USMB Coffee Shop IV



Only those who have been in the band or orchestra will understand this one:
That's way too cute! Today I shopped at Target instead of my regular grocer's. In the freezer section they had doggie ice cream in the freezer section--peanut butter (no sugar), so I bought enough for 6 puppies and 2 adult dogs. The 6 puppies had to be hand fed and cuddled, so I spent 20 minutes apiece holding the little paper bowls for each of them, and they acted like it was a really good deal, when it was their turn, that is. I loved it, but it wore me out because of their size. They're a little over 4 months old now, and they're rather large, but they really liked being hugged while eating a treat. It made my day! Earlier, I visited the doctor, and she gave me some tips on tingling and numb fingers when crocheting. So now, I have to sleep with a right hand support for carpal tunnel syndrome. I'm looking forward to a pain-free way to complete the started project. She also agreed that drinking plenty of water for arthritis was good medicine, which I just found out about it a few days ago. Hydration cut my pain down to a quarter of what it was, not to mention the benefit of her relaxation prescription that was due to be refilled. Good health comes from both the medical profession and common sense age old cures every woman in my grandmother's generation knew about. She lived to be 96 or 98, I think 98 since she was born in 1898. Young women out in the country areas of Nacogdoches County were expected to take care of their families when it was their turn to be wife and mother. They knew a lot of things back then that I'm just learning, although I don't have my grandmother's fix-all in the medicine cabinet, which was "black salve." Still praying for those who need prayers as well as our country that has received death threats from nuclear dictatorships. The threat about hitting on the Yellowstone cauldron with the hope of wiping half our country off the face of the map worries me the most. Chatting on a political forum has made me realize sometimes all we can do is send up a prayer for peace. It's a lot clearer to me than 11 or 12 years ago when I found USMB. I thank God for Foxfyre who opened the coffee shop and those who come here in the "safe zone" she set up to get all parties a chance to see the good in others. Foxfyre deserves the medal of peace for all she has done for USMB. Thanks, Foxy!
Got a jury summons. Anyone know if its best for your number to be called early or late? First night calling. They read off quite a few alrdy, not mine though.
Got a jury summons. Anyone know if its best for your number to be called early or late? First night calling. They read off quite a few alrdy, not mine though.
Hard to say. Every time I've had jury duty I was doing some kind of insurance work--adjuster/inspector/auditor/appraiser et al--which apparently pretty much disqualifies me from most juries I guess as I was never selected. Still had to show up and wait it out for the jury pools to be selected those days though.

One attorney wanted people who had concealed carry permits. Another disqualified anybody who was a police officer or related to one. Some want or don't want union people. Some want or don't want business owners. Etc.

I would have liked to have served on a one or two day interesting trial. But kept my fingers crossed that I would get chosen for a murder trial or other that drag on for weeks.

So alas, though I've been called as a witness in a few trials, I've never served on a jury.
~ First time using a cast iron skillet. Makes a nice sizzle ☺️
Cast iron does have its charms. And welcome to the USMB Coffee Shop James California. We're happy you found us and keep right on joining on. First timers receive a complimentary beverage and since it is so late I'll make it a nightcap.

Got a jury summons. Anyone know if its best for your number to be called early or late? First night calling. They read off quite a few alrdy, not mine though.

I get called for jury duty once a year - a truly joyful aspect of living in Oaklandtown. It's better to be called up late, imo.
I get called for jury duty once a year - a truly joyful aspect of living in Oaklandtown. It's better to be called up late, imo.
Wow. That's amazing and kind of awful. Here you get called at most once a year but usually only every two to three years but have to show up at the courthouse for a two week period and can wait around all day or maybe an hour or so until they call all the jury pools for that day. And of course if you are put on a trial that takes weeks you're stuck.
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Nevertheless, it is a gorgeous day in New Mexico. For lunch today with one of my very favorite nieces and my beloved Aunt Betty I'll make homemade pizza and a salad and homemade cobbler. Happy Sunday Coffee Shoppers.


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