USMB Coffee Shop IV

Recurring themes are gateways to lucid dreams....Mine are elevators and resort towns...Nearly every lucid dream I remember starts with me noticing where I am, and saying to myself "hey, this is a dream"....The fun begins there.
Yes I have those lucid dreams too and can have a lot of fun with them. But not all the reoccurring themes like with our dog or I need to find a bathroom and there isn't any to be found or those that are found are broken or my mother is alive again and I have to figure out how to tell her we sold her house. Those aren't fun.
Yes I have those lucid dreams too and can have a lot of fun with them. But not all the reoccurring themes like with our dog or I need to find a bathroom and there isn't any to be found or those that are found are broken or my mother is alive again and I have to figure out how to tell her we sold her house. Those aren't fun.
See, that's just the thing about lucid dream....You can ask what's really going on here, or tell all that negativity to take a hike.

The last scary dream I remember is one where I snapped into lucidity, yelled at the scary element that I knew this is just a dream and that they couldn't scare or harm me.
See, that's just the thing about lucid dream....You can ask what's really going on here, or tell all that negativity to take a hike.

The last scary dream I remember is one where I snapped into lucidity, yelled at the scary element that I knew this is just a dream and that they couldn't scare or harm me.
Sometimes I can do that. And sometimes I can't. You're really lucky if you can do that most or all of the time.
Sometimes I can do that. And sometimes I can't. You're really lucky if you can do that most or all of the time.
I just remembered it when a scary dream came up and was fortunate to snap into lucidity.

Now the only bad dreams I remember are just irritating instead of scary....Maybe the next time I go lucid, those irritants can be told to shove off. :cool:
Our daughter lived in Alexandria for a number of years before moving back to California. It is a nice area but after visiting there I wouldn't want to live there. We did live in White Sulphur Springs WV for four months just 15 miles from the Virginia state line and I loved the experience, but again have never thought I would want to go back there. But we were friends with a couple from northern Virginia--she was our first realtor here and he managed TWA at the Sunport--and he hated the high desert and the harshness of the land. And they did move back there.

But I think of the places we have lived that we absolutely loved and thought we would like to go back, but going back now those places no longer feel like home and the desire to return just isn't there any more.. You might want to go back for a visit for a few days and see if it still feels the same to you?
Trust me, was just feeling maudlin. There are probably far too many negatives that outweigh the positives to moving back. When we lived in Roswell and commuted back and forth for chemo treatments, every time we drove into Albuquerque it felt like coming home. Unless something drastic happens I'll most likely die here.
Trust me, was just feeling maudlin. There are probably far too many negatives that outweigh the positives to moving back. When we lived in Roswell and commuted back and forth for chemo treatments, every time we drove into Albuquerque it felt like coming home. Unless something drastic happens I'll most likely die here.
Well give me a heads up before you die. I know we don't visit socially but I like knowing you're here. It is said that if you wear out a pair of shoes in Albuquerque you'll never leave. It is a big city with a small town feel to us. And the cost of living in New Mexico isn't cheap, but it is way cheaper than northern Virginia. :) Last time I looked we were the34th most expensive state to live in. But unfortunately we were the 35th best state to live in. But who knows how they figure these things?
The stray cat that started coming round during our 1 real cold stretch decided to stay. She started coming to the back slider morning and evening crying for food. Just a little thing. Rule was ya had to leave the slider open a tad or she would stop eating and start crying. Loved to be petted so she wasnt a feral. Last week she started wandering round the house and I knew she was going to stay. Been in 3 days. Sleeps behind the couch so nobody can sneak up on her for now.
The stray cat that started coming round during our 1 real cold stretch decided to stay. She started coming to the back slider morning and evening crying for food. Just a little thing. Rule was ya had to leave the slider open a tad or she would stop eating and start crying. Loved to be petted so she wasnt a feral. Last week she started wandering round the house and I knew she was going to stay. Been in 3 days. Sleeps behind the couch so nobody can sneak up on her for now.
LOL. So you're an old softie too. :) The fur friends who adopt us very often turn out to be the best ones ever.
We pray or send positive thoughts or keep vigil for:

Harper, the inspiration for the vigil list. Another surgery coming up.
Ringel for continued wellness and his brothers' families for relief from adversity and illness.
Hombre & Foxfyre's son for continued wellness
Beautress's friend Ken for healing and wellness.
Dale Smith for quality of life.
Boedicca's nephew for healing/adversity and baby Emma for healing and full recovery with good news for both now reported.
Mindful for successful preventative therapy.
SFC Ollie for healing and wellness
Gracie for solutions and peace.
Mrs. Saveliberty for rapid and trouble free healing

And we keep the light on so those who have moved on to other places can find their way back. And we hope they do.

So Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow this morning predicting six more weeks of winter. Albuquerque really hasn't had any winter to speak of this year so oh well. Also of note, according to the Stormfax Weather Almanac, Phil is accurate only 39% of the time anyway. :)

The stray cat that started coming round during our 1 real cold stretch decided to stay. She started coming to the back slider morning and evening crying for food. Just a little thing. Rule was ya had to leave the slider open a tad or she would stop eating and start crying. Loved to be petted so she wasnt a feral. Last week she started wandering round the house and I knew she was going to stay. Been in 3 days. Sleeps behind the couch so nobody can sneak up on her for now.
Feline and Feel Fine
Good morning! Rain this morning but a good moment for a warm mug of coffee.

Indeed. Sunny but chilly in Albuquerque this morning. The high winds earlier this weekend seem to have calmed. We still don't know how much of the California rain might be coming our way yet. We need that rain.

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