USMB Coffee Shop IV

I had a Lincolnshire sausage toasted seeded bread sandwich for breakfast, that won’t last me long, around 2pm I’ll dive into a bowl I bought at the salad bar in a supermarket yesterday, it’s got everything healthy you can imagine in it. I only eat 3 meals a day on weekends.
Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut

Who in the world would want to change something so good? :dunno:

I like good sauerkraut too, especially on Reuben sandwiches and with a really good homemade sausage. But some isn't so great. I know it will make those who don't like it shudder, but 6 to 8 oz of fresh organic sauerkraut juice drunk first thing in the morning has all kinds of heath benefits.
Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut

Who in the world would want to change something so good? :dunno:

I like good sauerkraut too, especially on Reuben sandwiches and with a really good homemade sausage. But some isn't so great. I know it will make those who don't like it shudder, but 6 to 8 oz of fresh organic sauerkraut juice drunk first thing in the morning has all kinds of heath benefits.

:hellno: :puke::puke3:
Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut

Who in the world would want to change something so good? :dunno:

I like good sauerkraut too, especially on Reuben sandwiches and with a really good homemade sausage. But some isn't so great. I know it will make those who don't like it shudder, but 6 to 8 oz of fresh organic sauerkraut juice drunk first thing in the morning has all kinds of heath benefits.
I love the Reuban sandwiches. Yom!

Finished two more on the stack
Night all. Love you guys! :huddle:

Hey Beautress, would you post your recipe for the cleansing of arteries again please? It's so far back I don't have the patience to hunt for it.
Celery. Carrots. Beets. radish garlic. one fourth of one potato, clean but unpeeled.
When you blend them, add a cup of distilled water and they're less likely to clump. Add more if you're putting it in a cup. Save what you can't eat and put it in a soup with legumes, preferably lentils if my memory serves me right (and it doesn't always.)

You can eat them as a raw vegetables. Remember that if you cook them, cover them to preserve, but you will lose some vitamins and minerals. However, as a food preservative measure, you can't beat cooking, and you will derive some nutritive benefits with keeping in mind you're still 100% ahead of sticking with fast food, junk food, and white foods-- thus avoid, white bread, cake, sugar, candy, milk and dairy, syrups. pancake, biscuits, cookies, buns, fried potato chips, corn fries, etc. Using coconut oil in baking will remand some of that carbohydrate fear stuff that goes around. However 70% of the people who have allergies to white products do not know it, they just die young, and the allergy itself is exacerbated by cigarette smoking first or second hand smoke, which can be cataclysmic in smoke-filled board rooms, bars, forest fires, etc.

Foods that fight buildup in arteries: 18 foods to cleanse your arteries - Times of India

Celery (scientifically proven health benefits): Eat More Celery: It Protects From Cancer, Heart Attack, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Arthritis and More

Carrots (backed by studies): 11 Health Benefits of Carrots: Superfood for Improving Eyesight

Beets (Benefits): Eat More Beets to Boost Recovery, Fight Inflammation, Support Liver Detox and Lower Blood Pressure

Radish Health benefits: 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Radish - Natural Food Series

Garlic: (short story): Scientifically Proven Health Benefits of Garlic
(long story, preferred by me, carries precautions): 35 Proven amazing benefits of garlic for skin, hair, and health

Potato (raw, cleaned with skin on): 7 Health and Nutrition Benefits of Potatoes

Black Pepper seasoning benefits: 11 Science-Backed Health Benefits of Black Pepper

If you are going to cleanse your arteries, keep in mind the above beneficent vegetables use together act as an uber superfood, and something you may not know is that modern diets have brought unconscionable lower intestinal blockage due to absence of fibers. When you go back to nature, you will need more toilet paper, and people over the age of 60 who are not used to this should plan ahead by getting adult wipes that will not damage tender and newly-overused skin and gut linings.

You will also lose your craving for white products after a couple of days on this diet which, if you stick with it, will add more years to your life than smoking takes away. Smoking exacerbates all issues with re to the heart and arterial system, and chewing tobacco is even worse. Both nicotine products will weaken cell walls in your arteries resulting in aneurisms, which when bursting will bring about sudden death if in the aorta or artery feeding the medulla oblongata.

Hope this helps you understand why these foods will help you clear your arteries, and don't forget, there are lots of other foods you would never guess in 100 years protect the heart in their own special way, namely, the avocado, and even watermelon.

Keeping nuts handy--almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts(#1), cashews, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, for protein 3 or 4 days a week instead of meat.
Top 10 Healthiest Nuts And Seeds You Should Eat Every Day

Fats: My latest readings contain rave reviews about coconut oil. Of all the fats, this one is said to have the greatest effect on keeping the arteries clean and just right.

Love to all yall who enter this wonderful coffee and respite area of USMB brought to you by the best of the best--Ms. Foxfyre. My asthma is better, but I'm still staying in until I'm stronger. Happily, another quilt was finished this evening and is a little receiving blanket about 40x40 inches in size. Can you imagine being that size and wiggly again? My brain just can't wrap itself around being a newborn.

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