USMB Coffee Shop IV

thanks, Lumpy, and Wow, minus 8 degrees, and I was cold when it went down to 16F here in beautiful , beautiful Texas where the beautiful bluebonnets grow (only in March in Walker Co., usually)

Missing them... and achin' for spring this cold and clammy night.
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And I'm missing some really good patriots who used to spend more time with us here...

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Foxfire, I went back there. squinted, and saw a panda. :thup: Oh, and several of the pics (above) and of those I'm not seeing enough of didn't come out right. Through the years, we've had a lot of people who used to visit us often. I still miss BBD, 007, Dajjal andhis art,, and several others. I guess stuff happens in their lives, and they have demands made of them in real life.

Good night everyone. Stay warm and shake out those Wooly sweaters and outer coats. Have to go put the tribe of puppies who've grown up to the upstairs soft carpet in the hall. It's just too cold outside. Most years we don't even get down to freezing. This year brrrr for days on end...
The last time BBD posted in the Coffee Shop he had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was going on hospice. That was roughly two years ago now so I suspect since he hasn't posted in all that time he is probably entertaining the angels with his wit and wisdom now. Dajjal check in just the other day and I was really happy to 'see' him. I don't know about 007 but I wish he would check in. Many other of the our Coffee Shop friends who are no longer with us I hope are well and happy where they are.
Hi Guys; summer here but who's gloating??

Been like that for weeks. We are going into a drought, they said!!!

Not quite true!!! Maybe later in the year during our dry season...midyear.


Hey gtopa, we're always happy when one of our Aussie friends drops in. I wonder if Australia gets the really severe winters that we do though? And your summers may not get so hot as it gets here in parts of the USA? Visiting your country was always on my bucket list but I eventually had to put away that bucket.
I have an older Black & Decker 12 cup drip coffee maker that despite routine cleanings is starting to get somewhat "crusty". The hard water here plays havoc on anything unfiltered that uses it.
So I found what appeared to be a good (more compact) 12 cup Proctor Silex for less than are replacement B&D........ One would think that after decades of making drip coffee makers Proctor Silex could design a carafe that doesn't dribble....... Good thing I got it on Amazon, it's going back.

We honestly have the best luck with our standard boring Mr. Coffee machines and we don't buy the fancy ones, just basic. They hold up as well as any and aren't expensive to replace.
Hey gtopa, we're always happy when one of our Aussie friends drops in. I wonder if Australia gets the really severe winters that we do though? And your summers may not get so hot as it gets here in parts of the USA? Visiting your country was always on my bucket list but I eventually had to put away that bucket.
I didn't even see snow in Oz until I was 50yo. lol

Is Marble Bar the hottest place in Australia?

Key points:

Sunday was Marble Bar's first day since December 18 with a high temperature below 43C. The town proudly claims the title of "Australia's hottest town" due to a heatwave record set in 1923-1924. (That's 110F) I lived in Goondiwindi where we had three moths above 104 F. Out on the track out of town it got to 120F.

Yeah; get's a bit warm here.

But you can get quite mild Capital Cities and regions here. But temps of below 0F are VERY VERY rare. I was in about 25F a few times but that was just cool.

We honestly have the best luck with our standard boring Mr. Coffee machines and we don't buy the fancy ones, just basic. They hold up as well as any and aren't expensive to replace.
Unfortunately those nice cheap ones which we always buy aren't so cheap any more. I have a standard, boring Black & Decker (programmable) that used to cost around $18 are now $25 - $30 these days. That's what this one cost and it's not programmable........
Unfortunately those nice cheap ones which we always buy aren't so cheap any more. I have a standard, boring Black & Decker (programmable) that used to cost around $18 are now $25 - $30 these days. That's what this one cost and it's not programmable........
Well there's that too. Everything we use on a day to day basis is so much more expensive now and that is a problem for those of us on fixed incomes. I just quickly scanned the Amazon line up and it looks like they're all in the same price range. The Mr. Coffee maker we bought for about $30 about three years ago is now $60 :(
I didn't even see snow in Oz until I was 50yo. lol

Is Marble Bar the hottest place in Australia?

Key points:

Sunday was Marble Bar's first day since December 18 with a high temperature below 43C. The town proudly claims the title of "Australia's hottest town" due to a heatwave record set in 1923-1924. (That's 110F) I lived in Goondiwindi where we had three moths above 104 F. Out on the track out of town it got to 120F.

Yeah; get's a bit warm here.

But you can get quite mild Capital Cities and regions here. But temps of below 0F are VERY VERY rare. I was in about 25F a few times but that was just cool.

It's cool you can think in both C and F :) When our in other countries friends cite celsius, I have to look it up on the converter to fahrenheit to see how hot or cold that is. :) I have the same problem converting metric to the imperial measurement system the USA uses just because I grew up with imperial and my brain insists on thinking in imperial. I don't know why the powers way back when thought we should be different than all the rest of the free world.

But yeah, 104 is really hot for anybody but not unusual for summer heat in many of the U.S. states. And below zero temps are really cold for anybody also not unusual for many of the U.S. states.
thanks, Lumpy, and Wow, minus 8 degrees, and I was cold when it went down to 16F here in beautiful , beautiful Texas where the beautiful bluebonnets grow (only in March in Walker Co., usually)

Missing them... and achin' for spring this cold and clammy night.
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And I'm missing some really good patriots who used to spend more time with us here...

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Foxfire, I went back there. squinted, and saw a panda. :thup: Oh, and several of the pics (above) and of those I'm not seeing enough of didn't come out right. Through the years, we've had a lot of people who used to visit us often. I still miss BBD, 007, Dajjal andhis art,, and several others. I guess stuff happens in their lives, and they have demands made of them in real life.

Good night everyone. Stay warm and shake out those Wooly sweaters and outer coats. Have to go put the tribe of puppies who've grown up to the upstairs soft carpet in the hall. It's just too cold outside. Most years we don't even get down to freezing. This year brrrr for days on end...
Still here just not as much to say.
Still here just not as much to say.
Well, your showing up today after me whinin' made one person happy, me! Glad you chimed in. I was gone looking around for help with the well that exploded last night in the 15 degreesF dip we experienced. I never saw exploded water pipes before. And there is no water in the house till it gets fixed. It filled up an area between the barn in the house that will turn the earth into jelly when it warms up. For some reason, the soil around here in damp weather has the texture of jelly, squish, squish, squish. By the time I found the broken pipes, several hours had passed of well water spewing at the rate of aproximately a gallon every 4 or 5 seconds. Well, the 4 gallons of water I bought at walmart are almost gone. I have to make a trip to a store or two if they're hoarding their supply of water gallons. Things will turn out okay, I hope, but the lawn area over by the well will be somewhat soggy in the cold weather we're having. It's a lot warmer in the evening sunshine we're having today, but it will be really cold again tonight, most likely. Prayers will be appreciated. :thup:
The last time BBD posted in the Coffee Shop he had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was going on hospice. That was roughly two years ago now so I suspect since he hasn't posted in all that time he is probably entertaining the angels with his wit and wisdom now. Dajjal check in just the other day and I was really happy to 'see' him. I don't know about 007 but I wish he would check in. Many other of the our Coffee Shop friends who are no longer with us I hope are well and happy where they are.
Oh, Foxfyre I didn't know that BBD had cancer. May God bless him and his family and circle of friends. He and 007 seemed to be friends, and I missed both of them and didn't know what became of them.
Well, your showing up today after me whinin' made one person happy, me! Glad you chimed in. I was gone looking around for help with the well that exploded last night in the 15 degreesF dip we experienced. I never saw exploded water pipes before. And there is no water in the house till it gets fixed. It filled up an area between the barn in the house that will turn the earth into jelly when it warms up. For some reason, the soil around here in damp weather has the texture of jelly, squish, squish, squish. By the time I found the broken pipes, several hours had passed of well water spewing at the rate of aproximately a gallon every 4 or 5 seconds. Well, the 4 gallons of water I bought at walmart are almost gone. I have to make a trip to a store or two if they're hoarding their supply of water gallons. Things will turn out okay, I hope, but the lawn area over by the well will be somewhat soggy in the cold weather we're having. It's a lot warmer in the evening sunshine we're having today, but it will be really cold again tonight, most likely. Prayers will be appreciated. :thup:
So sorry about your water issues beautress. I don't know what would have caused that but there are so many issues with frozen water pipes in warmer climates when they get that really unusual sub freezing weather. Sometimes I think the building codes should require anticipating that so the pipes are better protected.

When we lived on the mountain we had to contend with the private well and all the maintenance and problems associated with that as well as a septic system and propane tank for heat when we didn't have the fireplace going and we would go through two or three cords of wood in a winter up there.

City living still has its plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical issues but it is lot easier. :) And I envy Aunt Betty in her independent living facility. If she has a problem with ANYTHING she just calls up maintenance and it's done.

But prayers up for you for sure.
So sorry about your water issues beautress. I don't know what would have caused that but there are so many issues with frozen water pipes in warmer climates when they get that really unusual sub freezing weather. Sometimes I think the building codes should require anticipating that so the pipes are better protected.

When we lived on the mountain we had to contend with the private well and all the maintenance and problems associated with that as well as a septic system and propane tank for heat when we didn't have the fireplace going and we would go through two or three cords of wood in a winter up there.

City living still has its plumbing, heating, air conditioning, electrical issues but it is lot easier. :) And I envy Aunt Betty in her independent living facility. If she has a problem with ANYTHING she just calls up maintenance and it's done.

But prayers up for you for sure.
Thank you for the prayers, Foxfyre. God listens to kind people when they pray. Hope you all have a good evening. 💗 This has been a long day.
I ran across this today and decided to share it in the Coffee Shop. S.O.S. has long been the international distress call. But for some of us it is a reminder that we are now Slower, Older, Smarter. :)

And though we might miss the brashness, sense of immortality, and energy of our youth, there are a few things that Slower, Older, Smarter are just pretty okay. :)

I would give credit for this but don't have a clue what its origin or author is:
An Airbus 380 is on its way across the Atlantic. It flies consistently at 800 km/h at 30,000 feet, when suddenly a Eurofighter with a Tempo Mach 2 appears.

The pilot of the fighter jet slows down, flies alongside the Airbus and greets the pilot of the passenger plane by radio: "Airbus, boring flight isn’t it? Now have a look here!"

He rolls his jet on its back, accelerates, breaks through the sound barrier, rises rapidly to a dizzying height, and then swoops down almost to sea level in a breathtaking dive. He loops back next to the Airbus and asks: "Well, how was that?"

The Airbus pilot answers: "Very impressive, but watch this!"

The jet pilot watches the Airbus, but nothing happens. It continues to fly straight, at the same speed. After several minutes, the Airbus pilot radios, "Well, how was that?
Confused, the jet pilot asks, "What did you do?"

The AirBus pilot laughs and says: "I got up, stretched my legs, walked to the back of the aircraft to use the washroom, then got a cup of coffee and a chocolate fudge pastry."

The moral of the story is: When you’re young, speed and adrenaline seems to be great. But as you get older and wiser, you learn that comfort and peace are more important.
This is called S.O.S.: Slower, Older and Smarter.

Dedicated to all my senior friends - it’s time to slow down and enjoy the rest of the trip.
So beautress did you get your water problems solved? I hope?
No, not yet. I'm going to have to buy several more gallons of water for the kitchen and several more for cleaning until I can get a plumber. They're all busy getting the prison water pipes restored and businesses toilet pipes from the freeze 3 days ago. It's a nightmare.

There are 8 prisons in Walker County, Texas serving a prison population of 70818 people in an area of 784 square miles. There is one jail and Prison per 9,000 people not including unknown, uncounted border crossers. The traffic in the county is twice as thick as it was when we relocated to the state I was born in and both my late husband and I graduated from high school. You can't drive to Walmart hardly without seeing a prison bus carrying prisoners to their hard labor jobs. The state fathers think hard work is a good cure for prisoners who committed gross crimes, murders, rapes, bank stickups, child molestations, and arsonists, and it gives the ones who might be paroled a reason to never commit another crime for the rest of their lives. The illegal aliens who stay here are unaware that if they commit gross crimes, the eyes of Texas are upon them, and they cannot get away. They had to build more jails in adjacent counties due to the population boom Texas has experienced since 1964. And it ain't one big happy family either, but they either rehabilitate themselves or they stay put. From my farm to Trinity County, there are 3 prison locations, and if I go to the county seat to get groceries, I frequently pass 5 more jails. If they're in the Walker County jail, their chain gangs get a tour of state prisons that convince them when they're young that crime does not pay, and our Texas Rangers are still out there. They're rough, they're tough, and they're long, tall Texas lawmen and women who are intelligent, strong and shoot straighter than anywhere else in the world except maybe London in Great Britain who are famous detectives and peace keepers as well. I'm proud of 'em.
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Just went thru a Seinfeld episode. Wife reserved a car seat for the daughters baby shower to be picked up today betrween noon and 1. They reserved the time, but not the car seat itself. Wonderful.

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