USMB Coffee Shop IV

That is weird. But I looked it up and apparently they are linked at least in some way. But setting up a Yahoo account could be different. I don't know.
And just like that my email is working again. All I did was try it again. As I've done 2 or 3 times a day since it started acting up.
And just like that my email is working again. All I did was try it again. As I've done 2 or 3 times a day since it started acting up.
Everything goes down for maintenance at some point. Or the gremlins are more active at some times than others. But all's well that ends well and all that.
Just got done with Spotty's funeral. Last night, 3 of them broke through the front door because I forgot to lock it before retiring. I found him on the side of the road next to the drive rode that stretches back to the house. Also saw the trail the car that hit him took that bounced him over and over. There were about 7 bloody areas of the pounding his body took. Spotty was deaf, so when he went out into the road fearlessly, he took the hit saving the other two who tagged along. I took each dog out to view his body and told them going out on the road day or night is a bad idea. Last night when they ran loose, I called them back to the house, but all 3 of them ignored me. It never occurred to me they'd actually go out onto the road, because they had never done that before. I'm not sure they fully understood how dangerous it is to break free and run to the road. It's 1/10th of a mile to the road, and usually they go to the back of the property that joins another back yard of a farm, and how I wish they had gone that way last night. I wondered why Spotty didn't show up for our late breakfast because at last, the back yard fence was secure after my brother fixed the gate they broke a couple of weeks back. I shed so many tears, my eyes are dry. I hope my dogs are smarter than I think, but they will be staying indoors a lot more until I get over my sinusitis infection and the cough that goes with it. Spotty's mom, brothers and sisters are napping on the carpet in the music room/study. Some say doggies go to heaven. My sweet little guy Spotty is in a better place, where it doesn't matter if you're deaf, and where love is all around. Love y'all.
Just got done with Spotty's funeral. Last night, 3 of them broke through the front door because I forgot to lock it before retiring. I found him on the side of the road next to the drive rode that stretches back to the house. Also saw the trail the car that hit him took that bounced him over and over. There were about 7 bloody areas of the pounding his body took. Spotty was deaf, so when he went out into the road fearlessly, he took the hit saving the other two who tagged along. I took each dog out to view his body and told them going out on the road day or night is a bad idea. Last night when they ran loose, I called them back to the house, but all 3 of them ignored me. It never occurred to me they'd actually go out onto the road, because they had never done that before. I'm not sure they fully understood how dangerous it is to break free and run to the road. It's 1/10th of a mile to the road, and usually they go to the back of the property that joins another back yard of a farm, and how I wish they had gone that way last night. I wondered why Spotty didn't show up for our late breakfast because at last, the back yard fence was secure after my brother fixed the gate they broke a couple of weeks back. I shed so many tears, my eyes are dry. I hope my dogs are smarter than I think, but they will be staying indoors a lot more until I get over my sinusitis infection and the cough that goes with it. Spotty's mom, brothers and sisters are napping on the carpet in the music room/study. Some say doggies go to heaven. My sweet little guy Spotty is in a better place, where it doesn't matter if you're deaf, and where love is all around. Love y'all.
condolences.........dogs really are better people than.....people beautress......

Thanks, Sparky. I was very attached to Spotty because he needed someone on his side, and it took a long time for his brother and sister puppies to realize he couldn't hear anything, but was always watching and following the pack. He was somewhat adorable, too, and weighed the most since he spent a lot of time taking naps instead of playing and listening to yap-yaps. He was rather cheerful considering his handicap of living in a silent world while the rest of us can hear what's going on at all times. Sometimes it seemed he was a little telepathetic on certain occasions when he reacted as quickly as his normal brothers and sisters when I called them together. After we gave 3 of Songie's litter pups away, he had 2 sisters and 3 brothers left along with his mama, Songie. I took each of the puppies out to his burial spot to see him one last time before he got plowed under. They're only a year and 3 months old, and I don't think they know he won't be gathering at mealtime or present at playtime for the duration. On the other hand, they're sleeping like they're glad this trying day is almost over. My eyes are getting more comfortable now. My funeral prayer was to thank God for the year I got to spend with this cheerful fella, and for the privilege of being able to hug and feed him for a whole year. He never caused any trouble. 💗 💗 💗
Thanks, Sparky. I was very attached to Spotty because he needed someone on his side, and it took a long time for his brother and sister puppies to realize he couldn't hear anything, but was always watching and following the pack. He was somewhat adorable, too, and weighed the most since he spent a lot of time taking naps instead of playing and listening to yap-yaps. He was rather cheerful considering his handicap of living in a silent world while the rest of us can hear what's going on at all times. Sometimes it seemed he was a little telepathetic on certain occasions when he reacted as quickly as his normal brothers and sisters when I called them together. After we gave 3 of Songie's litter pups away, he had 2 sisters and 3 brothers left along with his mama, Songie. I took each of the puppies out to his burial spot to see him one last time before he got plowed under. They're only a year and 3 months old, and I don't think they know he won't be gathering at mealtime or present at playtime for the duration. On the other hand, they're sleeping like they're glad this trying day is almost over. My eyes are getting more comfortable now. My funeral prayer was to thank God for the year I got to spend with this cheerful fella, and for the privilege of being able to hug and feed him for a whole year. He never caused any trouble. 💗 💗 💗
I'm sorry Lady Beautress .. he was fortunate to have your love as the other pets are as well.

Pets are family at our house and I certainly understand the sorrow. Bless You ..
Just got done with Spotty's funeral. Last night, 3 of them broke through the front door because I forgot to lock it before retiring. I found him on the side of the road next to the drive rode that stretches back to the house. Also saw the trail the car that hit him took that bounced him over and over. There were about 7 bloody areas of the pounding his body took. Spotty was deaf, so when he went out into the road fearlessly, he took the hit saving the other two who tagged along. I took each dog out to view his body and told them going out on the road day or night is a bad idea. Last night when they ran loose, I called them back to the house, but all 3 of them ignored me. It never occurred to me they'd actually go out onto the road, because they had never done that before. I'm not sure they fully understood how dangerous it is to break free and run to the road. It's 1/10th of a mile to the road, and usually they go to the back of the property that joins another back yard of a farm, and how I wish they had gone that way last night. I wondered why Spotty didn't show up for our late breakfast because at last, the back yard fence was secure after my brother fixed the gate they broke a couple of weeks back. I shed so many tears, my eyes are dry. I hope my dogs are smarter than I think, but they will be staying indoors a lot more until I get over my sinusitis infection and the cough that goes with it. Spotty's mom, brothers and sisters are napping on the carpet in the music room/study. Some say doggies go to heaven. My sweet little guy Spotty is in a better place, where it doesn't matter if you're deaf, and where love is all around. Love y'all.
So sorry Beautress. It is hard losing a beloved fur friend but sooner or later it happens to many, maybe most of us. Knowing that doesn't make it any easier though. :(
Had to run the stray to the vet today. Vet surmises somebody abandoned her after the tests came back. Has some sort of kidney problem. find out how bad tomorrow. Hasnt put on an ounce of weight. Might come down to making her comfortable for whatever time she has left.
Thanks, Sparky. I was very attached to Spotty because he needed someone on his side, and it took a long time for his brother and sister puppies to realize he couldn't hear anything, but was always watching and following the pack. He was somewhat adorable, too, and weighed the most since he spent a lot of time taking naps instead of playing and listening to yap-yaps. He was rather cheerful considering his handicap of living in a silent world while the rest of us can hear what's going on at all times. Sometimes it seemed he was a little telepathetic on certain occasions when he reacted as quickly as his normal brothers and sisters when I called them together. After we gave 3 of Songie's litter pups away, he had 2 sisters and 3 brothers left along with his mama, Songie. I took each of the puppies out to his burial spot to see him one last time before he got plowed under. They're only a year and 3 months old, and I don't think they know he won't be gathering at mealtime or present at playtime for the duration. On the other hand, they're sleeping like they're glad this trying day is almost over. My eyes are getting more comfortable now. My funeral prayer was to thank God for the year I got to spend with this cheerful fella, and for the privilege of being able to hug and feed him for a whole year. He never caused any trouble. 💗 💗 💗
lotta notes to trade beautress, i'll simply say our pets are well kept and cared for

two i miss>>>


Had to run the stray to the vet today. Vet surmises somebody abandoned her after the tests came back. Has some sort of kidney problem. find out how bad tomorrow. Hasnt put on an ounce of weight. Might come down to making her comfortable for whatever time she has left.
Kidney issues of humans are on the run because of research trials and new products that can fix the problem. I hope the veterinarians have also benefitted our pets by similar trials. In fact, often vets have solutions it takes a couple of years to prove will help humans. Veterinarians and Doctors are wise to keep tabs on each other's panaceas. Both groups benefit mankind in the best way--healing human hurts that makes life wonderful and longer-living beloved pets. They get 10 hearts from me. 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗 :thup:
Yea! Be grateful you know how to find your emails. I have trouble with technology issues, and I don't know why. :dunno:
I think tech stuff like many gifts is something we are born with. I understand very little about how computers work, for instance, but seem to be gifted with intuition on how to get a messed up computer back on track. I don't know why what I do frequently works, or how I know how to do it, and there is no way I could teach somebody else as it is all automatic intuition. My beloved hubby has zero such intuition. If he messes something up he is helpless on how to correct it. On the other hand, he has mechanical skills and knowledge and understanding that I do not.

My Uncle Ed, even as he was going blind from glaucoma and had very little vision, had such an uncanny sense of direction that he could serve as navigator in almost any situation. My Aunt Betty and my son Mike have almost no sense of direction whatsoever though both are brilliant professionals in their fields. I have pretty good sense of directions outdoors. None indoors. They say it is something people are born with. You either have the ability or you don't.

I have learned over the years to accept my limitations on those things I have little or no aptitude for and be grateful for whatever gifts of ability I have been given. I think all of us are good at something and other things not so much.
Mad dash to the grocery store this morning in a light wet snow, I liked it..

So anyway, grabbing several carnation bunches and BS-ing with the guys, bottle of wine and home to a happy wife. 😀

My darlin wife still works part time so somehow I’ve turned into chief cook and bottle washer, looks like salmon, asparagus and rice tonight.

It’s a good life and best wishes to all.. 🥰
Mad dash to the grocery store this morning in a light wet snow, I liked it..

So anyway, grabbing several carnation bunches and BS-ing with the guys, bottle of wine and home to a happy wife. 😀

My darlin wife still works part time so somehow I’ve turned into chief cook and bottle washer, looks like salmon, asparagus and rice tonight.

It’s a good life and best wishes to all.. 🥰

mr. boe and I will join you at 6pm!

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