USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning! Rain this morning but a good moment for a warm mug of coffee.

That cuppa coffee sounds good to me.

We had a gully-washer here the other day. I'm afraid to look at my lake. I've seen it flow over the top, to a low area near the forest next door,k and I don't like looking at it.. Why, I don't know. Nature is mostly interesting to me, but watching that flow once was enough. :eek:

Today, it's overcast with one little blue patch I can see from here. The doggies are safely in the sun room, with a door left open for them to exercise and if it warms up, they usually go sit under the spreading holly tree out back.

Today, I looked up scotch shortbread, and now it's in the over. I like butter cookies the best, and I had one design on my cookie press that suits the recipe. There were only 3 ingredients. It's been a few years since I baked a batch of cookies, but I'm a little under the weather with a sore throat and a cough, so I'm not about to go out and spread whatever kind of cold this is with anyone else because furthermore, I'm sneezing a lot. Ken is back in the hospital, and he has a new girlfriend, and is not returning calls from me. Don't worry, I'm happy thrilled about it. :muahaha: Now, if the sneezing would just settle down. I may have to make a paste with water and baking soda. It worked really well last night. Time to go check on the shortbread...and make some coffee. Have a great day, one and all. :thup:

about it.
That cuppa coffee sounds good to me.

We had a gully-washer here the other day. I'm afraid to look at my lake. I've seen it flow over the top, to a low area near the forest next door,k and I don't like looking at it.. Why, I don't know. Nature is mostly interesting to me, but watching that flow once was enough. :eek:

Today, it's overcast with one little blue patch I can see from here. The doggies are safely in the sun room, with a door left open for them to exercise and if it warms up, they usually go sit under the spreading holly tree out back.

Today, I looked up scotch shortbread, and now it's in the over. I like butter cookies the best, and I had one design on my cookie press that suits the recipe. There were only 3 ingredients. It's been a few years since I baked a batch of cookies, but I'm a little under the weather with a sore throat and a cough, so I'm not about to go out and spread whatever kind of cold this is with anyone else because furthermore, I'm sneezing a lot. Ken is back in the hospital, and he has a new girlfriend, and is not returning calls from me. Don't worry, I'm happy thrilled about it. :muahaha: Now, if the sneezing would just settle down. I may have to make a paste with water and baking soda. It worked really well last night. Time to go check on the shortbread...and make some coffee. Have a great day, one and all. :thup:

about it.
I want a lake, even a stream would be nice.. and hello Lady Beautress..

btw .. If you lived next door, I’d feel right at home coming by for coffee and cookies, like I’d already been there.
So .. 2 months or so ago my wife decided it was time for another cat, an orange cat this time. Our last was a tuxedo cat and we loved her, Isabella, for around 16 years-ish.

So .. it ends up we get 2 .. Jack and buy one get one free .. Bogo. Two male cats and spoiled brats is the way it’s working out. These guys are nuts, plants (destroyed or hidden), Christmas tree in the living room (no way), draw strings for curtains (ruined), leather couches (well, we needed new couches anyway.. grandchildren are rough as well) and that’s just the tip of the iceberg at the Lumpy house. 😀
I want a lake, even a stream would be nice.. and hello Lady Beautress..

btw .. If you lived next door, I’d feel right at home coming by for coffee and cookies, like I’d already been there.
Oh, my goodness. I baked cookies today, but alack and alas, but they turned black when my lower oven went haywire and instead of a 200 degree slow cook, it got so hot that after 20 minutes of baking time past, the kitchen had black smoke in it. Last week it was so cold, I put low heat on for 8 to 12 hours every night and morning for the severe weather. Didn't use the ovens again until this morning's fiasco that produced 20 pressed scottish shortbread cookies with total black tops. :( The two small ovens are almost 40 years old if they were put in when the house was built in 1984. In 1983, the builders routed a spring gully to the area of an artist's pallet-shaped lake, so small that it only covers 3 acres with the small curve closest to the back yard that was about 6 or 7 feet higher than the water's small curved area. The larger curve of the artist's "pallet" was dug way deeper and covers at least 2 of the 3 acre-sized lake. I've never swim there due to frightening the timid turtles or angering a big black moccasin if one is hanging around or a smaller copperhead which has bitten Ms. Song twice, once when she was a puppy, and one a few months ago when she took the bite from a copperhead snake getting ready to kill her puppies. She put herself between two of her puppies and the copperhead. I almost fainted when I saw the size of her paw and lower leg. Fortunately, though I didn't witness the event, the veterinarian knew the bite was from the smaller copperhead, not the super-poisonous moccasins that are seen but not very often around here. Needless to say, I totally adore Ms. Songie for her protection of the 2 little ones who followed her around as if they were still joined by umbilical cords. What a sweet gal Songie is to place herself in harm's way to protect her puppies. 💗 I think my kitchen needs a serious remodelling at this point. The scottish shortbread recipe has 1/4 of the sugar most cookies require, but even so, the cookies turned black as the ace of spades when the temperature failure went into overdrive. :( I just can't completely figure out why that oven I've used for the last 14 years (sparingly) just decided to overheat when set on low heat. :dunno: Reminds me of a Johnny Cash song:

:FIREdevil: :FIREdevil:

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Oh, my goodness. I baked cookies today, but alack and alas, but they turned black when my lower oven went haywire and instead of a 200 degree slow cook, it got so hot that after 20 minutes of baking time past, the kitchen had black smoke in it. Last week it was so cold, I put low heat on for 8 to 12 hours every night and morning for the severe weather. Didn't use the ovens again until this morning's fiasco that produced 20 pressed scottish shortbread cookies with total black tops. :( The two small ovens are almost 40 years old if they were put in when the house was built in 1984. In 1983, the builders routed a spring gully to the area of an artist's pallet-shaped lake, so small that it only covers 3 acres with the small curve closest to the back yard that was about 6 or 7 feet higher than the water's small curved area. The larger curve of the artist's "pallet" was dug way deeper and covers at least 2 of the 3 acre-sized lake. I've never swim there due to frightening the timid turtles or angering a big black moccasin if one is hanging around or a smaller copperhead which has bitten Ms. Song twice, once when she was a puppy, and one a few months ago when she took the bite from a copperhead snake getting ready to kill her puppies. She put herself between two of her puppies and the copperhead. I almost fainted when I saw the size of her paw and lower leg. Fortunately, though I didn't witness the event, the veterinarian knew the bite was from the smaller copperhead, not the super-poisonous moccasins that are seen but not very often around here. Needless to say, I totally adore Ms. Songie for her protection of the 2 little ones who followed her around as if they were still joined by umbilical cords. What a sweet gal Songie is to place herself in harm's way to protect her puppies. 💗 I think my kitchen needs a serious remodelling at this point. The scottish shortbread recipe has 1/4 of the sugar most cookies require, but even so, the cookies turned black as the ace of spades when the temperature failure went into overdrive. :( I just can't completely figure out why that oven I've used for the last 14 years (sparingly) just decided to overheat when set on low heat. :dunno: Reminds me of a Johnny Cash song:

:FIREdevil: :FIREdevil:

Sorry about the troubles Beautress. You've had more than your fair share of them lately. Did you get your water problems solved?
So .. 2 months or so ago my wife decided it was time for another cat, an orange cat this time. Our last was a tuxedo cat and we loved her, Isabella, for around 16 years-ish.

So .. it ends up we get 2 .. Jack and buy one get one free .. Bogo. Two male cats and spoiled brats is the way it’s working out. These guys are nuts, plants (destroyed or hidden), Christmas tree in the living room (no way), draw strings for curtains (ruined), leather couches (well, we needed new couches anyway.. grandchildren are rough as well) and that’s just the tip of the iceberg at the Lumpy house. 😀
Wow. I have seen dogs that destructive but not cats. These must be unique. Our cats usually had one spot they did the clawing thing and usually that was in a spot tolerable for us.
We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery with good news for both now reported.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mrs. Saveliberty for rapid and trouble free healing
Oddball's mom for a good diagnosis and resolution.

And we keep the light on so those who have moved on to other places can find their way back. And we hope they do.

And because so many of us are facing unwanted challenges right now and/or are concerned or fearful of what may happen to ourselves or loved ones, it sometimes helps to know:
Wow. I have seen dogs that destructive but not cats. These must be unique. Our cats usually had one spot they did the clawing thing and usually that was in a spot tolerable for us.
Well .. getting 2 energetic male cats at the same time doesn’t seem like the brightest decision at the moment but eh, I’ll crush their spirits …. (not really). We’ve trapped them indoors (cold weather) but spring is just around the corner.
Well .. getting 2 energetic male cats at the same time doesn’t seem like the brightest decision at the moment but eh, I’ll crush their spirits …. (not really). We’ve trapped them indoors (cold weather) but spring is just around the corner.
By spring they will likely have you trained as the proper staff that all cats require. :)
Thanks, the more eyes looking the better.

Alright. So I finally ran into the Seiko guy over there.

Those movement parts apparently aren't really that hard to come by.

Easier to come by on your own by looking/asking for them where the watch enthusiasts frequent, rather than a watch repair store.

It's the casing and original bracelet that are slim pickings. Those cases gets pitted over the years if they're not cared for.
Alright. So I finally ran into the Seiko guy over there.

Those movement parts apparently aren't really that hard to come by.

Easier to come by on your own by looking/asking for them where the watch enthusiasts frequent, rather than a watch repair store.

It's the casing and original bracelet that are slim pickings. Those cases gets pitted over the years if they're not cared for.
Some Christmases ago I bought Hombre a nice looking watch that supposedly had a $700 price tag on it but I got it on a one-hour black Friday deal for $40. When it came I was thrilled because it looked like a very expensive watch. Hombre got it for Christmas and he loved it too. . .except. . .the darn thing has never kept good time. It looses a few minutes every day. So he takes it to the high value jewelry/watch place down the road but they say it's a watch they don't have parts or information on. . . we'll have to send it to the manufacturer. So we did. Weeks later we got it back and they said they fixed it. But it still loses a few minutes every day. Frustrating.
Some Christmases ago I bought Hombre a nice looking watch that supposedly had a $700 price tag on it but I got it on a one-hour black Friday deal for $40. When it came I was thrilled because it looked like a very expensive watch. Hombre got it for Christmas and he loved it too. . .except. . .the darn thing has never kept good time. It looses a few minutes every day. So he takes it to the high value jewelry/watch place down the road but they say it's a watch they don't have parts or information on. . . we'll have to send it to the manufacturer. So we did. Weeks later we got it back and they said they fixed it. But it still loses a few minutes every day. Frustrating.

They all lose or gain time like that. Some of the worst actual time keepers I've owned have been the more expensive ones.

Also, just things like temperature will throw them off, whether it be winter or summer or whatever. Everyday jolting will throw em off, too.

I refuse to wear one, mainly because I just appreciate mechanical watches, but the only watches that keep excellent good time without having to regulate and service them are the quartz battery operated ones.

Though I do have a Bulova Lunar Pilot chronograph that only gains/loses about a one second per year. Just depends on the movement. I never wear it, though.

On the other hand, mechanical watches can lose or gain as much as a couple of minutes per day if they aren't regulated right.

It takes a long time to regulate a mechanical watch to be accurate over the long haul because you have to do it over the course of a month or so, regulating the movement ever so graduallyand in the smallest of increments.

Sending it in to a general repair shop; their turnaround time is too fast to get it regulated right.

What kind of watch is it that you're talking about?
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They all lose or gain time like that. Some of the worst actual time keepers I've owned have been the more expensive ones.

Also, just things like temperature will throw them off, whether it be winter or summer or whatever. Everyday jolting will throw em off, too.

I refuse to wear one, mainly because I just appreciate mechanical watches, but the only watches that keep excellent good time without having to regulate and service them are the quartz battery operated ones.

Though I do have a Bulova Lunar Pilot chronograph that only gains/loses about a one second per year. Just depends on the movement. I never wear it, though.

On the other hand, mechanical watches can lose or gain as much as a couple of minutes per day if they aren't regulated right.

It takes a long time to regulate a mechanical watch to be accurate over the long haul because you have to do it over the course of a month or so, regulating the movement ever so graduallyand in the smallest of increments.

Sending it in to a general repair shop; their turnaround time is too fast to get it regulated right.

What kind of watch is it that you're talking about?
I don't know. I wear a $30 Timex that has kept perfect time for years now--I might have to adjust a minute maybe once a year. You would think an expensive watch could do as well?
I don't know. I wear a $30 Timex that has kept perfect time for years now--I might have to adjust a minute maybe once a year. You would think an expensive watch could do as well?

Yeah, you can't go wrong with a good old Timex.

I have three of these, and it's one of my favorites to just wear around the house or whatever. They're not automatic, but winders, so have to wind em up every day if you're gonna wear em often.

Almost forty years old and still keeps real good time...

Yeah, you can't go wrong with a good old Timex.

I have three of these, and it's one of my favorites to just wear around the house or whatever. They're not automatic, but winders, so have to wind em up every day if you're gonna wear em often.

Almost forty years old and still keeps real good time...

Mine is battery operated so every couple of years I have to have the battery replaced. But they are amazing.

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