USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning world at 6 am! Wise guys love coffee in the early hours!

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View attachment 902057

Mwaaaaa-aah to yer face dear friends! Hope your Valentine's Day is a winner!
And my favorite hint for the artistic ones:
Make today a Masterpiece!!!
Love, beautress​

I love those owl mugs! My dear little old mom collected owls and pigs. The mugs look like they are straight out of her kitchen. Happy Valentine's Day to you!
Please put my friend Ken on your prayer list. He was hospitalized, and I spent most of the day at the hospital where he was sedated with emphysema. He may not live through it, but I prayed for 6 hours while he seemed to be dying at first, but he pulled through while I was there praying and massaging the soles of his feet. A new Harvard study showed that stimulating the soles of peoples' feet would help the blood flowing through arteries/veins of the lower legs. He was in truly bad shape, but his care givers were there for him with just the right amount of sedation that he could get through his terrible affliction. I'm at home now, and hope he makes it through the night. His son and his dear friend Tonya relieved me so I could come home and feed the doggies. They're such cuties. But what a day. :hands:
Thanks, Lumpy. I just got a call from his son who's there at the hospital. He said he's still in pretty bad shape. So I need to get back on my knees and pray for his Dad. His son is Ken Jr., and was somehow born with problems that have lingered for all 40 years of his life. He cannot read or write, but he's a good person for being there for his dad.
Thanks, Lumpy. I just got a call from his son who's there at the hospital. He said he's still in pretty bad shape. So I need to get back on my knees and pray for his Dad. His son is Ken Jr., and was somehow born with problems that have lingered for all 40 years of his life. He cannot read or write, but he's a good person for being there for his dad.
Terminals are so hard beautress

They know they're going, you know they're going , they know there's nothing you can do, and so it's the ultimate futility

I've seen responders curse then beg God in the same breath

especially w/kids ......rips one's heart out...... :rolleyes:

Thanks, Lumpy. I just got a call from his son who's there at the hospital. He said he's still in pretty bad shape. So I need to get back on my knees and pray for his Dad. His son is Ken Jr., and was somehow born with problems that have lingered for all 40 years of his life. He cannot read or write, but he's a good person for being there for his dad.
You have a bottomless heart Lady Beautress and all my blessings.. 🥰
i dont want to draw too much attention or for the public who are not members of the forum, so i post it here... i deleted my bitchute account, because it contained NS symbology and "hate speech" (that is how it was labled)... im afraid of the police, and authorities that i might get in prison for 5 years or even 10 years or more, just for publishing NS symbology

these guys are in court process because they "send NS symbology" if they get spoken guilty they are awaiting five years in prison

Bandidos-Bosse: „Wir sind keine Nazirocker!“

I will go through my youtube channel too and delete everything which might be remniscent of any form of "radicalism"
Thanks, Lumpy. I just got a call from his son who's there at the hospital. He said he's still in pretty bad shape. So I need to get back on my knees and pray for his Dad. His son is Ken Jr., and was somehow born with problems that have lingered for all 40 years of his life. He cannot read or write, but he's a good person for being there for his dad.

I'm so sorry for your friend. I'll pray for him too.
So, Coffee Shop Peeps: I have some big news! I am going to retire in March! So exciting - I feel like I'm about to be paroled. :)
So as I recall you were going on a discover my roots, extended vacation .. is that still the plan ?

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