USMB Coffee Shop IV

You stumped Pogo, you stumped Pogo!!! Neener nanny boo boo, you stumped Pogo!!! :auiqs.jpg: :adoreheart:

DID NOT DID NOT :funnyface:

I said it's center-justified. That's unusual. :eusa_snooty:

I don't think a dearth of "E" is particularly unusual, even if it was uh.... keenly engineeered (goddammit) to get there. Doesn't have any Js, Qs Vs or Zs either. Unless one types "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz" we could find some letter not present in almost anything. :dunno:

Does remind me of this old chestnut though:

Count the iterations of the letter F (no cheating with "Find" on the keyboard) in this sentence:

"Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years.”

I got 5 f's from that sentence. But I think I recall another similar sentence & what trips us up so not entirely sure I was starting from scratch on that one.
I see 6.

Six is correct. "Finished files are the result of years of scientific study combined with the experience of many years.”

That thing is usually presented on a blackboard or slide projector screen where the reader can't manipulate anything, and what trips people up is that the initial Fs ("finished files") make themselves obvious while the voiced Fs of the word "of" slip by. Plus there's a buried one in "scientific".

It's an interesting study of how we relate written and spoken language, and/or maybe the way the two sides of the brain interact. We sort of translate the letters into spoken language in that transaction.

I type very fast, and often I'll see that while intending to type the word "one" my fingers have just typed "won", even though "won" wouldn't make any sense in the sentence, and I have to stop and fix it. On the other hand I don't think I've ever done the reverse.
lately, I have been experiencing some dyslexia type situations. I can type pretty fast, but sometimes my fingers get hung up. Sometimes I edit..sometimes not.

For example...

Yuo cna porbalby raed tihs esaliy desptie teh msispeillgns.


It deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe."

So I tells meself..why bother to edit?:spinner:
I'll jsut trwil on my stoul. :biggrin:

I found that I could understand that with maybe 10% slowdown factor. :thup:

Spoken language does something similar, there's a lot we don't hear (some of us more than others) but we piece together what we did hear from the context.

The brain is a wonderful invention. Shame so many people want to get rid of it.
Anyway....I hear your pain at losses. Which is why I enjoy being a loner. Here...not so much. I am the youngest here (at the old folks apartments). New friends are in their 80's and over.
Yeah I had a good friend, fellow veteran, told me the VA told him he had cancer of the liver. Wonder why since he loved his Crown Royal on the rocks, daily, but a year later he was dead. I saw him 5 days before he died, and he didn't look bad at all. I was actually shocked. Then a biker friend of mine died that I used to work with, knew him for a long, long time. Farmer pulled a wagon across the road thinking he could beat traffic and he hit the wagon he was pulling with his Harley trike. No disrespect to my buddy but, had he been wearing a helmet, he'd still be alive, because he wasn't banged up all that bad. He died of brain swelling. Then another veteran buddy of mine, also a fellow biker, and my neighbor, same age, tells me the VA found cancer in him, lung cancer. Well he smoked ever since he was 7 or some crap, and then quit but sucked on a vape from sun up to sun down. I tried to tell him to quit but, he just blew it off, said "the damage is already done." Well, it is now, he died back in November. Then this girl I used to kinda have the hots for, Angie, we hung out back in the day, but only 48 years old, apparently died after having a seizure, just a few months ago. I could go on and on listing names of people I used to know around here that are dead. Just unbelievable. Starting to feel kinda lonely. Maybe a new toy will cheer me up... :20:

Hey, that's like my Deere!
COOL... yeah it's coming up for auction at my cousins auction yard here in town, Apr. 9th. I believe it to be an early '70's but it's only got 1,158 hours on the ticker, so it's in really, really super nice condition. My cousin thinks it should go for around $5K, maybe a little more, but I don't care, it's coming home with me. I've been looking for a loader / backhoe tractor for years. I have things to do around here that I absolutely need one for. I've looked at quite a few, even skid loaders, saw a couple others at auctions, but they've all looked pretty whipped. This JD here is in great shape. It's got my name all over it.
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So how the hell has everyone been?
Hey, 007! How have you been? Long time, no see.
Been having a couple minor issues but, I was trying to self medicate and avoid the covid creepy crud, so I started taking extra vitamin D and C. Well, come to find out, too much vitamin D can be detrimental. It can cause irritability, stomach pain, nausea and constipation, all of which I experienced. So I laid off the D and started to feel better within days. I also had to lay off the coffee. I grind my own beans and love the stuff, but alas, I think it's the cause of the anxiety I was having once and awhile. I haven't had any coffee for awhile and no anxiety. So right now I'm back on my gym, lovin' life and feelin' great.
Attn Gracie.

I watched a BBC documentary about California on Sunday night. (The British are very good at informative docs on the United States) There was a segment on Paradise, which gave a detailed account of the shocking devastation there, both visually and eye witness accounts. One lady in tears, kept coming back to visit what had been her house.

The programme then went on to show the voluntary/firefighters’ forest management initiatives: burning off low level brush and dry wood.

Also what disturbed me: Redwood tree poaching. Poachers cutting off certain knobbly parts of the tree to make ornamental bowls and the like. Some of those trees are over 300 years old.
Attn Gracie.

I watched a BBC documentary about California on Sunday night. (The British are very good at informative docs on the United States) There was a segment on Paradise, which gave a detailed account of the shocking devastation there, both visually and eye witness accounts. One lady in tears, kept coming back to visit what had been her house.

The programme then went on to show the voluntary/firefighters’ forest management initiatives: burning off low level brush and dry wood.

Also what disturbed me: Redwood tree poaching. Poachers cutting off certain knobbly parts of the tree to make ornamental bowls and the like. Some of those trees are over 300 years old.
That "knobbly" part on a tree is called a burl, and they are very desirable for wood work of any kind because of the marbling in the grain. Yes, tree poaching is a problem. Anyone caught doing it should be locked up.
Since I've last been posting, I've gone through a few vehicles. Had a 2015 Chevy 2500HD Silverado LTZ, then traded that in on a new 2017 Camaro 2SS, then traded that and everything else in on a new 2018 Chevy 1500 Silverado High Country, and that quickly developed transmission problems, so I unloaded that on a new 2019 Chevy 1500 Silverado LTZ Max Trailering Package, and I am very happy with that truck. Had it for about a year and a half now. It's heavier duty than the 1500, but not quite a 2500. It's like a 5/8 ton truck, 10 speed, 425hp 6.2L, loaded with all the goodies, it's a keeper. Looking back on all that car trading, I could kick myself because it was incredibly costly. I probably wound up losing about $20K. In any case, the Camaro was really fun to own, and I wound up with a better truck than I thought I would. It's white, and... lots of white... so recently I added a OEM GM stripe kit to it. I think it looks crazy cool...


We bought our first Subaru in the 1980's and have driven nothing else since except for one Taurus, late model, very low mileage, at a great price. Loved the car but it turned out to be a lemon--had been wrecked which the salesman denied when we bought it. But we love the Subarus for reliability, comfort, all terrain and all weather vehicles. And we pretty well drive the wheels off one before we trade it for a new one. But we've always wanted a truck too for utility purposes. Maybe one day.
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It wasn't just tree poaching. Magalia is known as Methville, and Magalia was spared. So the methheads were there looting while the fires still burned.

They didn't let us all back in for almost a damn month. By then, what wasn't burned, was stolen.
I'm up there in a few days. Gotta hit the Feather River Smoke Shop (yes, I am still smoking), and Paradise is only 25 miles further up. So...I thought I'd go drive around, visit the old neighborhood.
If you do visit Paradise, Gracie, it would be interesting to read your impressions of the place.

And any attempts to rebuild the area. Which was also touched on in the BBC documentary.
They ARE rebuilding, but it will no longer be the semi sleepy hamlet it once was with all the unique characters. When we first got there, I thought I was in Duck Dynasty turf, along with some ZZTop guys. Beards down to their bellybuttons, lots of camo wear, big honkin' old trucks. Laid back and happy in their town.

Now, it is going to be yuppieville. Work in Chico, drive 16 miles home to Paradise with all the smart yuppie shops and coffee houses. :(

The quaintness is gone. So is the hoarding. That was pretty bad. Junk all over front and back yards in many places. The hoity toity area was cleaner but it overlooked the ridge. Fire doesn't give a shit about hoity toities..they burned too. Now it will be condos and huge homes soon. I have been there 3 or 4 times since the fire. Each time made me sad. This will be no different.

Hey Rambunctious. I missed your post yesterday, but welcome to the Coffee Shop. Your video you posted is interesting. Not sure I would have the patience to do that for a cup of coffee--our Mr. Coffee makes pretty darn good coffee--but I can see how that would be possible as he did it in the video. Anyhow, again welcome and keep right on joining in.

First timers to the Coffee Shop receive a complimentary beverage:

Good morning darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Good results for Nosmo King 's step nephew dealing with difficult surgeries.
Ringel, Peach, Gracie, everybody dealing with depression and adjustment.
Mindful's daughter diagnosed with cancer.
Ollie's brother recovering from major surgery.
Beautress for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day everybody!!!

Back in our partying days, Hombre & I enjoyed Irish Coffee made with Baileys around Saint Patty's Day and it is still a yummy good drink. But for those of us who don't drink these days, or never did, a non-alcoholic version is pretty darn good:


  • 2/3 cup strong black coffee (157 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons light brown sugar
  • ¼ teaspoon rum extract
  • ½ cup heavy whipping cream (60 ml)
  • 2 teaspoons cocoa powder, for garnish (optional)
  1. Fill a glass mug with ⅔ cup of hot coffee. Add the sugar and rum extract and stir until dissolved. Let the cup stand still until the mixture has completely stopped swirling.
  2. Meanwhile, beat the cream in a medium bowl until it's thick and airy, but still pourable. Pour it into a jug with a spout.
  3. Pour the cream over the back of a spoon right in the center of each mug.
  4. If desired, dust the cream with cocoa powder using a stencil, and serve immediately.
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