USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)

What great news. Both the medical and the news that you may get the housing you have been wanting. I have diverticulosis too but it doesn't seem to bother me and I don't have to avoid any of the foods they say I shouldn't tolerate well.

I love a loaded baked potato (with sour cream, bacon, scallions, cheese). They don't like me very much though! :razz: I get a TERRIBLE bellyache/indigestion from them, and I don't have diverticulosis. For me, some foods are just heavy and sit in my belly like a stone. I still eat them sometimes though and deal with a bellyache! Lol!
Most likely it's an intolerance as opposed to an allergy to something in the loaded baked potatoes, most likely the sour cream. I have that reaction with bananas.
How are you with other milk products? Same lead in the stomach feeling?

Could be the sour cream, or maybe just the whole combination. I can't recall milk or other dairy products giving me an upset stomach. I don't drink a whole lot of milk though. Another thing that does bother my stomach is chocolate, but only if I eat a lot of it. I've eaten a whole family size bag of M&M's before though! Probably shouldn't do that. Lol! Sometimes, my dietary habits are not that great. :oops:

I get that way with Goldfish. I just keep putting them in my mouth, over and over....then I realize I've been eating them for 20 minutes non-stop. :lol:
I do that with called jawbusters. I don't chomp them..I just let them roll around in my mouth til they disappear lol. Great way to solve a sweet tooth craving, too.


Well personally I like the lovely myth of the tooth fairy. Except our kids frequently reminded us that we had the worst fink fairy in the world at our house because she kept forgetting to come get the tooth and leave the requisite quarter.

Over here in Britland I was rewarded with a pre-decimal sixpenny bit
Notice the Rose, Thistle, Leek, and clover?
When I was a kid, I would get lady liberty silver dollar. :)

Wish I had them now!

I've had many silver dollars, but I always end up spending them. Not much for coin collecting, I guess.
The sixpence bit was silver before 1947, I was probably given silver ones that were still in currency, but who knew back then.
When my 2 grandsons get a little older I will start to give them what I have collected over the years.
I remember, the first tooth I lost, I was showing my friend and had my finger on it wiggling it, and she (trying to be funny) smacked my hand, and my tooth went flying. I was so angry at her for losing my tooth. Lol!

mmm. not exactly the fun Mom I'd be looking for to marry.. Yup, let me slap you around with reality instead of effort for fun times with fantasy and imagination.

Although, I don't recall the tooth fairy being much of a big deal other than sneaking around in the dark stepping on stuff.
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mmm. not exactly the fun Mom I'd be looking for to marry.. Yup, let me slap you around with reality instead of effort for fun times with fantasy and imagination.

Although, I don't recall the tooth fairy being much of a big deal other than sneaking around in the dark stepping on stuff.

So true. I just kept telling our kids that their tooth fairy was no doubt overworked and to be patient and perhaps there would be a bit extra paid for their tooth. They liked that idea. And we did oblige. :)

mmm. not exactly the fun Mom I'd be looking for to marry.. Yup, let me slap you around with reality instead of effort for fun times with fantasy and imagination.

Although, I don't recall the tooth fairy being much of a big deal other than sneaking around in the dark stepping on stuff.

So true. I just kept telling our kids that their tooth fairy was no doubt overworked and to be patient and perhaps there would be a bit extra paid for their tooth. They liked that idea. And we did oblige. :)

I think I always knew that the tooth fairy was actually my parents. Lol. I did believe in Santa Claus for a while, until my older cousin told me there was no such thing. Geesh, I was devastated even though I kind of already knew. Christmas was more fun when you believed in Santa, IMO.
Mr. P is doing very well.
They moved him from ICU to the heart care unit and he'll be there for 3 or 4 days.
Then they are sending him to the rehab building that is behind the hospital. He will be there for a week or so before he comes home again.

He had a triple bypass surgery and they collapsed his lung and went in under his ribs.
It's not as invasive as splitting his breast bone.
He is continuing to get stronger every day. :)
It looks like he can continue to do his everyday activities as before and his aneurysm will be monitored and controlled with drugs.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.
Mr. P is doing very well.
They moved him from ICU to the heart care unit and he'll be there for 3 or 4 days.
Then they are sending him to the rehab building that is behind the hospital. He will be there for a week or so before he comes home again.

He had a triple bypass surgery and they collapsed his lung and went in under his ribs.
It's not as invasive as splitting his breast bone.
He is continuing to get stronger every day. :)
It looks like he can continue to do his everyday activities as before and his aneurysm will be monitored and controlled with drugs.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

Those prayers will continue for easing of discomfort, assurance for you, rapid and complete healing, and that you two enjoy many more happy years together.
Mr. P is doing very well.
They moved him from ICU to the heart care unit and he'll be there for 3 or 4 days.
Then they are sending him to the rehab building that is behind the hospital. He will be there for a week or so before he comes home again.

He had a triple bypass surgery and they collapsed his lung and went in under his ribs.
It's not as invasive as splitting his breast bone.
He is continuing to get stronger every day. :)
It looks like he can continue to do his everyday activities as before and his aneurysm will be monitored and controlled with drugs.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

That is really good news! :)

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