USMB Coffee Shop IV


What a pain in the rear end.
For more years than I can remember I've used 2 email addresses. 4 days ago I got an error message saying my at&t account had an error getting to the sign in page. Says my WIFI might not have a good connection. My wifi is perfect.
I get the same error message on my Desk top and my laptop. I can almost understand what the guy in India (working from home for AT&T) is saying, I think after 45 minutes I understood that I have been hacked. And my local PC repair guy isn't answering his phone... It's a good thing I've still goy my gmail ......:drills:
What a pain in the rear end.
For more years than I can remember I've used 2 email addresses. 4 days ago I got an error message saying my at&t account had an error getting to the sign in page. Says my WIFI might not have a good connection. My wifi is perfect.
I get the same error message on my Desk top and my laptop. I can almost understand what the guy in India (working from home for AT&T) is saying, I think after 45 minutes I understood that I have been hacked. And my local PC repair guy isn't answering his phone... It's a good thing I've still goy my gmail ......:drills:
So sorry Ollie. Is your wi-fi with AT&T? We have Norton with Lifelock virus/malware protection and so far so good--they advise us when various of our accounts have been compromised so we can reset passwords or whatever needs to be done. The last incident was with Xfinity(comcast) that got hacked. Norton couldn't say whether our account was involved but recommended we reset passwords, security questions and whatnot. Xfinity is our internet provider among several other things.
So sorry Ollie. Is your wi-fi with AT&T? We have Norton with Lifelock virus/malware protection and so far so good--they advise us when various of our accounts have been compromised so we can reset passwords or whatever needs to be done. The last incident was with Xfinity(comcast) that got hacked. Norton couldn't say whether our account was involved but recommended we reset passwords, security questions and whatnot. Xfinity is our internet provider among several other things.
Used to be I, changed to T-Mobile 2 years ago, but kept my ATT e-mail.
Used to be I, changed to T-Mobile 2 years ago, but kept my ATT e-mail.
Well gmail pretty much sucks but it is usually what we communicate with on our phones because it is easy to do there, But for a more user friendly email you might want to try Yahoo. Our daughter and Aunt Betty both use that and though you have to delete a lot of spam, it is at least user friendly and easy to delete stuff on.
Thank you for including my nephew Chris in the prayer list. He is doing so much better now! I do have a new request. My brother Douglas is seriously ill with a heart problem. Please pray for him and his family.
Thank you for including my nephew Chris in the prayer list. He is doing so much better now! I do have a new request. My brother Douglas is seriously ill with a heart problem. Please pray for him and his family.
So sorry. We almost lost our son last year to a heart issue but he had good medical intervention and is doing very well now. My prayers for Douglas will be for the same outcome. And onto the vigil list he goes.
Well gmail pretty much sucks but it is usually what we communicate with on our phones because it is easy to do there, But for a more user friendly email you might want to try Yahoo. Our daughter and Aunt Betty both use that and though you have to delete a lot of spam, it is at least user friendly and easy to delete stuff on.
If I remember right att and yahoo are the same server, my sign in goes through " Currently Yahoo ".
If I remember right att and yahoo are the same server, my sign in goes through " Currently Yahoo ".
That is weird. But I looked it up and apparently they are linked at least in some way. But setting up a Yahoo account could be different. I don't know.
So sorry. We almost lost our son last year to a heart issue but he had good medical intervention and is doing very well now. My prayers for Douglas will be for the same outcome. And onto the vigil list he goes.

He is thankfully doing better this am - in the hospital with good care. We're hopeful!
We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son Mike for continued wellness
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mrs. Saveliberty for rapid and trouble free healing
Oddball's mom for a good diagnosis and resolution.
Boedicca's brother Douglas for successful treatment and wellness.

And we keep the light on so those who have moved on to other places can find their way back. And we hope they do.

Tonight Trey Gowdy recounted his childhood and how his mother insisted that he take Valentines to ALL the students in his class, even the mean and yucky ones. Nobody deserves to be left out she said. It was a lesson in basic kindness that he never forgot. I am pretty sure a lot of Coffee Shoppers share my thoughts about all of us here that thought most of us have not met each other and probably never will, there is a kindness in the Coffee Shop that has become important to me. I hope all who come here feel it especially during Valentine week.

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