their family of edibles...
Keep in mind that a small quantity of certain substances found in foods are a benefit, but too much of a good thing can cause serious side effects. It's complicated, but keep in mind benefits come in small packages. Here's a listing I found, and learned something. This may not be all. While blueberries are not a nightshade, their cousin, the annual berry called "garden huckleberry" is a definite nightshade.

Huckleberries must be completely ripe, are best when cooked, warnings and uses here:

Hmm. That's interesting.

I can eat mashed potatoes with no problem though. Maybe because they are boiled?

A lot of edible nightshades are better for you when well-cooked. A lot of produce is nightshades, and the other night I loved but couldn't finish off a Chiles Relleno platter. (chilis and peppers we put in salad might better be cooked, but small amounts add a zing, and tomatoes have some very beneficial properties when ripened by the sun, namely an antioxidant called lycopene which benefits the eyes, heart, Oh, there's a better list here, and it's a good thing to know:

Heh-heh! I had candied carrots last night with dinner! :lol: Carrots cooked in butter and brown sugar. Don't know how healthy that is, but got my lycopene!
About potatoes, a green potato even when cooked can make you ill. Be sure the potato you eat has no green in the skin area, but is sans verdance beneath any natural color it may be--purple, red, yellow, or brown...and who knows what future color that may be under development of potatoes that could increase its vitamin-C content, too.

Found this general warning about nightshades online, but lost the page, sorry...:

A person may be allergic to one or more nightshade vegetables if they experience the following symptoms shortly after eating them:
  • hives or a skin rash
  • shortness of breath
  • wheezing
  • coughing
  • tightness of the throat
  • pale skin
  • anaphylaxis
Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening reaction and a medical emergency.

If a person experiences a severe allergic reaction such as anaphylaxis after eating any food, they should seek emergency medical attention and use an EpiPen, if one is available.​
What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
I love potatoes, too, but in uses for health, I find them prized for their vitamin C delivery, plus a lot of reduction in amount--one source praises eating only 1/4 of a potato for maximum benefit to the health. And, alak, potatoes may be a nightshade family member if memory serves me right, and many people have trouble with nightshade vegetables and fruits. I'm not sure but I think nightshades are generally annuals. I'll see if I can locate a list of nightshades for those who have problems with their family of edibles...
Keep in mind that a small quantity of certain substances found in foods are a benefit, but too much of a good thing can cause serious side effects. It's complicated, but keep in mind benefits come in small packages. Here's a listing I found, and learned something. This may not be all. While blueberries are not a nightshade, their cousin, the annual berry called "garden huckleberry" is a definite nightshade.

Huckleberries must be completely ripe, are best when cooked, warnings and uses here:

Hmm. That's interesting.

I can eat mashed potatoes with no problem though. Maybe because they are boiled?

A lot of edible nightshades are better for you when well-cooked. A lot of produce is nightshades, and the other night I loved but couldn't finish off a Chiles Relleno platter. (chilis and peppers we put in salad might better be cooked, but small amounts add a zing, and tomatoes have some very beneficial properties when ripened by the sun, namely an antioxidant called lycopene which benefits the eyes, heart, Oh, there's a better list here, and it's a good thing to know:

Heh-heh! I had candied carrots last night with dinner! :lol: Carrots cooked in butter and brown sugar. Don't know how healthy that is, but got my lycopene!

There isn't room for listing the benefits of carrots, imho... and celery (I have an entire volume in my nutrition library dedicated to celery benefits), and good old deep dark red beets, the fairy godmother of good nutrition. *sigh*
Well, not to mention asparagus, kale, green peas on and on... *sigh*

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