USMB Coffee Shop IV

I got Mr. P's man cave painted.
He is going to be surprised that his computer, T.V. room is newly painted and redecorated. :)

It's a real light beige color, it's a very pleasingly warm and welcoming color.
Makes the room look open and bright.
I got Mr. P's man cave painted.
He is going to be surprised that his computer, T.V. room is newly painted and redecorated. :)

It's a real light beige color, it's a very pleasingly warm and welcoming color.
Makes the room look open and bright.

Aww. That's super sweet that you did that for him.

It goes both ways, he does sweet things for me all the time too. :)
Finally got to see the endo/colon doc. Been a long assed wait, too! All is well. No more colitis but I do have diverticulosis. No polyps, no nothing. Said my throat was "stretched" and craped which is why it hurt so long. Other than problems found. Said I MIGHT have celiac disease and wants a blood which I semi declined. I don't really care, and have no problems eating breads and whatnot. So maybe later, I said. Over all...clean bill.

Meanwhile..I have held off announcing it because I STILL won't believe its happening until it actually does...but....Just before MrG went into the hospital..home called. We are now #3 on the wait list and had to get a buttload of info ready for the apartment. Manager called today to walk us thru the plethora of paperwork, and it was a 1 & 1/2 meeting via the phone. We got everything filled out and now..we wait some more. She said nobody has given notice yet, but will by spring which is usually when they give notice...and when that ready to pack up and finally go home. But like I said..I won't believe it until I get the call that says "you apartment will be ready on the first of the month...send the deposit". THEN I will believe it. :)
My meat hooks are double-crossed for you and Mr. G. How great would it be to finally get into some kind of stable, safe home. But what about the "dependents"? What will you do about your kitties?
Kitties going with us. BOTH of them. We just gotta get a doc note for both as companion animals. One for Mrg and for me and Evie. :)
Arggh! Catching up makes me feel like some kind of hog.
Well, the winter drags on, brutally. I lost another kid to the cold, I suspect her mamma smothered her. I have two severely frostbitten kids in the "maternity ward" and am hoping for the best. Fortunately, the two mommas are mother an daughter so they are not competing for space, food, and water. But the kids got bad frostbite on their hind feet and both are swollen with suppurating blisters. I'm using antibiotics and am hoping that gangrene does not become an issue. If that happens, well...the kids will have to be put down.
There is a series of issues that have made this a problem. I will not go into detail but it is disappointing. Not to mention, my house will be a goat barn until it warms up above freezing for the season.
This is all pretty petty stuff compared to folks like Gracie, Peach, Ringel, and Ollie, among others. Sorry.

What you are dealing with is more than most of us could handle GW. You all are on my prayer list.
Arggh! Catching up makes me feel like some kind of hog.
Well, the winter drags on, brutally. I lost another kid to the cold, I suspect her mamma smothered her. I have two severely frostbitten kids in the "maternity ward" and am hoping for the best. Fortunately, the two mommas are mother an daughter so they are not competing for space, food, and water. But the kids got bad frostbite on their hind feet and both are swollen with suppurating blisters. I'm using antibiotics and am hoping that gangrene does not become an issue. If that happens, well...the kids will have to be put down.
There is a series of issues that have made this a problem. I will not go into detail but it is disappointing. Not to mention, my house will be a goat barn until it warms up above freezing for the season.
This is all pretty petty stuff compared to folks like Gracie, Peach, Ringel, and Ollie, among others. Sorry.

You are thorough, I'll give you that! :D I don't really catch up, except for maybe the last 2 pages.

I'm pretty much here most days, but my circumstances accommodate that a lot more than most of you. I think of the Coffee Shop as a place where folks come daily or intermittently, but you pick up pretty much where you are instead of having to go back and watch a video or something of everything you didn't see since your last visit.

That GW does go back and catches up on everything has been a real service though. His comments refresh my memory and advise me of important things I missed. :)
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Dayum gallantwarrior are going thru some major shit! I sure wish things would go easier on you. Wish you were out of that fridge you call Alaska too, and in warmer tolerable wather and closer to someone that could help. Are you determined to stay there or as you get older, do you think it may be too hard to survive in such harsh conditions and being alone doing it all? Seriously...what are you going to do when you are 75 and 80? This is why I want our own forever home because MrG and I are falling apart faster now. Each day that passes, something else goes wrong with our bodies. I have weird scarey dreams when I do sleep, and when awake, all I want to do is sleep even though I dread it. And ache? Hip is now worse than my wrists. If I had a choice, I'd take the wrist pain over the hip pain. I can't imagine what you are going thru with your hip plus having to deal with all the crap you are dealing with.:(
Dayum gallantwarrior are going thru some major shit! I sure wish things would go easier on you. Wish you were out of that fridge you call Alaska too, and in warmer tolerable wather and closer to someone that could help. Are you determined to stay there or as you get older, do you think it may be too hard to survive in such harsh conditions and being alone doing it all? Seriously...what are you going to do when you are 75 and 80? This is why I want our own forever home because MrG and I are falling apart faster now. Each day that passes, something else goes wrong with our bodies. I have weird scarey dreams when I do sleep, and when awake, all I want to do is sleep even though I dread it. And ache? Hip is now worse than my wrists. If I had a choice, I'd take the wrist pain over the hip pain. I can't imagine what you are going thru with your hip plus having to deal with all the crap you are dealing with.:(

Gracie have you tried this? Since the doc told me I can't have any more Nsaids (Advil, Motrin, et al), and I refuse to take opioids other than for a very short period, pain management required some other measures. I have found this helps with chronic pain a good deal. Anti-inflammatory, non addictive, no really measurable THC, zero CBD and pretty cheap. I order it from Amazon.

Manitoba Harvest Hemp Oil Softgels, 1000mg, 10g Omega 3&6 per serving, 120 Count (Pack of 1) - Zero CBD
4.2 out of 5 stars
I have something I got from amazon..some kind of cream. Arnicare works better on me. I don't like taking pills. I prefer rubbing the cream on. But I will check it out. :)
Hi everybody.
Mr. P is home, fed and settled in his man cave playing his computer game.
He was surprised and like the new look.

The Doc said he could be up and about driving and riding his Can Am again in 4 to 6 weeks.
Meanwhile I'm his taxi.
Lot's of doctor appointments coming up.
Hi yinz guys. Sorry for the absence. Everybody is fine except my sister-in-law's son from her previous marriage. In the ever evolving institution, rhe American family, there ought to be a term for my relationship to him. Step Uncle comes close. He suffers with a degenerative bone condition effectively destroying his hips. This time last year he had his left hip rebuilt with ceramics and titanium. On January 30th, he had his right hip hardware store installed. May I ask for some groovy Coffee Shop vibes for him?

He is also the father of my, okay here we go again, Step Nephew, Jhett. He's 9 and the world's sweetest kid. I've never seen him throw a fit or pout, just grin.

I've consulted Mimi (my sister-in-law) and we decided Jhett needs an Uncle Ducky of his own. Those of you who have lost minutes from your life reading my ramblings might recall my sainted Uncle Ducky. Uncle Ducky was adventurous, what we in this neck of the woods call 'ornery', a raconteur and general hero of my boyhood. That's not to say Pop wasn't my hero. He was my ideal of a gentleman. But Ducky told the best stories, gave the best birthday gifts, and could be relied on to take the boys out for hot dogs and root beer.

So I took Jhett out for breakfast Saturday morning. Jhett is small for his age, but plays point guard on his school basketball team. And they just won the county elementary school championship! He ordered a build your own omlet with all the available fillings, homefries, a bottle of Frank's Hot Sauce all washed down with chocolate milk.

He made a puddle of hot sauce on the side of his plate. Every forkful got dipped in that puddle. He's nine and could eat styrofoam. He eats like Cool Hand Luke.

So far, I've taught him how funny, and yet regrettable it is to pull my finger. I cut and pasted a Land 'o Lakes one pound butter box so the Indian girl appears to be cupping her lady bumps instead of yet another butter box. I gave him a set of hacky sack balls and taught him to juggle.

I hope I'm making a 'Ducky' impression. It has been fun!
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