USMB Coffee Shop IV

Update: 3 days ago Brother decided he had been too sick for too long and went in to the E R... He said there was at least 50 people there with the same symptoms. They gave him prednisone and an Antibiotic the following morning he was feeling better, He's been better each day and today his covid test came back negative. I knew that when the prednisone started working..... And I must have had the same thing but getting better without any meds....
Update: 3 days ago Brother decided he had been too sick for too long and went in to the E R... He said there was at least 50 people there with the same symptoms. They gave him prednisone and an Antibiotic the following morning he was feeling better, He's been better each day and today his covid test came back negative. I knew that when the prednisone started working..... And I must have had the same thing but getting better without any meds....
I hope you stay well, Ollie. You helped a lot of people find their service MIA remains that puts you in military family hearts right up there at the top. In my book anyways.
Foxfyre, my condolences to you and your family on the loss of your sister. It's a blessing her passing was peaceful and her family was able to be with her. Are you able to have a service for her, or are you waiting until all of this is over?

My friend has her cancer tests back and her doctor assured her the lymph nodes are not showing signs of cancer or of becoming cancerous. He's referring her to the oncologist who treated her cancer for a consultation and a second opinion, because he knows my friend and he knows she'll worry about it. We are both so relieved.

My youngest wants to go to a Blues Festival in Port Credit, just outside of Toronto. The headliners are Downchild Blues Band, who are celebrating their 50th Anniversary with a tour of Canada. I've been a Downchild fan since they played a party I attended in 1969, and they offered my ex a job as their guitarist. He turned them down.

Tickets are only $15 and the venue is 500 metres from the Port Credit GO Station. We're taking my 2 grandkids who I haven't seen since my birthday. This will be my first "event" since getting vaccinated, other than lunches and dinners out with friends.
A copy cat and leather imitation not real leather, the real one or original is from 700 € or more, way too expensive but this one is good too polyester. It is robust.
Looks good but it's 90+ f degrees for highs here for the next several days--running 100+ in West Texas just east of us.
Good morning...... I think......... Just woke up after a nice 3 and a half, 4 hour sleep, sucking down coffee and wondering why I'm not still in bed asleep. :lol:
I definitely see a nap in my future today, maybe two. :)
Sigh. Now my sister-in-law (Hombre's twin) and her daughter are both in the hospital with COVID, and the daughter is having trouble breathing. Neither were vaccinated. Prayers and positive vibes going their way would be of great help.
Bless your heart, foxfyre. I pray that your Hombre's sis and niece heal in short order. My brother called and his schoolteacher wife came down with it last week and he has to stay away from his job for a few days even though he tested negative twice since then. My cousin's ex has a terrible case and his life has been on the line for the past two or three weeks. We had a million people cross our border in the last few months and a high percentage of them entered who knows where except by satellite information not available to us. A high percentage of them are carrying the South America strain which is thought to be the deadliest yet so it's no wonder America is having a Covid researgence, and I hear it is bad all over so I have been not going to the store very frequently any more.

Prayers up for all of you who have experienced loss and illness recently in your circles of families, church, and friends. Most of you who who come here bring comfort and joy to one another. It is hard to believe I've been here over 10 years but it is great to be the beneficiaries of the friend that Foxfyre is to everyone alike. This has to be the best thread on the net. See yall around. :huddle:
Good morning...... I think......... Just woke up after a nice 3 and a half, 4 hour sleep, sucking down coffee and wondering why I'm not still in bed asleep. :lol:
I definitely see a nap in my future today, maybe two. :)
Sounds like a winner Mr. Ringel. I was just getting ready to take a nap due to a headache. I decided to take up chocolate lately because the sciences have found beneficial properties of the stuff, I completely forgot it gives me headaches. I got caught up in reading the lower calories that dark chocolate so even though I didn't eat a whole lot the concentration of one of those substances is probably quadrupled with less sugar and more of the real deal in smaller quantities of it. At least the phenaline in chocolate puts a little cheer in the equation with the reputation.
*giggle* *ouch* *giggle* * ouch* .... naptime....
Sounds like a winner Mr. Ringel. I was just getting ready to take a nap due to a headache. I decided to take up chocolate lately because the sciences have found beneficial properties of the stuff, I completely forgot it gives me headaches. I got caught up in reading the lower calories that dark chocolate so even though I didn't eat a whole lot the concentration of one of those substances is probably quadrupled with less sugar and more of the real deal in smaller quantities of it. At least the phenaline in chocolate puts a little cheer in the equation with the reputation.
*giggle* *ouch* *giggle* * ouch* .... naptime....

We have an amazing chocolate shop in Wainfleet. I used to live in Wainfleet and walked to the chocolate shop often. Last week, we stopped off on our way home, and a bought a small box of mixed diabetic chocolates for my friend for her birthday. And some truffles for me!!

I have a dear friend is who going through a really bad patch at the moment. Last year, he fell in love and moved in with a woman with a teenage daughter. The relationship ended at Christmas quite badly. He moved to a cheap motel outside town and started looking for an apartment. He found nothing, below $1000 a month. He has now found a studio apartment, which he can afford, but only because his cousin owns the building and it was never advertised. He finished painting on the weekend and is getting ready to move in.

Which brings us to his furniture. He put all of his valued possessions into storage when he moved in with his sweetie. Two months ago, the storage company notified him that there had been a break at their facility and 5 lockers had been cleaned out. He was not insured. So we're now helping him to get more furniture.

Last but not least, he got fired from his job of 9 years - a month ago. He's 63, a low skill worker and unlikely to get hired anytime soon. And two years short of receiving his Old Age Pension, or OAS Supplemental, which would give him a guaranteed income. He's a jack of all trades and his family is one of the oldest around here. He's one of 7 children, and there are streets in this town named for his relatives, as well as multiple family owned businesses. Relatives are giving him odd jobs, and hiring him for day labour, so he may end up with his own small handyman business - I'll help him with the paperwork to set it up. He already has 3 clients - lawns and home maintenance for widows, and helping out on his cousin's farm.

Today I helped print out the forms to hire a lawyer to sue for wrongful dismissal. The company recently put a new manager in charge of his yard, and the has been trying to get rid of him since he got there. The offered him a settlement but it's half what should have been offered under the law.

Fortunately he has a lot of family and friends here. This is the great part of living in a small town.
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We have an amazing chocolate shop in Wainfleet. I used to live in Wainfleet and walked to the chocolate shop often. Last week, we stopped off on our way home, and a bought a small box of mixed diabetic chocolates for my friend for her birthday. And some truffles for me!!

I have a dear friend is who going through a really bad patch at the moment. Last year, he fell in love and moved in with a woman with a teenage daughter. The relationship ended at Christmas quite badly. He moved to a cheap motel outside town and started looking for an apartment. He found nothing, below $1000 a month. He has now found a studio apartment, which he can afford, but only because his cousin owns the building and it was never advertised. He finished painting on the weekend and is getting ready to move in.

Which brings us to his furniture. He put all of his valued possessions into storage when he moved in with his sweetie. Two months ago, the storage company notified him that there had been a break at their facility and 5 lockers had been cleaned out. He was not insured. So we're now helping him to get more furniture.

Last but not least, he got fired from his job of 9 years - a month ago. He's 63, a low skill worker and unlikely to get hired anytime soon. And two years short of receiving his Old Age Pension, or OAS Supplemental, which would give him a guaranteed income. He's a jack of all trades and his family is one of the oldest around here. He's one of 7 children, and there are streets in this town named for his relatives, as well as multiple family owned businesses. Relatives are giving him odd jobs, and hiring him for day labour, so he may end up with his own small handyman business - I'll help him with the paperwork to set it up. He already has 3 clients - lawns and home maintenance for widows, and helping out on his cousin's farm.

Today I helped print out the forms to hire a lawyer to sue for wrongful dismissal. The company recently put a new manager in charge of his yard, and the has been trying to get rid of him since he got there. The offered him a settlement but it's half what should have been offered under the law.
Some states here have laws against firing people shortly before retirement benefits kick in. Prayers up for your friend for all his recent bad luck. They say trouble comes in threes. :(
Every day after dinner I go for a cardiac walk. I take different routs around the village. I take my digital camera with me and zoom in on things that catch my eye. This was from yesterdays walk.


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