USMB Coffee Shop IV

Don't know about that, Ski Santa Fe had three feet of snow in the last 48 hours.........
Wow, Ringel, that's something.

The grass on my front lawn is greener than green, You never know what to expect. Last few weeks the airwaves have been filled with how winterish the spring was going to be. Mother Nature was not impressed with all that yakkety yak. We had reasonably nice weather lately. Ken's nephew planted some fruit trees out front, and I now have 2 rows of beautiful roses. Last year, the knockout roses bloomed to beat the band. This year, we planted 10 different kinds of unique roses, and only 2 were knockouts. I would have planted 3, but Home Depot here didn't have any yellow knockouts, but the red and pink one are going to be knockouts just because of their beautiful colors. The peach tree planted today had the most beautiful pink blossoms I've ever seen on any fruit-bearing tree. The picture attached to the tree showed a large area of red blush on them. Hopefully, they will survive planting shock and bear a peach or two. Some of the fruit trees were small due to their reasonable cost, so they may not bear apricots or apples for a few years. Hope everyone is having a lovely spring. Love to everyone. :huddle:
Just got home from 30 hours of playing pin cushion at the Hospital. Had symptoms that could have been the heart acting up. With my history you don't play with it, Turns out to have been a stomach virus.
Prayers up, SFC Ollie. Hope the virus goes away. Sometime in the past couple of weeks, I threw up several times after eating Macademia Nuts. I kinda forgot about it a few days later and ate some again, and this time the throwing up hit within 2 minutes after eating only 3 Macademias. NO MORE MACADEMIAS! LOL
Saw 4 Robins in Maple Plain today. Maybe spring will be early
Thanks, Manonthestreet. I read your post a couple of days ago, and bought a couple of fruit and nut bird seeds because of your reminder about spring birds, and I have had the enchantment of hearing birdsong out front all morning. Thanks for the reminder. You made some birds and people really happy to hear nature's musicians. And the one that sang directly at me while on the feeder was sooooo cute.
The center said it's very early to receive fox kits – the first babies usually don't arrive until mid-March or April. WRC said this is the earliest they've ever admitted baby foxes for care and because their Mammal Nursey isn't set up yet, the kits had to be transferred to an independent licensed rehabilitator that specializes in the animals. Freezing fox kits rescued off Lake Minnetonka Early spring sems to be trending
Situation at work. I'm in the top half dozen seniority wise. We went from ya cant hire people fast enough, 50-60 hr work weeks to there isnt enough work for the people we now have. Several of the new hires followed a middle manager we hired. They even got start times ahead of half the people on the list, but they still will be among the first to be let go. LAst 3 - 4 months this has guy has been picking at me for inconsequential crap. One I received a warning letter that would turn into a final warning if it happened again in the next month. Got thru that. Forget what his second attempt was but that went nowhere either. Yesterday I get the third degree from night dispatch asking me to explain my actions on a delivery earlier in the week over a pallet that was left in a customers yard with no notification. Guy just dropped it and left without getting a signature. Turns out it was a Fedex driver and she specifically told them she knew I would never do that. Guy made me look guilty to the night dispatch who had to do the interview. So I decided to start asking around, drivers I knew I could trust if they felt like management was looking to fire people instead of laying off from the bottom. First person I asked is ahead of me, easy going well liked. Immediately he said, Oh yeah. Sort of shocked me but also confirmed I was reading the situation right.
Just got home from 30 hours of playing pin cushion at the Hospital. Had symptoms that could have been the heart acting up. With my history you don't play with it, Turns out to have been a stomach virus.
So happy it was something short lived and generally not serious. I, and I know I speak for many many others, really like having you around.
Situation at work. I'm in the top half dozen seniority wise. We went from ya cant hire people fast enough, 50-60 hr work weeks to there isnt enough work for the people we now have. Several of the new hires followed a middle manager we hired. They even got start times ahead of half the people on the list, but they still will be among the first to be let go. LAst 3 - 4 months this has guy has been picking at me for inconsequential crap. One I received a warning letter that would turn into a final warning if it happened again in the next month. Got thru that. Forget what his second attempt was but that went nowhere either. Yesterday I get the third degree from night dispatch asking me to explain my actions on a delivery earlier in the week over a pallet that was left in a customers yard with no notification. Guy just dropped it and left without getting a signature. Turns out it was a Fedex driver and she specifically told them she knew I would never do that. Guy made me look guilty to the night dispatch who had to do the interview. So I decided to start asking around, drivers I knew I could trust if they felt like management was looking to fire people instead of laying off from the bottom. First person I asked is ahead of me, easy going well liked. Immediately he said, Oh yeah. Sort of shocked me but also confirmed I was reading the situation right.
Because we spend so many waking hours on the job, there aren't many things more stressful than unpleasantness on the job, especially when it is policy or orchestrated. I feel your pain.
In one of my former professions I took the training to do temperament typing and found the subject so fascinating I have continued to study it and have been often invited to teach it to various groups and organizations. So this is a really interesting topic to me.

And also I think sometimes these college studies are just somebody trying to do a unique paper for their Masters thesis or PhD and because it's getting harder and harder to find unique subjects, some of these really strain at gnats.

While I don't disagree with a lot of the study you reference, roughly 25% of the population tested describe themselves as introverts and 75% as extraverts meaning that demographic would have to be taken into consideration. Introverts have their strengths and weaknesses as do extraverts. And almost nobody is 100% introvert or extravert but virtually all of us have a little of both in us.

For example, I test as a fairly strong extravert but have no problem focusing for long periods on something that really interests me to the point I have had people suggest I am being obsessive about it. I'll admit that sometimes shows up even here on USMB. :)

But it's all good. We are who we are. We each have our own unique spark of genius and also we all have weaknesses we need to adjust for. Fascinating topic.
Situation at work. I'm in the top half dozen seniority wise. We went from ya cant hire people fast enough, 50-60 hr work weeks to there isnt enough work for the people we now have. Several of the new hires followed a middle manager we hired. They even got start times ahead of half the people on the list, but they still will be among the first to be let go. LAst 3 - 4 months this has guy has been picking at me for inconsequential crap. One I received a warning letter that would turn into a final warning if it happened again in the next month. Got thru that. Forget what his second attempt was but that went nowhere either. Yesterday I get the third degree from night dispatch asking me to explain my actions on a delivery earlier in the week over a pallet that was left in a customers yard with no notification. Guy just dropped it and left without getting a signature. Turns out it was a Fedex driver and she specifically told them she knew I would never do that. Guy made me look guilty to the night dispatch who had to do the interview. So I decided to start asking around, drivers I knew I could trust if they felt like management was looking to fire people instead of laying off from the bottom. First person I asked is ahead of me, easy going well liked. Immediately he said, Oh yeah. Sort of shocked me but also confirmed I was reading the situation right.
Prayers up for your job security, Manonthestreet. whether right there or a better place to work with fewer back sticking stilettos aimed your way. These are strange times. May kindness, well-done work, and appreciation go in your favor.
Because we spend so many waking hours on the job, there aren't many things more stressful than unpleasantness on the job, especially when it is policy or orchestrated. I feel your pain.
Apparently its not just us. Talked to a Fedex FRT driver today and asked same question. He said oh yeah, they are micromanaging to the max
Apparently its not just us. Talked to a Fedex FRT driver today and asked same question. He said oh yeah, they are micromanaging to the max
Before Hombre and I went into business for ourselves, we were doing insurance premium audits and condition/safety inspections for a small western state company. Pleasant and pretty unstressful work for us and we were enjoying it. But the company sold out to a large company with management on the east coast. We were a small subsidiary of that company that apparently knew very little about us.

Next thing we knew we had MBAs with virtually no experience, who had no clue what we actually did, where or how we did it telling us how we had to do it. That was before we used computers to do the premium audits and did everything by hand. Speaking of micromanaging, I was told that the audits that determined what a policy holder owed in premiums would not be judged by their accuracy or competency but by how many times white out was used in the audit. (We had to do them in ink so white out was necessary if there was an error that needed correcting or we would have to recopy a whole page full of numbers.)

Needless to say that prompted us to go into business for ourselves.
Apparently its not just us. Talked to a Fedex FRT driver today and asked same question. He said oh yeah, they are micromanaging to the max
You should know that I have really appreciated the competency and efficiency of you guys who deliver our packages because we do a LOT of shopping on line.
NW Wisconsin, and SLC in the winter.

Both places suck....I recommend staying far away....You'll be bored as hell.
yeah i can understand that and easily believe it as well ,just like kansas im sure its boring with nothing to do but surely Oddball you can think of at least a couple places to go to if i were to come there? like for example i listed royals stadium and fritzes resteraunt of two places you HAVE to go to if you were dumb enough to live in kansas as I am or if you weretraveling through, Now I know you can do the same and list a couple as well sir? :biggrin:
In one of my former professions I took the training to do temperament typing and found the subject so fascinating I have continued to study it and have been often invited to teach it to various groups and organizations. So this is a really interesting topic to me.

And also I think sometimes these college studies are just somebody trying to do a unique paper for their Masters thesis or PhD and because it's getting harder and harder to find unique subjects, some of these really strain at gnats.

While I don't disagree with a lot of the study you reference, roughly 25% of the population tested describe themselves as introverts and 75% as extraverts meaning that demographic would have to be taken into consideration. Introverts have their strengths and weaknesses as do extraverts. And almost nobody is 100% introvert or extravert but virtually all of us have a little of both in us.

For example, I test as a fairly strong extravert but have no problem focusing for long periods on something that really interests me to the point I have had people suggest I am being obsessive about it. I'll admit that sometimes shows up even here on USMB. :)

But it's all good. We are who we are. We each have our own unique spark of genius and also we all have weaknesses we need to adjust for. Fascinating topic.
Fact is that all behaviors are context sensitive....These kinds of observations and articles refer to the default "favorite flavor", so to speak, of the given behavioral trait.

For example, I'm introverted in most situations, but put me in a golf foursome and I'm a schmoozing maniac.....I'm mostly options oriented, but strap on that paraglider harness and I become rules and procedures oriented pronto.

Generalities gonna be general.
Fact is that all behaviors are context sensitive....These kinds of observations and articles refer to the default "favorite flavor", so to speak, of the given behavioral trait.

For example, I'm introverted in most situations, but put me in a golf foursome and I'm a schmoozing maniac.....I'm mostly options oriented, but strap on that paraglider harness and I become rules and procedures oriented pronto.

Generalities gonna be general.
Of course I don't know you personally and we haven't had all that much interaction here or at Sidekicks when it was still up and running. But I would have guessed you to be a strong extravert. Just goes to show how wrong our impressions and theories can be. :)

But you are so right about generalities which are rarely useful unless paired with some other markers.

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