USMB Coffee Shop IV

Coyote, a simple kitchen remedy to oral issues may be on your spice shelf. It will stop pain if you wash hands, and while still moist, dip your forefinger into your opened chive spice. Rub it on the area that hurts. First, I know it at first tastes awful, but it is an analgesic that within 15 seconds will begin to alleviate pain in the area. The real kicker about cloves is that if you use what's on your finger apply some all over the oral cavity. You won't have one single germ left in your mouth. It wipes out every bacteria, virus, or protozoa in your mouth. Less than 1/8 of a teaspoon is plenty for several applications, but even my worst toothache is better after a second application 30 minutes later. Brush with your regular toothpaste after letting cloves do its magic in 3 or 4 minutes. Freedom from oral pain ends well if you can brace yourself to stand the strong taste of cloves. :thup: and it's good to see you here. :huddle:
Thanks for the suggestion! :). And the welcome :)
Watching the Ontario Leaders’s Debate. My RN came in just as our Premier, they guy who fired thousands of nurses and froze the wages of those he retained, was talking about all of the raises and benefits he’s given the Nurses and PSW’s since he was elected. The look on her face was priceless.

I wish the had a box on my ballot saying “None of the above”.

Here’s another moon shot taken by an incredibly talented local photographer.


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Not a bomb. It is New Mexico on fire. :( The Hermits Peak/Calf Canyon fire burning between Las Vegas and Angel Fire NM is now the largest in state history. They get it partially under control and contained and then it gets away from them again. Tragic loss of wildlife, critical habitat, and many homes and structures, many of which date back to the early 19th Century.
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I recommend you visit the photographer’s website browse for her wildlife photography. Her photos of this spring’s migration are breathtaking.

I’m back at home getting lots of kitty love. I fear my long uninterrupted knitting sessions are over, but I have a bunch of hand sewing to do instead.

We stopped at the pharmacy and picked up my prescriptions and exchanged my two wheel walker for a 4 wheel.
Hi all. Well I had a fun day. First headed downtown to the county assessor's office, so I could get some reductions on my property taxes. Got to the listed address and saw the notice on the door that they had moved........ Okay, off to the new site, found it with some help as Google had it in the building across the street from where it actually is. Got most of what I needed done and went home. My neighbor and I had been talking about her buying the wife's old Prius which has been sitting for about 2 years. Grabbed the instant jumper, started right up, pushed on the accelerator pedal and it sounded like a Harley without a muffler........ We looked underneath and sure enough, the catalytic converter had been cut out and taken. I then remembered I had been awakened around 2AM by a strange sound that I later determined to be a sawzall. I had looked out my front window but I saw no one and nothing suspicious so I went back to bed.
Just finished filing the report online.
Fun, fun. Tomorrow I have to get my VA Certificate of Exemption to take even more off my tax bill. :thup:
More fun this evening....... I accidentally let Microsoft update my drivers (forgot to turn that off) and it screwed up some of it's functions including the mouse. It tried to fix the problem on reboot but to no avail so I had to reinstall the operating system from scratch. I had just upgraded to Windows 11 less than a week ago and now am reconfiguring everything, downloading and installing my usual programs........ I'm just a little ticked off.
The good news is I went to put my motorcycle title in my safe and found the VA Certificate of Eligibility I thought was lost. Now I don't have to jump through hoops to get a new one plus saving the $5 fee to replace it.
I have been having the worst cases of insomnia these past few weeks... wish I knew how to cure it.

Sounds like spring allergies - they can cause insomnia or worsen it.

I've had insomnia since I was a teenager. It's aggravated by the Claritin I take for my allergies and it worsens at this time of year. It's also gotten worse as I age.

Here is my strategy: No coffee after lunch time. No pop or caffeine drinks. I gave up Diet Coke and other sodas more than 10 years ago. I switched to the 12 hour Claritin rather than the 24 hour variety.

There is also melatonin which is a natural sleep aid which helps a lot of people, but it didn't work for me. It helped me get to sleep, but then I woke up four hours later and couldn't get back to sleep. My oldest daughter uses it very successfully, and a lot of other friends say the same thing. It might be worth a try at least.

I smoke pot for my insomnia. Just a couple of tokes right before bed. I sleep well, wake up refreshed, and I don't get a chemical "hangover" like you get from sleeping pills.
More fun this evening....... I accidentally let Microsoft update my drivers (forgot to turn that off) and it screwed up some of it's functions including the mouse. It tried to fix the problem on reboot but to no avail so I had to reinstall the operating system from scratch. I had just upgraded to Windows 11 less than a week ago and now am reconfiguring everything, downloading and installing my usual programs........ I'm just a little ticked off.
The good news is I went to put my motorcycle title in my safe and found the VA Certificate of Eligibility I thought was lost. Now I don't have to jump through hoops to get a new one plus saving the $5 fee to replace it.

It was a few years before I updated from Win7 to Win10. I don't plan to go to Win11 any time soon. :p
I have been having the worst cases of insomnia these past few weeks... wish I knew how to cure it.
If you can take Tylenol, about 30 minutes or so before you go to bed, drink a cup of warm sleepy time tea and take 2 Tylenol PM (acetaminophen PM for a cheaper generic) plus 1 5 mg melatonin. Wait until you feel sleepy and go to bed. It puts me out like a light--sometimes I barely remember even lying down. You will still wake up just fine anytime you need to. Oh, and no caffeine after 6 p.m.
Some versions of Windows 10 (mine included) received their last security update this month.
The security updates are often a pain and it takes awhile for the computers to completely settle down. We haven't had the issues you had but have had issues that eventually resolved. I did read that Microsoft will continue to fully support Windows 10 until October 2025 and some extended support beyond that. So we haven't upgraded. Do you like Windows 11?
The security updates are often a pain and it takes awhile for the computers to completely settle down. We haven't had the issues you had but have had issues that eventually resolved. I did read that Microsoft will continue to fully support Windows 10 until October 2025 and some extended support beyond that. So we haven't upgraded. Do you like Windows 11?
If you have Windows 10 version 1903 (which I had) and 21H1 is no longer supported, no security updates for these. Windows 11 is for the most part an updated version of Windows 10 with some unseen under the hood and some notable visual changes. Live Tiles are gone and the task bar (Start) has been moved to the center of the bottom screen. You can easily switch to dark mode if you want it, I prefer dark mode, no bright background shining in my eyes.

If you have Windows 10 version 1903 (which I had) and 21H1 is no longer supported, no security updates for these. Windows 11 is for the most part an updated version of Windows 10 with some unseen under the hood and some notable visual changes. Live Tiles are gone and the task bar (Start) has been moved to the center of the bottom screen. You can easily switch to dark mode if you want it, I prefer dark mode, no bright background shining in my eyes.

I have no faith in new versions of Windows. Microsoft has been issuing half assed new software versions since as long as I've been online. It takes them at least a year from first issue to clean up the release and I don't expect this laptop to survive until 2025, given the damage caused by my crappy electrical system.
I have no faith in new versions of Windows. Microsoft has been issuing half assed new software versions since as long as I've been online. It takes them at least a year from first issue to clean up the release and I don't expect this laptop to survive until 2025, given the damage caused by my crappy electrical system.
As I've stated many times in the past the only reason I have Windows on my gamer is simply that, it's a gaming computer and Windows is the best venue to play games on. If it wasn't for that I be running nothing but Linux, which this specific computer runs on.

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