USMB Coffee Shop IV

Unfortunately those nice cheap ones which we always buy aren't so cheap any more. I have a standard, boring Black & Decker (programmable) that used to cost around $18 are now $25 - $30 these days. That's what this one cost and it's not programmable........

I find it's actually better to buy refurbished used kitchen appliances on Ebay these days. They last way longer. The new crap can't even be repaired.
Happy Saturday Morning, Coffee Shop Peeps!

So beautress did you get your water problems solved? I hope?
Had some unexpected progress today--Ken went pipe shopping and thinks he can get the well back to better service than before. He said I probably paid him enough for the correct needs of the well. I told him we could get the local well folks over, but he insisted, and I didn't argue with a long-time-ago supervisor of the Houston City Maintenance department for years. Having no water to wash hands with makes me somewhat edgy, so it will be good to have a break from worries when the water is directed to where it belongs again. Watching the water spewing so hard the other day through a dismantled pipe was a pretty worrisome view. I have two brothers who are like mechanical geniuses, but I didn't get the gene, although I can design cheery little baby quilts for single-mom families that seem so frequent these days. That was a rarity in my high school days of 60 something years ago. So good to be back on track again. That dozen hours of shooting water freaked me out but good. I couldn't find the "valve" because I don't have a clue what a "valve" is, except it sounds like some kind of mechanical part. And yes, I heard "You don't know what a valve is?" and the response, "I don't know what a valve looks like on a well reservoir." Turning the faucet just didn't do it. I was and am so embarrassed. If paint brushes and sewing machines have valves, I don't know where they would be either. There are three year old kids who know more about what valves are than me. /redface
I didn't even see snow in Oz until I was 50yo. lol

Is Marble Bar the hottest place in Australia?

Key points:

Sunday was Marble Bar's first day since December 18 with a high temperature below 43C. The town proudly claims the title of "Australia's hottest town" due to a heatwave record set in 1923-1924. (That's 110F) I lived in Goondiwindi where we had three moths above 104 F. Out on the track out of town it got to 120F.

Yeah; get's a bit warm here.

But you can get quite mild Capital Cities and regions here. But temps of below 0F are VERY VERY rare. I was in about 25F a few times but that was just cool.

I'm fascinated. I had a great uncle and aunt who lived in Sydney since WWII. They met in WWII and were pen pals for years. Then she came to visit me in Wyoming, and we all went to Mama's house in Aldine, and they got married after all those years apart, moved to Sydney, and ten years later, Uncle Wimpy passed away leaving Aunt Lorna a widow. She was very old at the time, and we lost touch because we moved around a lot with my late husband's job promotions in a 7-state area. My mother passed away in '73, and sadly, we had lost touch with Aunt Lorna because when they went back to Sydney. mom and she became best friends, and we were in Wyoming. I think she may have passed away shortly after Uncle Wimp died, but we had no way of knowing. I had hoped to visit them someday, At least my Uncle died happy, even if it was late in his life, they had so much happiness together as the final chapter of their lives. They deserved a lot of happiness. 💗
Just went thru a Seinfeld episode. Wife reserved a car seat for the daughters baby shower to be picked up today betrween noon and 1. They reserved the time, but not the car seat itself. Wonderful.

Reminds me of the time I went to Sears to get a car seat for our daughter-in-law's baby shower as she was pregnant with our granddaughter. The baby department was on the third floor of the building where I bought it, but I had to pick it up in shipping at the basement level behind the building. When I got there what the sales clerk told them I ordered was not a car seat or anything useful I could use. I showed them my receipt and asked them to fix it and give me the car seat. Nope. I had to go all the way back to the third floor and have that sales clerk fix it. I cancelled the order. Didn't go back to Sears for years. And now the store is gone which is okay. I did find a good car seat for less money at another store.
Had most of a half gallon of milk that I needed to use quickly or it was going to go bad on us. So I made some from scratch hot chocolate tonight using Hershey dark chocolate unsweetened powder, Microingredients Stevia sweetener that is relatively healthy, no calorie, and not bitter sweetener, put a dollop of whipped cream on top and it's good. :)
Fourth or fifth day of no water in the house, but I put some buckets outside and took advantage of the free water from Heaven's raining like cats and dogs day. The water tastes so good, it's clean, clear, and no additives! Perfect.

One of the doggies jumped up on my unstable table and knocked everything off, including my fresh cup of coffee with cream. It splattered on and drowned my keyboard, so I had to go out twice to find one. It works like a dream, and it is cordless. What a change. Now, I can put it anywhere within reasonable nearness to the screen, and I had no idea how nice a cordless keyboard can be. I got one made by a company I never heard of called "logitech. It's really nice and built for comfort, which made my backache go away. Go figure.

I was out in the car all day, shopping, and the rain was making a whirlpool out of the Walmart parking lot, the Hobby Lobby parking lot, and, and, and, for some reason, all the right sides of the road spewed high if you were going over 25 mph. Fortunately there were very few cars on the road, and most people didn't venture out due to the puddles and riptides in respectable parkinglots. Glad I got home before the sun set.
As usual, I couldn't find my cell phone. I miss the days of the plug-into-the wall phone cords when you could hear it ringing upstairs or downstairs. I found a neat little wallet that hangs from your neck with put the essentials in it--keychains, phone, combfork, and checkbook.

Think I'm going to sleep like a log tonight due to the shop till you drop syndrome kicking in. Hope everybody has a nice day, and if it rains and pours again, please drive a little slower, because when there's 4 inches of jetstream water on the road, slowing down and knowing how to pump breaks are both preventive to fender benders or worse. Have a great evening, everybody. :huddle:
The last time BBD posted in the Coffee Shop he had been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and was going on hospice. That was roughly two years ago now so I suspect since he hasn't posted in all that time he is probably entertaining the angels with his wit and wisdom now. Dajjal check in just the other day and I was really happy to 'see' him. I don't know about 007 but I wish he would check in. Many other of the our Coffee Shop friends who are no longer with us I hope are well and happy where they are.
Hi Foxy, I had a strange dream about you last night. I dreamed I was in a wood with an air rifle, but I could not get it to work. You were there and you said you could fix it. But the woods were full of slimy scorpion like creatures the size of cats, and I figured I could not kill them with the air rifle so I threw it away and picked up a sword I found. Then I killed one of the creatures with it. Then its mother came crashing out of the trees and she was 10 times the size. So I hid behind a bush.
I dream strange things like this every night in full colour. I wonder what they mean.:)
Guess I'm feeling a bit maudlin, I'm actually missing living in northern Virginia.......... If I had the money I probably would move back or at least nearby without being in the midst of it. It's funny, growing up we didn't have roots, being military we were always moving. I got to NoVA in 1977 and left in 2012, the longest I ever stayed in one state my entire life. I see it as home, I consider myself a Virginian and have for a very long time.
Hi Foxy, I had a strange dream about you last night. I dreamed I was in a wood with an air rifle, but I could not get it to work. You were there and you said you could fix it. But the woods were full of slimy scorpion like creatures the size of cats, and I figured I could not kill them with the air rifle so I threw it away and picked up a sword I found. Then I killed one of the creatures with it. Then its mother came crashing out of the trees and she was 10 times the size. So I hid behind a bush.
I dream strange things like this every night in full colour. I wonder what they mean.:)
Good grief Dajjal. I have no idea what they mean. But I might choose to watch something inspiring and non tense on TV and maybe eat something soothing before you go to bed?
Hi Foxy, I had a strange dream about you last night. I dreamed I was in a wood with an air rifle, but I could not get it to work. You were there and you said you could fix it. But the woods were full of slimy scorpion like creatures the size of cats, and I figured I could not kill them with the air rifle so I threw it away and picked up a sword I found. Then I killed one of the creatures with it. Then its mother came crashing out of the trees and she was 10 times the size. So I hid behind a bush.
I dream strange things like this every night in full colour. I wonder what they mean.:)
Good grief Dajjal. I have no idea what they mean. But I might choose to watch something inspiring and non tense on TV and maybe eat something soothing before you go to bed?
Being a process of the subconscious, dreams speak in symbols and metaphor.
Fourth or fifth day of no water in the house, but I put some buckets outside and took advantage of the free water from Heaven's raining like cats and dogs day. The water tastes so good, it's clean, clear, and no additives! Perfect.

One of the doggies jumped up on my unstable table and knocked everything off, including my fresh cup of coffee with cream. It splattered on and drowned my keyboard, so I had to go out twice to find one. It works like a dream, and it is cordless. What a change. Now, I can put it anywhere within reasonable nearness to the screen, and I had no idea how nice a cordless keyboard can be. I got one made by a company I never heard of called "logitech. It's really nice and built for comfort, which made my backache go away. Go figure.

I was out in the car all day, shopping, and the rain was making a whirlpool out of the Walmart parking lot, the Hobby Lobby parking lot, and, and, and, for some reason, all the right sides of the road spewed high if you were going over 25 mph. Fortunately there were very few cars on the road, and most people didn't venture out due to the puddles and riptides in respectable parkinglots. Glad I got home before the sun set.
As usual, I couldn't find my cell phone. I miss the days of the plug-into-the wall phone cords when you could hear it ringing upstairs or downstairs. I found a neat little wallet that hangs from your neck with put the essentials in it--keychains, phone, combfork, and checkbook.

Think I'm going to sleep like a log tonight due to the shop till you drop syndrome kicking in. Hope everybody has a nice day, and if it rains and pours again, please drive a little slower, because when there's 4 inches of jetstream water on the road, slowing down and knowing how to pump breaks are both preventive to fender benders or worse. Have a great evening, everybody. :huddle:

Guess I'm feeling a bit maudlin, I'm actually missing living in northern Virginia.......... If I had the money I probably would move back or at least nearby without being in the midst of it. It's funny, growing up we didn't have roots, being military we were always moving. I got to NoVA in 1977 and left in 2012, the longest I ever stayed in one state my entire life. I see it as home, I consider myself a Virginian and have for a very long time.
Our daughter lived in Alexandria for a number of years before moving back to California. It is a nice area but after visiting there I wouldn't want to live there. We did live in White Sulphur Springs WV for four months just 15 miles from the Virginia state line and I loved the experience, but again have never thought I would want to go back there. But we were friends with a couple from northern Virginia--she was our first realtor here and he managed TWA at the Sunport--and he hated the high desert and the harshness of the land. And they did move back there.

But I think of the places we have lived that we absolutely loved and thought we would like to go back, but going back now those places no longer feel like home and the desire to return just isn't there any more.. You might want to go back for a visit for a few days and see if it still feels the same to you?
Being a process of the subconscious, dreams speak in symbols and metaphor
Most likely true, but I very often know that I'm dreaming and when I do, I can control my dreams to some extent. But sometimes it is frustrating too. Mostly it is I can't get the object I want to be a gun to actually work or the horse I need to ride to actually be a horse or the car I need to drive to actually be a car. I figure that is symbolic of those things in my life I would like to control and cannot. One thing I can do in my dreams, however, is fly a passenger airliner when I have never been in the cockpit of one. :)

The people in my dreams are usually real people I know but the settings are rarely familiar. One reoccurring dream is that our last and most beloved dog ever was alive again and I need to feed him but can't find anything to feed him and I feel terrible because I think it has been days since he was fed. I figure that is latent guilt for having him put down which in my mind was necessary because he was suffering, but emotionally still painful. It is always a relief to wake up from those dreams.
Fourth or fifth day of no water in the house, but I put some buckets outside and took advantage of the free water from Heaven's raining like cats and dogs day. The water tastes so good, it's clean, clear, and no additives! Perfect.

One of the doggies jumped up on my unstable table and knocked everything off, including my fresh cup of coffee with cream. It splattered on and drowned my keyboard, so I had to go out twice to find one. It works like a dream, and it is cordless. What a change. Now, I can put it anywhere within reasonable nearness to the screen, and I had no idea how nice a cordless keyboard can be. I got one made by a company I never heard of called "logitech. It's really nice and built for comfort, which made my backache go away. Go figure.

I was out in the car all day, shopping, and the rain was making a whirlpool out of the Walmart parking lot, the Hobby Lobby parking lot, and, and, and, for some reason, all the right sides of the road spewed high if you were going over 25 mph. Fortunately there were very few cars on the road, and most people didn't venture out due to the puddles and riptides in respectable parkinglots. Glad I got home before the sun set.
As usual, I couldn't find my cell phone. I miss the days of the plug-into-the wall phone cords when you could hear it ringing upstairs or downstairs. I found a neat little wallet that hangs from your neck with put the essentials in it--keychains, phone, combfork, and checkbook.

Think I'm going to sleep like a log tonight due to the shop till you drop syndrome kicking in. Hope everybody has a nice day, and if it rains and pours again, please drive a little slower, because when there's 4 inches of jetstream water on the road, slowing down and knowing how to pump breaks are both preventive to fender benders or worse. Have a great evening, everybody. :huddle:
Hombre has a favorite cousin who with his wife have a cattle ranch in Liberty County a couple of counties southeast of you. They have become very dear to me as well. And they have been awash too. A photo she posted on Facebook a few days ago though it isn't as bad as it has been at some times over the years:
Most likely true, but I very often know that I'm dreaming and when I do, I can control my dreams to some extent. But sometimes it is frustrating too. Mostly it is I can't get the object I want to be a gun to actually work or the horse I need to ride to actually be a horse or the car I need to drive to actually be a car.
Recurring themes are gateways to lucid dreams...Two of mine are elevators and resort towns...Nearly every lucid dream I remember starts with me noticing where I am, and saying to myself "hey, this is a dream"....The fun begins there.

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