USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ok, the answer to the teenage movie star will be in the new avatar: who is it?

And the cancer on my shoulder was declared nebulous and removed with a frozen spray. I was in and out of the office in 53 minutes.

Good service, VA.

Glad to hear it was nothing serious, Jake.

As for the avatar, it's Olivia Hussey. You had a different pic earlier. :D
Ok, the answer to the teenage movie star will be in the new avatar: who is it?

And the cancer on my shoulder was declared nebulous and removed with a frozen spray. I was in and out of the office in 53 minutes.

Good service, VA.

Glad to hear it was nothing serious, Jake.

As for the avatar, it's Olivia Hussey. You had a different pic earlier. :D

That was Olivia almost forty years later.
Well, my arms are all scratched up from wrist to elbow, and I'm sore. It's a good sore though. I look forward to this after a long winter sitting on my can getting fat and out of shape. I've lost seven pounds in the last eight days, and since I'm on that track, I've decided I'm going to keep up the diet and exercise until I'm back down under 200. I'd like to see maybe 185. If I got down that far I might even have an old six pack peek out again. What a miracle that would be for a 59 year old... who knows. But I'm tired of the extra 30+ pounds. Time to trim it, and keep it off.

Going over tomorrow to help a buddy put a metal roof on his house. More good exercise. Can't get enough.
Went out to supper tonight with the widow of my good friend, Otis, who recently passed away. Came back to her house for coffee afterwards and was a sounding board for her for a couple of hours afterwards. She's doing pretty well and is adjusting to her new life now that she's a widow. Sure is a lot different without Otis now. Ordinarily we would play rummy after going out to eat with them but I guess those days are gone forever now. I suppose we could play 3 handed instead of teams but it just isn't the same. He had 9 beagles still in the kennel and some mutual beagle friends of ours from a club we all belonged to will be coming over tomorrow morning to take the remaining beagles. It's nice to know that his line of beagles will still live on. Oh well, live moves forward...
Went out to supper tonight with the widow of my good friend, Otis, who recently passed away. Came back to her house for coffee afterwards and was a sounding board for her for a couple of hours afterwards. She's doing pretty well and is adjusting to her new life now that she's a widow. Sure is a lot different without Otis now. Ordinarily we would play rummy after going out to eat with them but I guess those days are gone forever now. I suppose we could play 3 handed instead of teams but it just isn't the same. He had 9 beagles still in the kennel and some mutual beagle friends of ours from a club we all belonged to will be coming over tomorrow morning to take the remaining beagles. It's nice to know that his line of beagles will still live on. Oh well, live moves forward...

Some parts of getting old really suck.
Well, my arms are all scratched up from wrist to elbow, and I'm sore. It's a good sore though. I look forward to this after a long winter sitting on my can getting fat and out of shape. I've lost seven pounds in the last eight days, and since I'm on that track, I've decided I'm going to keep up the diet and exercise until I'm back down under 200. I'd like to see maybe 185. If I got down that far I might even have an old six pack peek out again. What a miracle that would be for a 59 year old... who knows. But I'm tired of the extra 30+ pounds. Time to trim it, and keep it off.

Going over tomorrow to help a buddy put a metal roof on his house. More good exercise. Can't get enough.

Excellent work, 007. Keep it up! :)
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Last karate class for a few days. Teeth out on Monday, I plan to skip Tuesday and Wednesday classes, but I will attend Thursday depending on how much pain I am in and whether there is any swelling.
Mum wants me to miss a week - but does anyone actually know what it feels like to miss an entire 7 days of exercise when you normally exercise every single day? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't drink coffee for a week. You'd go mental. Muscles ache, and they tighten up, which is painful if you are not exercising on a regular basis, like I do.

I will still have to do a moderate workout on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep my muscles loose, and to prevent them from seizing up.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Marg’s mom,
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Blackhawk’s mom,
Newby's mom,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s sore foot and friend Shirley,
Meister and his mom,
Drake's injured friend,
PixieStix's sister,
Hollie's stepdad,
Coyote's father-in-law,
Spoonie, Ringel, Sheila, and 007's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
BDBoop, her sis, and family,
Avg-Joe & furry companion Boo
Becki!!! and Becki’s hubby,
Smilebong for his brother-in-law and family,
Ernie and his friend Royce's family, especially Alisha, as they prepare for the final goodbye,
Sheila and Andrew,
Noomi's impending oral surgery,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana and cousin,
Ollie's daughter Angie,
Mertex as she prepares for the final goodbye for her friend,
Ringel and his family in transition and Mrs. Ringel's impending surgery,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Bigfoot, Oddball, and Sunshine.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Summa youse guys sure read a lot into a simple picture of mother and daughter sipping coffee... :rolleyes:

Naw, its more like a knee jerk reaction--at least it was with me--to a symbol of everything we don't like in modern American culture. And Miley Cyrus is definitely one of those symbols as is Justin Bieber and others who flaunt their fame and think they don't need to exhibit good manners or be good role models. Admittedly they are not required to have good manners or be good role models and it is their perfect right to be whoever they choose to be. And it is my perfect right to think they are pretty disgusting. :)

The problem with the teen stars is that the record company fires them when they turn 18. They spent their Wonder Years in a bubble full of people that would guide and guard them. When that bubble bursts, when they get fired, they're supposed to act like "normal" young adults, even though they've had no training whatsoever. They run wild because there's no one to manage them and because they want independence, even though they're ill-equipped to handle it. Look how Britney turned out and where is she now? No career and pretty much broke.
Last karate class for a few days. Teeth out on Monday, I plan to skip Tuesday and Wednesday classes, but I will attend Thursday depending on how much pain I am in and whether there is any swelling.
Mum wants me to miss a week - but does anyone actually know what it feels like to miss an entire 7 days of exercise when you normally exercise every single day? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't drink coffee for a week. You'd go mental. Muscles ache, and they tighten up, which is painful if you are not exercising on a regular basis, like I do.

I will still have to do a moderate workout on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep my muscles loose, and to prevent them from seizing up.

You should be okay with some exercises - just be sure to NOT bend over. Don't let the blood rush to your head and you'll be ok.
Last karate class for a few days. Teeth out on Monday, I plan to skip Tuesday and Wednesday classes, but I will attend Thursday depending on how much pain I am in and whether there is any swelling.
Mum wants me to miss a week - but does anyone actually know what it feels like to miss an entire 7 days of exercise when you normally exercise every single day? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't drink coffee for a week. You'd go mental. Muscles ache, and they tighten up, which is painful if you are not exercising on a regular basis, like I do.

I will still have to do a moderate workout on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep my muscles loose, and to prevent them from seizing up.

You should be okay with some exercises - just be sure to NOT bend over. Don't let the blood rush to your head and you'll be ok.

I'll be fine with going to class if I feel up to it. My mum needs to understand that I am responsible and I can make my own choices. I'm freaking 30 years old, I am not some immature teenager.
I have researched what I can and can't do, and I will be fine. Mum says that if I dare to go to class at all next week - she demanded I take the entire week off class - she will lock me out of the house, essentially forcing me to sleep in my car.

I pack my car up tomorrow in preparation. Its about time I stood up to her.
A wonderful story:

On a November morning in 1995, baby Skyler's birth mom left her in a Champaign cemetery.

An anonymous caller told 911 dispatchers that a newborn baby was under a tree at Mt. Hope Cemetery.

But rescuers couldn't find the infant.

Heflin heard the call on a police scanner, and on a whim, he decided to check another cemetery later that night.

A first scan of the lot didn't turn up anything, but undefeated, he looked again.

"I heard a little whimper when I got close to the tree," he told the TV station. "I dug down inside this real huge pine tree and found her."

Heflin found Skyler buried in leaves and coved in blood, her umbilical cord still attached, he said.

"I handed her off to the paramedics and I didn't see her since," Heflin said.

Bonnie James invited him to Skyler's graduation. The 18-year-old had no idea he would be there.

Finally, at a party after the teen's graduation, she met the man who rescued her 18 years ago.

Read more: Illinois firefighter reunited with abandoned baby he saved 18 years ago - NY Daily News
Last karate class for a few days. Teeth out on Monday, I plan to skip Tuesday and Wednesday classes, but I will attend Thursday depending on how much pain I am in and whether there is any swelling.
Mum wants me to miss a week - but does anyone actually know what it feels like to miss an entire 7 days of exercise when you normally exercise every single day? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't drink coffee for a week. You'd go mental. Muscles ache, and they tighten up, which is painful if you are not exercising on a regular basis, like I do.

I will still have to do a moderate workout on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep my muscles loose, and to prevent them from seizing up.

You should be okay with some exercises - just be sure to NOT bend over. Don't let the blood rush to your head and you'll be ok.

I'll be fine with going to class if I feel up to it. My mum needs to understand that I am responsible and I can make my own choices. I'm freaking 30 years old, I am not some immature teenager.
I have researched what I can and can't do, and I will be fine. Mum says that if I dare to go to class at all next week - she demanded I take the entire week off class - she will lock me out of the house, essentially forcing me to sleep in my car.

I pack my car up tomorrow in preparation. Its about time I stood up to her.
How long do you plan on living with your mom?
My sister moved out of home today. I don't have a choice but to live at home right now, but as soon as I can afford to, I will move out. Rent is expensive though and I am not at all comfortable living with other people.
Last karate class for a few days. Teeth out on Monday, I plan to skip Tuesday and Wednesday classes, but I will attend Thursday depending on how much pain I am in and whether there is any swelling.
Mum wants me to miss a week - but does anyone actually know what it feels like to miss an entire 7 days of exercise when you normally exercise every single day? Think about how you would feel if you couldn't drink coffee for a week. You'd go mental. Muscles ache, and they tighten up, which is painful if you are not exercising on a regular basis, like I do.

I will still have to do a moderate workout on Tuesday and Wednesday to keep my muscles loose, and to prevent them from seizing up.

You should be okay with some exercises - just be sure to NOT bend over. Don't let the blood rush to your head and you'll be ok.

I'll be fine with going to class if I feel up to it. My mum needs to understand that I am responsible and I can make my own choices. I'm freaking 30 years old, I am not some immature teenager.
I have researched what I can and can't do, and I will be fine. Mum says that if I dare to go to class at all next week - she demanded I take the entire week off class - she will lock me out of the house, essentially forcing me to sleep in my car.

I pack my car up tomorrow in preparation. Its about time I stood up to her.
She's paying and supporting you. She just sounds concerned, what is she getting out of wanting you to recuperate fully? Why not try giving her a break. Maybe she is being overprotective, but there are a lot worse things. Excercise at home
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