USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good God I need a break from the insanity and stupidity out there on the board.......... One can only read so much before suicide becomes a viable option......... Virtual suicide of course.
I agree which I why I venture into the political or SJW threads very very seldom. And politics on Facebook and/or Twitter et al isn't any better.
SFC Ollie spends weeks every year getting his spectacular showcase Halloween display together. Folks come from miles around to see it. So what do you think Ollie? Is this a bit much? :)

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There is no doubt that this is over kill. But pretty awesome none the less.
This year at my place.


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I had a lovely meet-up with my daughter on the Greek island of Kos. A gentle and magical place. Over too soon. I hadn’t realised how stressed I was in Europe.

She looked very well and recovered from her two surgeries.
Such good news. And I completely understand how some places just melt away the stress and anxiety.
Hope everybody's doing okay. I think a hacker tried to steal my savings by trying to use it for the purchase of a computer and headphones to be sent to another state. Today I could barely buy dogfood because after talking to the bank last Friday I can't use my checking account or credit card. I got twenty dollars to my name now. Guess I get to be in line on Monday to find out my alternatives are. I have to pay my property tax next week.

Oh, well....modern life with open borders and a lot of hackers coming across. I guess that's part and parcel of being a border state resident.

I guess I will pray for enemies tonight. My faith says so. Dear God, please keep my good friends safe from malappropriations from funds they need to buy food and pay biils from. :hands:

Y'all have a really good week. :huddle:
Had a routine Doc appointment Friday morning. I've been controlling type II Diabetes with exercise and diet for about a year now. A1C was 5.7.. That's a good thing.
Cholesterol to include triglycerides were within normal ranges. That's a really good thing for a 68 year old who has 0 stents and a 4 way bypass.
And the bad news is what appears to be a hernia. I go in Wednesday for an ultra sound to check it out.
Hope everybody's doing okay. I think a hacker tried to steal my savings by trying to use it for the purchase of a computer and headphones to be sent to another state. Today I could barely buy dogfood because after talking to the bank last Friday I can't use my checking account or credit card. I got twenty dollars to my name now. Guess I get to be in line on Monday to find out my alternatives are. I have to pay my property tax next week.

Oh, well....modern life with open borders and a lot of hackers coming across. I guess that's part and parcel of being a border state resident.

I guess I will pray for enemies tonight. My faith says so. Dear God, please keep my good friends safe from malappropriations from funds they need to buy food and pay biils from. :hands:

Y'all have a really good week. :huddle:
Wow Beautress. And yes, you need to get to the bank right away. We haven't had any problems like that but some we know have so we gave in and installed Norton w/Lifelock on our computers. Great peace of mind.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis for the best possible housing solution.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Hombre's niece still in the hospital in critical condition with COVID.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family for wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome.
SFC Ollie for good test results and remedy if one is needed.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Autumn in Lowellville OH
Hope everybody's doing okay. I think a hacker tried to steal my savings by trying to use it for the purchase of a computer and headphones to be sent to another state. Today I could barely buy dogfood because after talking to the bank last Friday I can't use my checking account or credit card. I got twenty dollars to my name now. Guess I get to be in line on Monday to find out my alternatives are. I have to pay my property tax next week.

Oh, well....modern life with open borders and a lot of hackers coming across. I guess that's part and parcel of being a border state resident.

I guess I will pray for enemies tonight. My faith says so. Dear God, please keep my good friends safe from malappropriations from funds they need to buy food and pay biils from. :hands:

Y'all have a really good week. :huddle:

My bank has a "full return of funds" policy in the event of theft of your funds, while using e-banking. I hope you get your money back soon, beautress.

Hackers don't have to be in the same country as you are, and quite frequently are not in the USA or Canada. If my account is hacked by someone within our borders, they're likely to get caught and prosecuted. If some guy in another country hacks my account, he got away with it. Because for the amount he's stealing from me, it's not worth the cost of pursuing him across the world.

Sadly for Americans, I believe Canada has become a mecca for those wishing to prey upon Americans. Call centres, stock market scams. Talking old people out of their money.

On a bright note, a few months ago, my former neighbour was fired from his job of 9 years. He's 62, in not great health, and he's been a low wage worker all of his life. He applied for two jobs last week, and actually worked at one company for 3 days, hated it, and is starting at the other place today. He knows other people who work there and he thinks he'll be better off there.

In 2 1/2 years he'll turn 65, which in Canada is referred to as your "cash for life" birthday. He'll qualify for $19,000 per year - tax free, in government pensions, in addition to medical, dental and prescriptions, for life. But he's the kind of guy who will keep working because it gives him something to do all day. So he'll still get $13,000 per year, plus medical and prescriptions, plus his earnings.

On a selfish note, he used to work in Hamilton, so I could get a ride into the city with him any work morning. The new job is local, which will save him gas, and wear and tear on his car. Gas is $1.43 a litre here at the moment, which works out to around $5.75 a gallon. It was down around $0.99 a litre last year - $4.00 a gallon.

Over the past year, he's gone through hell, including a stretch pf being, in essence, homeless, but it looks like he's landing on his feet. He has a trailer in an RV park, so he moved into his trailer when the park opened for the summer. He's moved into a nice apartment just down the street, and his trailer is now winterized and closed.

He's starting a new job, closer to home - no 1 1/2 hour commute round trip. And he has a lawyer who expects to get him a nice chunk of change on his wrong dismissal case. When he does retire, he'll start a handyman business. He already has some clients lined up.

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