USMB Coffee Shop IV

Week's progress:
1. taught self how to feed both flocks of chickens.
2. got front fence trimmed on northwest pasture and mowed 6 feet swath by wood fence in case field burns ever again.
3. I've been checking out 1 child's Spanish story/"picture" book mostly bilingual, and some of them are atarting to make sense by reading slower.
4. For some reason, I'm falling asleep a lot some days, usually when doing tedious reading extremely short Spanish stories online, but on the positive side by the tenth reading what is being said is becoming more clear. Maybe seeing the Spanish word, "aburrido," which translates "I am bored" means something. :auiqs.jpg:
5. It's great to come here and see how everyone is which keeps me awake. For some reason Foxy's delightful polite to everyone thread has thoroughly been a blessing to me.
Big hug to anyone here who needs one. :huddle: Take good care of yourselves! I love this thread! Thanks Foxfyre!!!!!!!
You have chickens???

Can we see some pics??? I love animals!!!!
For me and my Toronto friends, this weekend is practically a religious retreat. Skate Canada Weekend. My FaceBook "memories" feed has been filled with group photos taken in the stands and restaurants in various Canadian cities: Kitchener, Ottawa, Quebec City, Montreal, Mississauga, from Skate Canada's past. There was no live event for fans last year so it's special this year.

It's in Vancouver so none of my close friends are going, but they are having our first skating even get together since 2019 and I'm unable to attend in person due to a lack of transportation. My usual reliable rides are (a) moving; (b) injured and unable to drive; (c) car is broken down; and (d) working. First world problems.

So I'm watching it live on TV. And making plans to go to Ottawa next year.
Had my first chemo yesterday. It all went well. My oncologist and I had a long talk. He says that I have six months to a year and a half of lifeleft but most likely only a year. Said to get my estate in order. I told hi I would do my part, the doctors would do their part and God would do his part. It al depends on the chemo. It’s all in God’s hands’s hands.

Knowing how much time you have left can be a blessing. My advice is to get the business end done as quickly as possible, and then make the most of whatever time you have left. I know a lot of people who were given six months to live who went on to live 5 years and have a good life during that time. Lots of good thoughts and prayers to you.
Had my first chemo yesterday. It all went well. My oncologist and I had a long talk. He says that I have six months to a year and a half of lifeleft but most likely only a year. Said to get my estate in order. I told hi I would do my part, the doctors would do their part and God would do his part. It al depends on the chemo. It’s all in God’s hands’s hands.
Garlic and turmeric are supposed to be agents that punch cancer in the nose. They're also helpful in healing wounds of the skin. they both come in gel capsules and garlic gelcaps without the scent are supposed to work just as well, and both of them are supposed to synergize the chemo to good effect. You won't find either in the doctor field unless your doctor is one in 500 who know how to use homeopathic wisdom. Back when doctors made the change from old time prevention and remedial to pathological healing more people had longer lives. But there is some evidence that some primitive tribal folk who have no pathological healing whatever have longer life expentencies than any other culture. One of those societies was on the Island of Okinawa, and the other society was the Maories that lived on islands in the South seas in and around either Australia and New Zealand. I've done a lot of reading on longevity but that's all I recall reading about for this day and age. I also remember something about some living to be over 100 in the high Himilayas. Even here, I have read that people dying of cancer stop any bad habits and start eating dark green and orange vegetables and fruits plus more fish can overcome the disease. They're adding more years to peoples lives at MD Anderson hospital Houston that has broken through to healing all cancers at all stages so long as the patient has a pulse. They combine pathology with nutrition to get that result so I've heard. They added 10 years to my sister's life when she was told by her family doctor to get her affairs in order. Her father in law had heard about the cancer healing protocol at MD Anderson, and he paid for her 6 months at their healing mecca in Galveston at a beachside hotel hospital.
I'm grateful for that 10 years because I retired 6 months later and moved to the same city Janice lived in to watch over her for whatever time she had left. I'm so grateful I got to know her in those years.
I found this on the Internet:

Herbs, spices, root veggies, bulb plants like onion and garlic.................this is what they used to treat illness before there was any such thing as "modern medicine".

From the dawn of Neanderthals to the Pharaohs, Kings, Queens, and Dictators of the past...........
organics were used in the process of treating illnesses of all kinds.

If you want to know what these things can do, then you need to find a "Green Witch" or Organic Apothecary.
They are experts in the fields of organics being used for healing purposes.

There are also tons of books on the subject.
Garlic and turmeric are supposed to be agents that punch cancer in the nose. They're also helpful in healing wounds of the skin. they both come in gel capsules and garlic gelcaps without the scent are supposed to work just as well, and both of them are supposed to synergize the chemo to good effect. You won't find either in the doctor field unless your doctor is one in 500 who know how to use homeopathic wisdom. Back when doctors made the change from old time prevention and remedial to pathological healing more people had longer lives. But there is some evidence that some primitive tribal folk who have no pathological healing whatever have longer life expentencies than any other culture. One of those societies was on the Island of Okinawa, and the other society was the Maories that lived on islands in the South seas in and around either Australia and New Zealand. I've done a lot of reading on longevity but that's all I recall reading about for this day and age. I also remember something about some living to be over 100 in the high Himilayas. Even here, I have read that people dying of cancer stop any bad habits and start eating dark green and orange vegetables and fruits plus more fish can overcome the disease. They're adding more years to peoples lives at MD Anderson hospital Houston that has broken through to healing all cancers at all stages so long as the patient has a pulse. They combine pathology with nutrition to get that result so I've heard. They added 10 years to my sister's life when she was told by her family doctor to get her affairs in order. Her father in law had heard about the cancer healing protocol at MD Anderson, and he paid for her 6 months at their healing mecca in Galveston at a beachside hotel hospital.
I'm grateful for that 10 years because I retired 6 months later and moved to the same city Janice lived in to watch over her for whatever time she had left. I'm so grateful I got to know her in those years.
That's why I suggest people read up on the Budwig program, i.e. the real thing and not all the knock offs out there. The scientific community says the science doesn't support it, but we have a dear friend whose cancer had taken over pretty much his entire ear, had metastasized, and his onocologists said with amputation of the ear and chemo he might live another year. He chose instead to go on the Budwig program and noticed some improvement within 2 weeks or so. In six months the doctors pronounced him cancer free. He was in his mid 70's at the time and now some years later he's healthy as a horse.

But I'm sure others may not have the same success so everybody should do what they trust and feel is right for them.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here. Meanwhile we pray or send positive vibes or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Gracie & Dennis for the best possible housing solution.
Beautress for continued recovery & wholeness.
Dragonlady for the best possible outcome for her knee.
Ringel - for continued healing and wellness.
Beautress's friend for comfort/healing.
Hombre's niece still in the hospital in critical condition with COVID.
Mindful's daughter for continued wellness.
Dragonlady's son and family for wellness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
SFC Ollie for good test results and remedy if one is needed.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Autumn in Hawaii:
For me and my Toronto friends, this weekend is practically a religious retreat. Skate Canada Weekend. My FaceBook "memories" feed has been filled with group photos taken in the stands and restaurants in various Canadian cities: Kitchener, Ottawa, Quebec City, Montreal, Mississauga, from Skate Canada's past. There was no live event for fans last year so it's special this year.

It's in Vancouver so none of my close friends are going, but they are having our first skating even get together since 2019 and I'm unable to attend in person due to a lack of transportation. My usual reliable rides are (a) moving; (b) injured and unable to drive; (c) car is broken down; and (d) working. First world problems.

So I'm watching it live on TV. And making plans to go to Ottawa next year.
Are you a skater Dragonlady or just a fan? I am a fan. And Vancouver is one of my favorite cities in the world.
Garlic and turmeric are supposed to be agents that punch cancer in the nose. They're also helpful in healing wounds of the skin. they both come in gel capsules and garlic gelcaps without the scent are supposed to work just as well, and both of them are supposed to synergize the chemo to good effect. You won't find either in the doctor field unless your doctor is one in 500 who know how to use homeopathic wisdom. Back when doctors made the change from old time prevention and remedial to pathological healing more people had longer lives. But there is some evidence that some primitive tribal folk who have no pathological healing whatever have longer life expentencies than any other culture. One of those societies was on the Island of Okinawa, and the other society was the Maories that lived on islands in the South seas in and around either Australia and New Zealand. I've done a lot of reading on longevity but that's all I recall reading about for this day and age. I also remember something about some living to be over 100 in the high Himilayas. Even here, I have read that people dying of cancer stop any bad habits and start eating dark green and orange vegetables and fruits plus more fish can overcome the disease. They're adding more years to peoples lives at MD Anderson hospital Houston that has broken through to healing all cancers at all stages so long as the patient has a pulse. They combine pathology with nutrition to get that result so I've heard. They added 10 years to my sister's life when she was told by her family doctor to get her affairs in order. Her father in law had heard about the cancer healing protocol at MD Anderson, and he paid for her 6 months at their healing mecca in Galveston at a beachside hotel hospital.
I'm grateful for that 10 years because I retired 6 months later and moved to the same city Janice lived in to watch over her for whatever time she had left. I'm so grateful I got to know her in those years.

I am a big fan of "clean eating". Everything from scratch and from fresh, nothing pre-prepared, processed or canned - unless I did the canning. Because if I don't, I get sick. Really sick. I grew up eating organic from my parents' kitchen garden. Our whole family helped plant it, and my sisters and I helped our mother with the canning.

My gardening friend grew up in a similar family. Both of us have serious, immune system disorders and had we been raised any differently, we'd probably be dead. I can't cook for her - gluten intolerate, lactose intolerant, nothing spicy, and diabetic. And but she is otherwise in good health, and she survived a round of cancer two years ago.

I also have auto-immune problems, as do both of my sisters. I have three younger biological sisters who were raised by different families, and two of them have serious auto-immune problems, and the third passed away 12 years ago from similar problems.

Both my friend and I believe that having grown up eating organic, is the ONLY reason we're enjoying good health now. We were originally hunter/gatherers. Our bodies were never designed to digest chemicals. When we revert to natural eating, our bodies can more cleanly and efficiently use the food, and the chemicals don't accumulate in our systems or our tissues.

Then there's the taste of real food. My favourite part of being retired is having the time to do my own canning and cooking prep.
I am a big fan of "clean eating". Everything from scratch and from fresh, nothing pre-prepared, processed or canned - unless I did the canning. Because if I don't, I get sick. Really sick. I grew up eating organic from my parents' kitchen garden. Our whole family helped plant it, and my sisters and I helped our mother with the canning.

My gardening friend grew up in a similar family. Both of us have serious, immune system disorders and had we been raised any differently, we'd probably be dead. I can't cook for her - gluten intolerate, lactose intolerant, nothing spicy, and diabetic. And but she is otherwise in good health, and she survived a round of cancer two years ago.

I also have auto-immune problems, as do both of my sisters. I have three younger biological sisters who were raised by different families, and two of them have serious auto-immune problems, and the third passed away 12 years ago from similar problems.

Both my friend and I believe that having grown up eating organic, is the ONLY reason we're enjoying good health now. We were originally hunter/gatherers. Our bodies were never designed to digest chemicals. When we revert to natural eating, our bodies can more cleanly and efficiently use the food, and the chemicals don't accumulate in our systems or our tissues.

Then there's the taste of real food. My favourite part of being retired is having the time to do my own canning and cooking prep.
I have a shirttail cousin similar to your friend - allergic or intolerant to everything & vegetarian to boot - couldn't have anything with wheat, soy, barley, onion, dairy, eggs, or sugar and yet when she lived here she was a regular dinner guest. Another regular suffers IBS and several from GERD. My kitchen became something of a science lab as I figured out recipes to feed everybody. :)
Had my first chemo yesterday. It all went well. My oncologist and I had a long talk. He says that I have six months to a year and a half of lifeleft but most likely only a year. Said to get my estate in order. I told hi I would do my part, the doctors would do their part and God would do his part. It al depends on the chemo. It’s all in God’s hands’s hands.
I'm with Foxfyre, BBD. Fight the good fight because someone in your family will benefit and be blessed if you live on.
Had my first chemo yesterday. It all went well. My oncologist and I had a long talk. He says that I have six months to a year and a half of lifeleft but most likely only a year. Said to get my estate in order. I told hi I would do my part, the doctors would do their part and God would do his part. It al depends on the chemo. It’s all in God’s hands’s hands.

God bless you, friendo. I hope you the rest of your road is full of love and joy.
I have a shirttail cousin similar to your friend - allergic or intolerant to everything & vegetarian to boot - couldn't have anything with wheat, soy, barley, onion, dairy, eggs, or sugar and yet when she lived here she was a regular dinner guest. Another regular suffers IBS and several from GERD. My kitchen became something of a science lab as I figured out recipes to feed everybody. :)

That's my oldest. She's has a household full of "special diets". Her husband has IBS, which flares up from time to time. He had a lot of digestive problems when she met him, all of which were basically gone or under control within a year of their marriage. Their youngest son has problems with sugar and hyper-activity, the middle boy is a vegetarian, and has problems with chemicals, similar to me, and my daughter is gluten intolerant, highly allergic and asthmatic. I have food allergies. When I lived there she often made three different entrees to accommodate all diets. As I once told a foody friend "She makes sugar free, gluten free, dairy free taste delicious!!" and he replied "Oh, that's HARD".

Among my family and friends, I do see a lot of people whose health would really improve if they ate better quality food. It takes effort. I also recognize that I live in the middle of "Foodland Ontario", and have a few organic farmers as friends making it easier for me to eat like this. My gardening friend gave me so many tomatoes this summer, that at one point, everything in my freezer was tomato based, and I still had about 5 lbs. of tomatoes left.

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