USMB Coffee Shop IV

PSA: Costco has the very delicious Wagyu Corn Beef in stock for only $8.99 per lb. This is the bestestest corned beef in the world. Take action accordingly!
Ken's mother is still alive, and Ken is still in the hospital, where they are planning a physical therapy phase for his emphysema. I visited him this afternoon, and his color seems to be back in his face. But I was tired, because I spent the day completing two charity quilt tops, and I'm not used to working 8 hours a day. One of the quilts was in the royal blue range, and the other was brilliant blues and golds. It feels so good to be around people you like while having a Charity Bees workout. Some of their quilts were so cute. It all looked wonderful to me, as it's been a couple of years since I attended a work meeting like this one. I'm going to sleep tonight, and am so tired right now, I could start snoring. Hope to see everyone here tomorrow. :huddle: Have a lovely evening.

This post would be better with pics of the quilts, just sayin'. ;)
Foxfyre, my computer is playing little tricks. I saw your beautiful kitchen for which I say "yea". This computer takes 15 seconds to type the word or sentence, and it doesn't want to stay on the page I thought I was on. I'm getting ready to turn this computer onto the burn pile and give up my computer. I got hacked twice in the last year and I'm thinking about finding and reclaiming my typewriter and take up poetry. Sometimes I can't even get on the page I want to be on, because it's even slower when trying to get on a different page. Love to all. See you when I get a new computer which may take some doing. Tomorrow or next month? I'm not sure but stay healthy, wealthy and wise. It's been an honor to post with such precious Americans and those who live in other countries. Hope to be back soon. Love, beautress
Hurry back when you can. Your computer may just be underpowered which can do weird things. If you don't want to spend a lot on good virus protection, Avast free virus protection is pretty good if you just take normal precautions about providing information to sources that try to trick you into doing that. I would not want to think you were gone for good. We've grown very fond of you here.

It's tough. We aren't buying any more processed food than we deem necessary these days and that means not buying cookies and other sugary stuff that once were staples in our house. But the Girl Scouts have been out in force this week including staked out at Albertson's Market, and it was tough saying no.
🍔🍟🥗🥧🥤 Having lunch and watching the News, I hope Mrs. Beutress is out of the way of that monster-size fire going on in Texas.:eusa_pray:
Yes Beautress is in southeast Texas hundreds of miles from the fires. The fire is far north in the Texas Panhandle but it has been horrendous--the largest wildfire in all of Texas recorded history and the second largest in the United States. Our son and his family had to evacuate briefly as they live in the Country Club area of Borger TX as the fire approached and got really close. The wind changed just before the fire reached town though and drove the flames back southward. They were lucky. A hundred homes in the small town of Fritch ten miles southwest of them were lost as were many in the tiny town of Stinnett ten miles north of them including one they once owned.

Pray or send positive vibes to the people of the Panhandle. More than a million acres, two human lives and thousands of cattle, horses and other critters have been lost as well as wildlife and it isn't over yet. A brief period of snow and rain yesterday helped tamp down the flames and gave firefighters opportunity to get more of it under control, but there wasn't enough to quench the flames. High winds predicted for the weekend could stir everything up to out of control again.

Aereal view of one of the fires closing in on Fritch Tx. Our son thinks the string of lights in the upper right hand corner of the frame is where they live.

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