USMB Coffee Shop IV

Although I understand that there is small comparison between the lives of four-leggers vs. our loved two-legged family members, I am reminded daily that life is a big circle. Some lives end, some begin. Sorrow to SFC Ollie and his family for their impending loss. SIL must be fairly young. For Peach and Mr. Peach, and Hoss's Mrs. I hope that healing is swift and they will soon enjoy a better quality of life. For all my numerous CS friends who are suffering, I surely hope that relief comes. Ringel and Mrs. R. in their ongoing trials. Gracie and Mr. G, too. Hopefully they will find out what ails him and are able to cure it for him. So much pain and sadness sometimes.
While things go on pretty much routinely here, there is new life arrived this past week. I have five new mommas and six new babies. All but one kid are doing well, this one doesn't seen properly inspired to eat like she should. Despite the losses earlier this years, it is time to celebrate the new year opening before us. I wonder what this year will bring?
Great post GW. I can only post I hope the new year continues to bring more of your thoughts and wonderful, gracious nature. May the new one begin eating and soon.
Thank you, AA! We do tend to get wrapped up in the smaller details, the larger things really drive so much in the bigger picture. While celebrating the turning of the year and the return of the day (very noticeable this far north), things are still pretty rough. We have had almost two months of sub-zero temps, only a couple of days above zero, so the cold has been devastating in many ways. But the weather is part of where we are. You deal with it and keep on going or you choose to move someplace else with other challenges.

This pic has me a bit confused......

1. Though at first glance it looks like a tame housecat, but looking closer it could very well be a wild species.....say maybe a lynx? or bobcat? Probably not, but the fur leaves me wondering.

2. I have never seen a cat with eyes looking to one side or up like that one is, especially without showing more of the white of the eyes below. Somehow it just doesn't look normal.

Don't get me wrong, I love the pic...….but what is it exactly??
I think I saw something somewhere that indicates it is a species of wild cat found in Siberia. Some workers rescued a bunch of kittens and later discovered they were "different". I think it's supposed to be a rare species.
Hi all, not much to report, things are still going as always, I'm still trying to get things done around the house, shopping, etc.
Did screw up a couple of days ago, I have my mortgage and my one credit card through Navy Federal, went to pay the mortgage and accidentally paid off the credit card........ They reversed the payment the next day and apparently it's not an uncommon occurrence, both are listed one above the other on the webpage so it's pretty easy to make that mistake if one is not paying close enough attention, like I wasn't........ Won't make that mistake again.
Glad to see most seem to be doing well, successful surgeries, etc but with a couple of coffee shoppers looking at the loss of loved ones, my heart goes out to you.
Considering your and your wife's circumstances, you have a big heart. Hopefully, things are looking up for the Mrs.
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)
My meat hooks are double-crossed for you and Mr. G. How great would it be to finally get into some kind of stable, safe home. But what about the "dependents"? What will you do about your kitties?
I dunno if its a tame cat or a wild one. I just found it curious, and I was thinking of asking people to caption the pic.
"Kittens have wild sides, too."
Nah, that's too silly. The cat's fur is curious, though. My cat Miss Piccolo I was certain would grow up to be a cat with Siamese appearance, complete with short hair. Now that she's full grown, one of her parents was a Persian cat with 4-5" long strands that make them look like puff balls most of the time. Also she has darkened from a creamy silver tone to a light mottled look since each hair seems to be different from its neighbor, and in the wind, some of her light hairs seem to have dark tips. Your cat has hair like hers, only much darker. It's cute and stole a little piece of my heart. Thanks for sharing, Dajjal. :thup:

Miss Piccolo? What a great name.

I spent the Christmas holidays with seven cats! It was sheer heaven, the purring and the snuggling. They all had assorted names.
You must be a very special person to have them purring and snuggling, MIndful. You must have a lot of patience, as felines don't always care for everyone. I have a daughter with similar animal magnetism.

A couple of years ago, a quilt store owner friend had a liter of baby cats in her store (she lives in a house behind the store and was kitten-sitting). Her kittens that looked so cute, and she said she was giving them away. I took the cute one, who cried all the way from the quilt shop to the Veterinarians to look her over for any problems, get shots (it was too early), and to make sure she'd be ok. All the way to the vets she cried in such a squeaky high pitch, which sounded less like a flute and more like a piccolo. So, Miss Piccolo is the name the Vet was given. And that's her story of how she came to be known as "Piccolo," by her own voice. It took half an hour to get there because my friend's store is in another town, and I had to pass my farmhouse and continue on another 6 miles before stopping my car to see the vet to see if he could arrange a schedule to take care of her shots, etc.

Actually, it was at the daughter's house where they live.

They have a lovely life.
Cats are nice. Dogs are better.
Matter of opinion. Some dogs are enough like cats to be tolerable. I love my current pocket pooch but she is special in many ways. She was considered unadoptable by her fosters...until a cat-person (me) came along. Penny is super!
I got to spent quite a lot of time with baby Alexander yesterday, just holding him between boob times. It's all cute stink-face, kinda smiles, wobble head and sleepy time with that little sweetheart.

I'm passing on the diaper changes so far (women are so much better at that kinda stuff..:eusa_shifty:.) but I did notice that the chubby up is coming along rather well.
Aaannnddd….The circle of life comes full turn! So good to get news about the newest member of the CS. Thank you, Lumpy. Enjoy little Andrew before he gets totally obnoxious!
I got to spent quite a lot of time with baby Alexander yesterday, just holding him between boob times. It's all cute stink-face, kinda smiles, wobble head and sleepy time with that little sweetheart.

I'm passing on the diaper changes so far (women are so much better at that kinda stuff..:eusa_shifty:.) but I did notice that the chubby up is coming along rather well.

Lol! When my son was born, we used to wake him up just so that we could play with him sometimes and fight over who got to hold him! Babies are so precious.

Is this your baby, or a friend or relative's baby?

My second daughter and her family, it's Grampa time and yes babies are precious indeed.

Ohhh, I can't wait to be a grandma some day. :D
I've often considered that if becoming a grandparent without having/raising their parents were an option, I'd have been a grandparent long ago.
Mr. P is doing very well.
They moved him from ICU to the heart care unit and he'll be there for 3 or 4 days.
Then they are sending him to the rehab building that is behind the hospital. He will be there for a week or so before he comes home again.

He had a triple bypass surgery and they collapsed his lung and went in under his ribs.
It's not as invasive as splitting his breast bone.
He is continuing to get stronger every day. :)
It looks like he can continue to do his everyday activities as before and his aneurysm will be monitored and controlled with drugs.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

I'm glad things are working out so well Peach. They had me walking around within 3 days which was a drag (yet very important) I wanted more time for lucid dreaming. I'm not much on drugs but wow that part was actually fun.
You can learn to lucid dream without the drugs.
Arggh! Catching up makes me feel like some kind of hog.
Well, the winter drags on, brutally. I lost another kid to the cold, I suspect her mamma smothered her. I have two severely frostbitten kids in the "maternity ward" and am hoping for the best. Fortunately, the two mommas are mother an daughter so they are not competing for space, food, and water. But the kids got bad frostbite on their hind feet and both are swollen with suppurating blisters. I'm using antibiotics and am hoping that gangrene does not become an issue. If that happens, well...the kids will have to be put down.
There is a series of issues that have made this a problem. I will not go into detail but it is disappointing. Not to mention, my house will be a goat barn until it warms up above freezing for the season.
This is all pretty petty stuff compared to folks like Gracie, Peach, Ringel, and Ollie, among others. Sorry.
Mr. P is doing very well.
They moved him from ICU to the heart care unit and he'll be there for 3 or 4 days.
Then they are sending him to the rehab building that is behind the hospital. He will be there for a week or so before he comes home again.

He had a triple bypass surgery and they collapsed his lung and went in under his ribs.
It's not as invasive as splitting his breast bone.
He is continuing to get stronger every day. :)
It looks like he can continue to do his everyday activities as before and his aneurysm will be monitored and controlled with drugs.
Thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.

I'm glad things are working out so well Peach. They had me walking around within 3 days which was a drag (yet very important) I wanted more time for lucid dreaming. I'm not much on drugs but wow that part was actually fun.
You can learn to lucid dream without the drugs.

I did learn the process to get there but I just can't stay in the "zone" for long .. Switch to sleep or just wake up . oh well.
I got to spent quite a lot of time with baby Alexander yesterday, just holding him between boob times. It's all cute stink-face, kinda smiles, wobble head and sleepy time with that little sweetheart.

I'm passing on the diaper changes so far (women are so much better at that kinda stuff..:eusa_shifty:.) but I did notice that the chubby up is coming along rather well.

Lol! When my son was born, we used to wake him up just so that we could play with him sometimes and fight over who got to hold him! Babies are so precious.

Is this your baby, or a friend or relative's baby?

My second daughter and her family, it's Grampa time and yes babies are precious indeed.

Ohhh, I can't wait to be a grandma some day. :D
I've often considered that if becoming a grandparent without having/raising their parents were an option, I'd have been a grandparent long ago.

I got to spent quite a lot of time with baby Alexander yesterday, just holding him between boob times. It's all cute stink-face, kinda smiles, wobble head and sleepy time with that little sweetheart.

I'm passing on the diaper changes so far (women are so much better at that kinda stuff..:eusa_shifty:.) but I did notice that the chubby up is coming along rather well.

Lol! When my son was born, we used to wake him up just so that we could play with him sometimes and fight over who got to hold him! Babies are so precious.

Is this your baby, or a friend or relative's baby?

My second daughter and her family, it's Grampa time and yes babies are precious indeed.

Ohhh, I can't wait to be a grandma some day. :D

Arggh! Catching up makes me feel like some kind of hog.
Well, the winter drags on, brutally. I lost another kid to the cold, I suspect her mamma smothered her. I have two severely frostbitten kids in the "maternity ward" and am hoping for the best. Fortunately, the two mommas are mother an daughter so they are not competing for space, food, and water. But the kids got bad frostbite on their hind feet and both are swollen with suppurating blisters. I'm using antibiotics and am hoping that gangrene does not become an issue. If that happens, well...the kids will have to be put down.
There is a series of issues that have made this a problem. I will not go into detail but it is disappointing. Not to mention, my house will be a goat barn until it warms up above freezing for the season.
This is all pretty petty stuff compared to folks like Gracie, Peach, Ringel, and Ollie, among others. Sorry.

You are thorough, I'll give you that! :D I don't really catch up, except for maybe the last 2 pages.

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