USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
That's a beauty, Ringel! Did you finish the wood from scratch, too?
No, it came rough cut but mostly to shape. I did have to shave, file and sand quite a bit especially in the handle but it did not come as a blank. If it had I would have cut it a little differently and put a brass heel on the bottom of the handle to make it more authentic.

View attachment 392264
Still a beautiful piece of crafting! What's next on the project table?
Pendersoli (same manufacturer as the pistol) Kentucky Long rifle. It kinda, sorta, maybe looks like a Reading County Flintlock but I have lots of work to do on it to make it look almost like the Reading.
Here's the reading;


Here's the Pendersoli Kentucky:

View attachment 392468
The one thing I can't do anything about is the length, the Kentucky is much shorter.

Actually got these kits at a steal which is the only real reason I bought them.

Ahhh the Reading. For starter people,,, look at the patchbox, look at the drop in the stock, the comb.. Pedersoli makes very fine rifles regardless,,, a few not period correct inconsistencies. Still great rifles and shooters.
A custom made Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle is used by Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), and later by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter) “in the Film Revenant”. A pair of rifles were made for the production by Ron Luckenbill, who based them on an original rifle made by John Shuler of Bucks County
The Best Flintlick rifles of that age were made by Germans in Pennsylvania.

Thanks Roy, didn't know that. Pretty sure I saw the movie, or had it on my list. Time to rewatch and pay attention. Got to watch movies several times and pick up more everytime.
Error. The people here are crotchety and cant make up their minds whether to like someone or just gossip about the newbies that just moved in. Its like The View...but they are all old people and all they want to discuss is ailments. Im too loud for them. Too boisterous. Too ALIVE I guess.
Its depressed me so much, I just dont feel like posting or doing anything.
Oh, and I got Evie. She hates it here too. Meows all night, wanting out. Out WHERE? So she is showing her displeasure. No trees to climb, no other cats to play with, no grass, no butterflies to chase. Just a balconey overlooking the VERY BUSY AND LOUD highway.
Error. The people here are crotchety and cant make up their minds whether to like someone or just gossip about the newbies that just moved in. Its like The View...but they are all old people and all they want to discuss is ailments. Im too loud for them. Too boisterous. Too ALIVE I guess.
Its depressed me so much, I just dont feel like posting or doing anything.
Oh, and I got Evie. She hates it here too. Meows all night, wanting out. Out WHERE? So she is showing her displeasure. No trees to climb, no other cats to play with, no grass, no butterflies to chase. Just a balconey overlooking the VERY BUSY AND LOUD highway.

So sorry Gracie. Hopefully something better will open up soon.
Saturday morning!

Let's go bowling, Dude.

Let the cartoon begin!

As a kid, I was always so happy when it was Tom and Jerry. I also loved Bugs Bunny and the Coyote and Roadrunner. Mr. Magoo not so much and a few others were just meh. The cartoon, along with a news reel and a short subject cliffhanger complimented double feature westerns. I was in love with Roy Rogers and Audie Murphy and was excited if it was Hoppalong Cassidy or Lash Larue. Barely tolerated Gene Autry, Johnny Mack Brown, or Randolph Scott--so disappointed if they were the stars.
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
That's a beauty, Ringel! Did you finish the wood from scratch, too?
No, it came rough cut but mostly to shape. I did have to shave, file and sand quite a bit especially in the handle but it did not come as a blank. If it had I would have cut it a little differently and put a brass heel on the bottom of the handle to make it more authentic.

View attachment 392264
Still a beautiful piece of crafting! What's next on the project table?
Pendersoli (same manufacturer as the pistol) Kentucky Long rifle. It kinda, sorta, maybe looks like a Reading County Flintlock but I have lots of work to do on it to make it look almost like the Reading.
Here's the reading;


Here's the Pendersoli Kentucky:

View attachment 392468
The one thing I can't do anything about is the length, the Kentucky is much shorter.

Actually got these kits at a steal which is the only real reason I bought them.

Ahhh the Reading. For starter people,,, look at the patchbox, look at the drop in the stock, the comb.. Pedersoli makes very fine rifles regardless,,, a few not period correct inconsistencies. Still great rifles and shooters.
A custom made Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle is used by Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), and later by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter) “in the Film Revenant”. A pair of rifles were made for the production by Ron Luckenbill, who based them on an original rifle made by John Shuler of Bucks County
The Best Flintlick rifles of that age were made by Germans in Pennsylvania.

Thanks Roy, didn't know that. Pretty sure I saw the movie, or had it on my list. Time to rewatch and pay attention. Got to watch movies several times and pick up more everytime.

If I have a hobby as such, it is being a connesuire--the term is applied with a good deal of adaption :)--of good movies. And over the years we have accumulated a pretty good library of VHS tapes, DVDs, Blu Rays, but most are from the 1950's through the 1990's--very few 21st century movies made our collectibles.

For us, especially for me, most modern movies have sloppily constructed plots, unthoughtful editing, little or no character development, and what used to be a craft of great screen writing/story telling, editing, and acting is now mostly predictable dialogue and unnecessary gratuitous graphic violence and sex and/or special effects.
Last edited:
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
That's a beauty, Ringel! Did you finish the wood from scratch, too?
No, it came rough cut but mostly to shape. I did have to shave, file and sand quite a bit especially in the handle but it did not come as a blank. If it had I would have cut it a little differently and put a brass heel on the bottom of the handle to make it more authentic.

View attachment 392264
Still a beautiful piece of crafting! What's next on the project table?
Pendersoli (same manufacturer as the pistol) Kentucky Long rifle. It kinda, sorta, maybe looks like a Reading County Flintlock but I have lots of work to do on it to make it look almost like the Reading.
Here's the reading;


Here's the Pendersoli Kentucky:

View attachment 392468
The one thing I can't do anything about is the length, the Kentucky is much shorter.

Actually got these kits at a steal which is the only real reason I bought them.

Ahhh the Reading. For starter people,,, look at the patchbox, look at the drop in the stock, the comb.. Pedersoli makes very fine rifles regardless,,, a few not period correct inconsistencies. Still great rifles and shooters.
A custom made Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle is used by Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), and later by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter) “in the Film Revenant”. A pair of rifles were made for the production by Ron Luckenbill, who based them on an original rifle made by John Shuler of Bucks County
The Best Flintlick rifles of that age were made by Germans in Pennsylvania.

Thanks Roy, didn't know that. Pretty sure I saw the movie, or had it on my list. Time to rewatch and pay attention. Got to watch movies several times and pick up more everytime.

If I have a hobby as such, it is being a connesuire--the term is applied with a good deal of adaption :)--of good movies. And over the years we have accumulated a pretty good library of VHS tapes, DVDs, Blu Rays, but most are from the 1950's through the 1990's--very few 21st century movies made our collectibles.

For us, especially for me, most modern movies have sloppily constructed plots, unthoughtful editing, little or no character development, and what used to be a craft of great screen writing/story telling, editing, and acting is now mostly predictable dialogue and unnecessary gratuitous graphic violence and sex and/or special effects.
My wife has a huge collection of films also, she was a manageress of a DVD store, if I even touch one of the cases of a DVD of hers she will check I haven’t put it in the wrong order or place.
For me, I love reading, I can read anything, more than likely I have 3-4 books to read, I can leave them for a few days and pick up where I’ve left off as easy as pie.
Collecting...yes I collect first day covers and stamps.
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.
Good for you mate.
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
That's a beauty, Ringel! Did you finish the wood from scratch, too?
No, it came rough cut but mostly to shape. I did have to shave, file and sand quite a bit especially in the handle but it did not come as a blank. If it had I would have cut it a little differently and put a brass heel on the bottom of the handle to make it more authentic.

View attachment 392264
Still a beautiful piece of crafting! What's next on the project table?
Pendersoli (same manufacturer as the pistol) Kentucky Long rifle. It kinda, sorta, maybe looks like a Reading County Flintlock but I have lots of work to do on it to make it look almost like the Reading.
Here's the reading;


Here's the Pendersoli Kentucky:

View attachment 392468
The one thing I can't do anything about is the length, the Kentucky is much shorter.

Actually got these kits at a steal which is the only real reason I bought them.

Ahhh the Reading. For starter people,,, look at the patchbox, look at the drop in the stock, the comb.. Pedersoli makes very fine rifles regardless,,, a few not period correct inconsistencies. Still great rifles and shooters.
A custom made Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle is used by Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), and later by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter) “in the Film Revenant”. A pair of rifles were made for the production by Ron Luckenbill, who based them on an original rifle made by John Shuler of Bucks County
The Best Flintlick rifles of that age were made by Germans in Pennsylvania.
Ah yes, I watched the Revenant............. As expected Hollywood took a great historical event of survival and retribution and Hollywooded it.......... In Hollywood's defense their job isn't to relay history, their job

is to entertain.

The cinematography was great in that movie.
Hi all. Other than working around the house and working on my hobby items I've spent most of my online time on the traditional muzzleloading forum learning and having a little fun. Like with all human endeavors there are multiple schools of thought in this instance with the hard core authentics vs the more relaxed crowd. The hard cores idea is rigid, "if it can't be documented it didn't exist" vs the more relaxed "just because we only have a very few examples doesn't mean it didn't exist in other forms." This "discussion" is mostly related to flintlocks of the time particularly the (modern company) mass produced factory flintlocks vs the custom, hand built, very expensive ones.
I started a bit of a brush fire with a question concerning the historical accuracy of the modern built (Pendersoli) Kentucky Longrifle, a question I already knew the answer to......... Yeah, I'm a stinker....... :lol:
Going to battle with an unarmed opponent (one lacking your knowledge and expertise) isn't really fair, is it?
I'm not opining in the thread, letting everyone else fight it out..........
Oh and I just finished my Kentucky Flintlock Pistol kit.
View attachment 392094
That's a beauty, Ringel! Did you finish the wood from scratch, too?
No, it came rough cut but mostly to shape. I did have to shave, file and sand quite a bit especially in the handle but it did not come as a blank. If it had I would have cut it a little differently and put a brass heel on the bottom of the handle to make it more authentic.

View attachment 392264
Still a beautiful piece of crafting! What's next on the project table?
Pendersoli (same manufacturer as the pistol) Kentucky Long rifle. It kinda, sorta, maybe looks like a Reading County Flintlock but I have lots of work to do on it to make it look almost like the Reading.
Here's the reading;


Here's the Pendersoli Kentucky:

View attachment 392468
The one thing I can't do anything about is the length, the Kentucky is much shorter.

Actually got these kits at a steal which is the only real reason I bought them.

Ahhh the Reading. For starter people,,, look at the patchbox, look at the drop in the stock, the comb.. Pedersoli makes very fine rifles regardless,,, a few not period correct inconsistencies. Still great rifles and shooters.
A custom made Pennsylvania Flintlock Rifle is used by Hugh Glass (Leonardo DiCaprio), and later by John Fitzgerald (Tom Hardy) and Bridger (Will Poulter) “in the Film Revenant”. A pair of rifles were made for the production by Ron Luckenbill, who based them on an original rifle made by John Shuler of Bucks County
The Best Flintlick rifles of that age were made by Germans in Pennsylvania.

Thanks Roy, didn't know that. Pretty sure I saw the movie, or had it on my list. Time to rewatch and pay attention. Got to watch movies several times and pick up more everytime.

If I have a hobby as such, it is being a connesuire--the term is applied with a good deal of adaption :)--of good movies. And over the years we have accumulated a pretty good library of VHS tapes, DVDs, Blu Rays, but most are from the 1950's through the 1990's--very few 21st century movies made our collectibles.

For us, especially for me, most modern movies have sloppily constructed plots, unthoughtful editing, little or no character development, and what used to be a craft of great screen writing/story telling, editing, and acting is now mostly predictable dialogue and unnecessary gratuitous graphic violence and sex and/or special effects.
My wife has a huge collection of films also, she was a manageress of a DVD store, if I even touch one of the cases of a DVD of hers she will check I haven’t put it in the wrong order or place.
For me, I love reading, I can read anything, more than likely I have 3-4 books to read, I can leave them for a few days and pick up where I’ve left off as easy as pie.
Collecting...yes I collect first day covers and stamps.

Well I don't want to get sexist or anything but frankly you guys aren't good at putting away movies. I have ours organized by genre and I've sort of suggested--okay insisted--that Hombre not put them them back in the cabinets. :)
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.

How the rehab going GW? You're not overdoing it are you?
Hey GW....I'm so glad you finally made the move to get your partner out of your life forever. Let him fight. You can always fight back and I know you will. Be careful of that hip though and do try to not be alone for awhile. Who knows....Partner may just get fed up and move to Panama like he's been saying. One can hope.

Meanwhile, I still hate it here. Its steadily getting worse, so we keep to ourselves as much as possible...and continue to wait for home to call. Id prefer to go back to living in my van, to be honest. This place is worse than being homeless. But, MrG cannot handle it, we stay for now.
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.
Prayers up for you GW. :huddle:
Hey GW....I'm so glad you finally made the move to get your partner out of your life forever. Let him fight. You can always fight back and I know you will. Be careful of that hip though and do try to not be alone for awhile. Who knows....Partner may just get fed up and move to Panama like he's been saying. One can hope.

Meanwhile, I still hate it here. Its steadily getting worse, so we keep to ourselves as much as possible...and continue to wait for home to call. Id prefer to go back to living in my van, to be honest. This place is worse than being homeless. But, MrG cannot handle it, we stay for now.
Prayers up for you, Miss Gracie. Those fires so close are just awful. Maybe this will be the week Ma Nature will help the fires go out.
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.

How the rehab going GW? You're not overdoing it are you?
Morning, Foxy!
Rehab is going well, I have to call to schedule my physical therapy and my 2-wk post-op is Thursday. I walked about .2 miles yesterday and am up daily doing some light things that don't require bending. Brother won't let me overdo but I do need to get up to speed before he leaves. Right now he's planning on leaving on the 10th/Oct and I have to be able to feed my animals, at the very least.
How are things going in NM?
Hey GW....I'm so glad you finally made the move to get your partner out of your life forever. Let him fight. You can always fight back and I know you will. Be careful of that hip though and do try to not be alone for awhile. Who knows....Partner may just get fed up and move to Panama like he's been saying. One can hope.

Meanwhile, I still hate it here. Its steadily getting worse, so we keep to ourselves as much as possible...and continue to wait for home to call. Id prefer to go back to living in my van, to be honest. This place is worse than being homeless. But, MrG cannot handle it, we stay for now.
Wow, Gracie! Now you guys have a roof but have to live like hermits. What a mess. I'm still crossing my hooks in hope that you will get that long-awaited call from home.
Update on the former partner situation: I filed for both temporary and permanent restraining orders yesterday and the temp has been granted with a hearing set for the permanent. He's been working on this for a long time now but two preciptating events specifically broke the camel's back. First, I asked him to go home to his place in Anchorage to allow me less stress so I can heal and recuperate. He refused but finally left on HIS terms, forcing me to tolerate his ugliness for the first few days post-op. Then, yesterday, he had a hearing on the DV case that occurred back in Feb (?). I found out that he hasn't answered and of the three other summons to appear and is now facing a bench warrant for his arrest for failure to appear. He seems to believe that if he stonewalls the court like he's stonewalled me all these years, the case will be dismissed. BAD mistake.
Prayers up for you GW. :huddle:
Prayers up for you, too Beau. I worry about your new guy, too. You take care and look out for yourself. Hugs!
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.

How the rehab going GW? You're not overdoing it are you?
Morning, Foxy!
Rehab is going well, I have to call to schedule my physical therapy and my 2-wk post-op is Thursday. I walked about .2 miles yesterday and am up daily doing some light things that don't require bending. Brother won't let me overdo but I do need to get up to speed before he leaves. Right now he's planning on leaving on the 10th/Oct and I have to be able to feed my animals, at the very least.
How are things going in NM?

We're still way too much in lockdown here in New Mexico but otherwise all is good.
Greetings, CS friends!
Checking in to see how y'all are doing.
Don't remember whether I told you that the former partner was finally served and removed from my property. He'll most likely fight to the bitter end but it will all be for the best. I've been dragging junk and detritus to the dump almost every week this summer and now I've got a chance of keeping the place clean.
Here's wishing you all the best.

How the rehab going GW? You're not overdoing it are you?
Morning, Foxy!
Rehab is going well, I have to call to schedule my physical therapy and my 2-wk post-op is Thursday. I walked about .2 miles yesterday and am up daily doing some light things that don't require bending. Brother won't let me overdo but I do need to get up to speed before he leaves. Right now he's planning on leaving on the 10th/Oct and I have to be able to feed my animals, at the very least.
How are things going in NM?

We're still way too much in lockdown here in New Mexico but otherwise all is good.
The only place still locked down here is Anchorage.

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