USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Saturday Morning, Coffee Shop Peeps!

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i dont want to draw too much attention or for the public who are not members of the forum, so i post it here... i deleted my bitchute account, because it contained NS symbology and "hate speech" (that is how it was labled)... im afraid of the police, and authorities that i might get in prison for 5 years or even 10 years or more, just for publishing NS symbology

these guys are in court process because they "send NS symbology" if they get spoken guilty they are awaiting five years in prison

Bandidos-Bosse: „Wir sind keine Nazirocker!“

I will go through my youtube channel too and delete everything which might be remniscent of any form of "radicalism"
I'm not sure what NS symbology is, Mortimer, but best wishes and hope things go well for you.
Today was the first time I wasn't too sick to go to church services and luncheon, probably for 2 or 3 months. It was such a lovely service, but my throat was a little scratchy when it came to singing hymns, two of which are new and the notes were unfamiliar. It was good to be there, but I miss Wednesday nights because of driving at night winds up with me having white knuckles. It's a beautiful day here. Hope everyone has a blessed what's left of the weekend. I think I'll double down on taking the allergy pills I'm supposed to be taking every day, and it's probably the cause of having a scratchy throat. Some days it feels like I'm allergic to everything. The sky is so pretty and blue today, and spring seems to start in February in Walker County. It's so different than the 35 years we spent in Wyoming, where the natives say that there are only two seasons in Casper, winter and the fourth of July. IOW, summer is way too short, and you never know if the first snow storm will be in early August or September.
Yes, yesterday I had only three rice krispy treats and 6 dogs demanding a treat. So I cut them in half and gave them equal sized pieces. None of them felt gypped, and they happily ate their own treat and gave their best slobbery face licks to thank me. Eeew. But I love them anyway and am not going to get a lawyer to torment them for their icky little ways. Today, I have to go buy them some doggie chews to clean their little toothies with. They don't like milk bones and consider them poison. I can tell because they refuse to eat them when I'm looking. They're way too cute, too, and they know I'm a sucker for cute, so every day they make sure they're cuter than the day before. The little smarty pants twits. What's a person supposed to do? Oh, wait. I'm out of doggie vitamins, so I need to go to the doggie pet aisle at Wally world and find something that observes excellent canine results. You can tell they like something by the ten-a-second tail wags. <giggle> Ok, they're spoiled rotten, and I hope their attorney is kind. Otherwise, it's "Ruff! Ruff!" :abgg2q.jpg:
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Please put my friend Ken on your prayer list. He was hospitalized, and I spent most of the day at the hospital where he was sedated with emphysema. He may not live through it, but I prayed for 6 hours while he seemed to be dying at first, but he pulled through while I was there praying and massaging the soles of his feet. A new Harvard study showed that stimulating the soles of peoples' feet would help the blood flowing through arteries/veins of the lower legs. He was in truly bad shape, but his care givers were there for him with just the right amount of sedation that he could get through his terrible affliction. I'm at home now, and hope he makes it through the night. His son and his dear friend Tonya relieved me so I could come home and feed the doggies. They're such cuties. But what a day. :hands:
This is the same Ken who is on the vigil list yes? I hope there are caregivers for his son if he doesn't make it. But sometimes passing on is the best blessing when there is no quality of life left. My prayer for Ken however is for that quality of life.
Not sure FF, but that's our boys flyin' thru it! ~S~
The Battle of Iwo Jima began February 19, 1945. It was one of the more deadly battles of WWII with 7,000 Marines killed in the fighting there, but we did prevail. Many won't remember the date or the significance of Iwo Jima, but everybody knows the iconic photograph of the Marines raising the flag on the summit of Mount Suribachi, one of the most recognized and reproduced photographs ever.
This is the same Ken who is on the vigil list yes? I hope there are caregivers for his son if he doesn't make it. But sometimes passing on is the best blessing when there is no quality of life left. My prayer for Ken however is for that quality of life.
Yes, his girlfriend is an expert on senior issues and has a plan for everything he needs to have taken care of when and if he passes. I visited him in the hospital again today, and he seemed upbeat for once, and his son had a friend getting him a ride to the hospital sometime during the morning. They don't tell me anything, so I'm used to it now. Ken says his medical team is planning physical therapy when he gets a little stronger. I didn't know that you could do physical therapy for lung issues, and he will be in the hospital during his therapy which will be given for at least 2 weeks. I guess his girlfriend will see to it that his son can come and go as he wishes. I'm over all of the secrecy that was bothering me, and it feels pretty good to be independent of the misunderstandings brought on by insincerity and being used badly by one or more people. After forgiving them, I feel free at last. :thup:
This is the same Ken who is on the vigil list yes? I hope there are caregivers for his son if he doesn't make it. But sometimes passing on is the best blessing when there is no quality of life left. My prayer for Ken however is for that quality of life.
Ken's mother is still alive, and Ken is still in the hospital, where they are planning a physical therapy phase for his emphysema. I visited him this afternoon, and his color seems to be back in his face. But I was tired, because I spent the day completing two charity quilt tops, and I'm not used to working 8 hours a day. One of the quilts was in the royal blue range, and the other was brilliant blues and golds. It feels so good to be around people you like while having a Charity Bees workout. Some of their quilts were so cute. It all looked wonderful to me, as it's been a couple of years since I attended a work meeting like this one. I'm going to sleep tonight, and am so tired right now, I could start snoring. Hope to see everyone here tomorrow. :huddle: Have a lovely evening.
Foxfyre, my computer is playing little tricks. I saw your beautiful kitchen for which I say "yea". This computer takes 15 seconds to type the word or sentence, and it doesn't want to stay on the page I thought I was on. I'm getting ready to turn this computer onto the burn pile and give up my computer. I got hacked twice in the last year and I'm thinking about finding and reclaiming my typewriter and take up poetry. Sometimes I can't even get on the page I want to be on, because it's even slower when trying to get on a different page. Love to all. See you when I get a new computer which may take some doing. Tomorrow or next month? I'm not sure but stay healthy, wealthy and wise. It's been an honor to post with such precious Americans and those who live in other countries. Hope to be back soon. Love, beautress

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