USMB Coffee Shop IV

In the mile-high basin of Casper, and Natrona County, Wyoming, the Indians called the place "the Valley of Fever." Strep throats untreated with antibiotics can leave the victim susceptible to early heart attacks if lucky enough to survive the disease. My husband's secretary, a lifelong Wyomingite, was 50 years old when she went in for a heart surgery, without which she would have died. Yes, she had a strep throat in the 30s, and she told us it was also because of having a strep throat when young when it wasn't clear whether she had a decent antibiotic back then, before they found out what the real problem was, and that the Indians weren't wrong for going around the entire area if they had to walk 100 miles to avoid everything about the large basin and mountainous area. In the 1800s, Mormons headed for Utah wound up passing Bessemer's Bend, and a few miles up the road, many, many of them died. They may call the place Mormon Pass, but I can't remember for sure. There is still an area the Mormons built as a remembrances of the colony of travelers whose last day on this planet was spent with heinous fever, dehydration by a river's side (I think it was the Sweetwater River), but no matter what religion people are, they cry when they hear of the sufferings of the group that got wiped out by illness. Maybe they thought the Indians were just trying to scare them or they had no warning. It was a sad day for pioneers going west. Strep throat was and is a ruthless disease when not treated with penicillin or natural remedy, if there was one. The Indian people of the general vicinity solved the problem by simply staying away from the areas where the strep germs ruled. :(

Mile high is the area where cakes flop down if Eastern Board, Gulf Coast, or West Coast cake recipes are used and is considered high altitude throughout the Rocky Mountains from Durango up. I learned that in the 35 years I mussed up my fair share of cakes the first year until someone told a once-subtropical Houstonian whose baking skills were near sea level the tricks of the cake trade at mile-high altitude. :laughing0301: Seems it had to do with adding a couple of tablespoons of flour, lowering the temp and possibly adding time of cooking, or was it the other way around? Who cares! I don't have to think about it anymore at only about 320' above sea level. :biggrin:
Lots has changed. I don't bother with adjusting recipes for high altitude because just following the recipe works fine for all baked good, even cakes that you want to be light and fluffy. I do add a little baking soda to the soak for dried beans though, otherwise it takes forever to cook them tender. But other than increasing the time a bit for stuff cooked in water--water at our altitude boils roughly 10 degrees f lower than at sea level--the altitude isn't a problem at all.
Foxfyre, thanks for putting my friend Ken on your prayer list. He's back in the hospital fighting for his life, but this time he has decided not to resume his cigarette smoking when and if he gets out of the hospital alive. I hope someone finds a cure for emphysema. Prayers up for all who are suffering any kind of disease but cannot discuss it. :hands:
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Always wanted to go to Kansas......the US generally really I suppose. Are there any monuments to Toto like they have to Greyfriars Bobby in the UK???



It was a "must see" when I was there. The dog is buried in the Kirkyard.

Where's Toto???


How funny that your country would honor Toto that way. Is that why we call Australia 'Oz'? (Just kidding.)

To the best of my knowledge, Wamego, Kansas, does whimsically have a lot of "Wizard of Oz" themes but is the only Kansas town that probably does. Sort of like Roswell, NM capitalizing on the 1947 spacecraft crash and now has a lot of extraterrestrial themes, UFO festivals, a UFO museum, etc.
Good night, afternoon, morning wherever you are darlinks. I really do love you guys. May the Coffee Shop always be a virtual family for those who need or enjoy one here.

And we pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list.
Nosmo King for healing and health & wholeness.
Big Black Dog for the very best treatment and outcome for the rest of his days.
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' family for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness & their nephew dealing with ALS.
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Alex for strength and healing.
Mindful for successful impending radiation therapy.

And we keep the light on so others who have been away can find their way back and we hope they will.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone.
Kudzu is green, my dog's name is Blue And I'm so lucky to have a sweet thang like you.

Yore hair is like cornsilk a-flapping in the breeze. Softer than Blue's And without all them fleas.

You move like the bass, Which excite me in May. You ain't got no scales But I luv you anyway.

You're as graceful as okry Jist a-dancin' in the pan. Yo're as fragrant as SunDrop Right out of the can.

You have all yore teeth, For which I am proud; I hold my head high When we're in a crowd.

On special occasions, When you shave yore armpits, Well, I'm in hawg heaven, I'm plumb outta my wits.

Still them fellers at work They all want to know, What I did to deserve Such a purty, young doe.

Like a good roll of duct tape Yo're there fer yore man, To patch up life's troubles And stick 'em in the can.

Yo're as strong as a four-wheeler Racin' through the mud, Yet fragile as that sanger Named Naomi Judd.

Yo're as cute as a junebug A-buzzin' overhead. You ain't mean like no fire ant Upon which I oft' tread.

Cut from the best pattern Like a flannel shirt of plaid, You sparked up my life Like a Rattletrap shad.

When you hold me real tight Like a padded gunrack, My life is complete; Ain't nuttin' I lack.

Yore complexion, it's perfection, Like the best vinyl sidin'. Despite all the years, Yore age, it keeps hidin'.

And when you get old Like a '57 Chevy, Won't put you on blocks And let grass grow up heavy.

Me 'n' you's like a Moon Pie With a RC cold drank, We go together Like a skunk goes with stank.

Some men, they buy chocolate For Valentine's Day; They git it at Wal-Mart, It's romantic that way.

Some men git roses On that special day From the cooler at Kroger. "That's impressive," I say.

Some men buy fine diamonds From a flea market booth. "Diamonds are forever," They explain, suave and couth.

But for this man, honey, These will not do. For you are too special, You sweet thang you.

I got you a gift, Without taste nor odor, Better than diamonds it's a new trollin' motor.

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