USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. So after I fired the electrician Lowe's sent out--the guy was totally incompetent--I consulted the neighbors and came up with Murray who came by to analyze our rather complicated situation late yesterday afternoon. So he determined that our circuits are all just fine--the other guy said they were dead--but we had a couple of fixtures shorted out likely due to the one frog strangler of a rainstorm we had last year. Replace those at a nominal cost and we're good to go. He figured out to fix our front porch light situation and will install the fan/light assembly that did require a new box, do some other repairs--total bill $315 plus tax. Can't complain about that. Plus we loved Murray. :)

Meanwhile, trying to get our installation contract with Lowes cancelled was an adventure and I was finally required to pitch a mild hissy fit after they tried to transfer me to somebody else for the fifth time. But got that done.

So I'm up way earlier than usual because Murray is coming to do the work and he gets started early.

And at the usual 4:30 am time when the birds of the forest outside my bedroom window begin chirping in unison, I awakened, but THIS day...surprise...closed the window and was able to go back to slumber and catch some serious Zs....though the accompanying dreams were not something I needed right before waking for the day. :eek: All I can say is I hope my pretty and sweet cat, Laci, doesn't really have cancer...:(

While not rare, cat cancer is uncommon. Let's hope she will be fine.
I wonder if its a bad thing if I stop thanking folks for reputation given? I spend the first twenty minutes online thanking various people for their reps, and I wonder if people would mind if I didn't thank them, but tried to return the rep when I was able?


Well, Noomi, here's the thing. Some people complain about the extra pms they get because of people thanking them for rep, and some people complain that some posters are ungrateful because they don't ever thank them when they rep them. So, who's to know.

Do what you want to do, and know that you are not going to please everyone.

Yeah, I know it can be like that. I am always eternally grateful for any reps I get, but if you find you have a good twenty when you log on, and have only half a hour to spare, all the time is spent thanking people for them.

I'll probably go back to thanking people anyway. It's just me, lol.

That's me. I know some would prefer not to have to answer all those PMs that essentially just say thanks, but I would rather annoy people that way than appear to be unappreciative. I just don't have the memory to keep up with those who don't want the thanks and am too lazy to devise a system to keep track.
Today's celeb no. 2 drinking coffee:


Ahh, Pierce Brosnan. Good man, good man.

My favorite Pierce Brosnan movie was "Dante's Peak" with Linda Hamilton. Last night I watched the much aged Linda Hamilton in a wierd sci-fi thing in which this monster was attacking our naval fleet--she was an admiral on an aircraft carrier. While still a fine actress, she has not aged well while he looks better than ever. It just isn't fair sometimes.

I just got out of the shower. It was a long hot one and I even washed behind not ears. After I put on my new flea collar I will be good to go!
Well, Noomi, here's the thing. Some people complain about the extra pms they get because of people thanking them for rep, and some people complain that some posters are ungrateful because they don't ever thank them when they rep them. So, who's to know.

Do what you want to do, and know that you are not going to please everyone.

Yeah, I know it can be like that. I am always eternally grateful for any reps I get, but if you find you have a good twenty when you log on, and have only half a hour to spare, all the time is spent thanking people for them.

I'll probably go back to thanking people anyway. It's just me, lol.

That's me. I know some would prefer not to have to answer all those PMs that essentially just say thanks, but I would rather annoy people that way than appear to be unappreciative. I just don't have the memory to keep up with those who don't want the thanks and am too lazy to devise a system to keep track.

I'm good either way. :thup: It matters not, to me, whether I am thanked.
Today's celeb no. 2 drinking coffee:


Ahh, Pierce Brosnan. Good man, good man.

My favorite Pierce Brosnan movie was "Dante's Peak" with Linda Hamilton. Last night I watched the much aged Linda Hamilton in a wierd sci-fi thing in which this monster was attacking our naval fleet--she was an admiral on an aircraft carrier. While still a fine actress, she has not aged well while he looks better than ever. It just isn't fair sometimes.


I watched that..Bermuda was awful. My husband hurt his back moving my new desk, and I was afraid to go to bed so I slept on couch.

She looks like she smokes, a lot!
My little black and white livestock likes to smack her double dish every time I pick it up to feed her, and invariably there's a little water left in the water side because she prefers to get her drink from the tap with a little stream running out, so when she smacks the dish she spills water, every time. So I've been telling her, "watch out," so this morning she finally GENTLY tapped her bowl, and didn't spill any water... I had to laugh. She finally learned.

They can be clever. Unfortunately, Sherman likes to splash water out of the bowl on purpose, then he dabbles it all over the floor. There's good reason why he was named Sherman. This

So it wasn't because he marched through Georgia. OK. :thup:

Nope, but he does manage quite a swath of destruction in his furry little wake.
Been so busy with everything I forgot to take pictures and post them. Whole sections of my back and side yard are full of Purple Aliums,


Purple Ball flowers,


and Oriental Poppies,

Good morning everybody. So after I fired the electrician Lowe's sent out--the guy was totally incompetent--I consulted the neighbors and came up with Murray who came by to analyze our rather complicated situation late yesterday afternoon. So he determined that our circuits are all just fine--the other guy said they were dead--but we had a couple of fixtures shorted out likely due to the one frog strangler of a rainstorm we had last year. Replace those at a nominal cost and we're good to go. He figured out to fix our front porch light situation and will install the fan/light assembly that did require a new box, do some other repairs--total bill $315 plus tax. Can't complain about that. Plus we loved Murray. :)

Meanwhile, trying to get our installation contract with Lowes cancelled was an adventure and I was finally required to pitch a mild hissy fit after they tried to transfer me to somebody else for the fifth time. But got that done.

So I'm up way earlier than usual because Murray is coming to do the work and he gets started early.

And at the usual 4:30 am time when the birds of the forest outside my bedroom window begin chirping in unison, I awakened, but THIS day...surprise...closed the window and was able to go back to slumber and catch some serious Zs....though the accompanying dreams were not something I needed right before waking for the day. :eek: All I can say is I hope my pretty and sweet cat, Laci, doesn't really have cancer...:(

Today's celeb no. 2 drinking coffee:


Ahh, Pierce Brosnan. Good man, good man.

My favorite Pierce Brosnan movie was "Dante's Peak" with Linda Hamilton. Last night I watched the much aged Linda Hamilton in a wierd sci-fi thing in which this monster was attacking our naval fleet--she was an admiral on an aircraft carrier. While still a fine actress, she has not aged well while he looks better than ever. It just isn't fair sometimes.


I watched that..Bermuda was awful. My husband hurt his back moving my new desk, and I was afraid to go to bed so I slept on couch.

She looks like she smokes, a lot!

That was the movie: "Bermuda Tentacles". And yes, it was really bad. :) I just stayed with it to find out what the tentacles were attached to and because I was just sort of keeping up with the movie while I was doing a project on the computer.

Good morning, everyone, and TGIF!

Today's celeb no. 1 drinking coffee:


Ok, I admit that I'm a big Gwyneth Paltrow fan, although I'm usually more for brunettes. She is just stunningly beautiful.

I would prefer sipping a cup with him... that would totally make my morning, my day, my week, my month, my year.... you get the idea... :lol:

Today's celeb no. 2 drinking coffee:


Ahh, Pierce Brosnan. Good man, good man.

My favorite Pierce Brosnan movie was "Dante's Peak" with Linda Hamilton. Last night I watched the much aged Linda Hamilton in a wierd sci-fi thing in which this monster was attacking our naval fleet--she was an admiral on an aircraft carrier. While still a fine actress, she has not aged well while he looks better than ever. It just isn't fair sometimes.


You enjoy watching really bad B movies, huh? :lol:
I wonder if its a bad thing if I stop thanking folks for reputation given? I spend the first twenty minutes online thanking various people for their reps, and I wonder if people would mind if I didn't thank them, but tried to return the rep when I was able?


Well, Noomi, here's the thing. Some people complain about the extra pms they get because of people thanking them for rep, and some people complain that some posters are ungrateful because they don't ever thank them when they rep them. So, who's to know.

Do what you want to do, and know that you are not going to please everyone.

I only know one poster who actually put up threads saying don't send thanks. Next time she repped me I wrote back and made it clear the PM was not thanking her :lol:

I agree with Foxy - I just can't let those things go unthanked, no matter how long it takes. Yeah the PM box is severely limited, and I know if you toss the site a donation they'll give you more space but it's still a limit, and when the membership term runs out you'd have way too little room anyway so you gotta deal with 'em either way.

I gotta consider that limitation the price of sharing membership with all you good folks. It's a small PITA sometimes but the kind of 'problem' you like - painless.

Besides Noomi - if you have that many thanks to send it means your rep is building And when you get to 10,000 the site sends you a million bucks and a new car. :eusa_dance:
Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but I got a call from the bartender who was supposed to work a double. She was sick, so I went in to open up and hold the fort til my partner got there..
Not bad... only 5 hours. So... I'll just take today off right?

Nope I have to go in and sign some checks and pay some bills. AND it's BEER day. Gotta tote LOTS of beer and my hand still hurts from getting it between 2 kegs last week.
Today's celeb no. 2 drinking coffee:


Ahh, Pierce Brosnan. Good man, good man.

My favorite Pierce Brosnan movie was "Dante's Peak" with Linda Hamilton. Last night I watched the much aged Linda Hamilton in a wierd sci-fi thing in which this monster was attacking our naval fleet--she was an admiral on an aircraft carrier. While still a fine actress, she has not aged well while he looks better than ever. It just isn't fair sometimes.


You enjoy watching really bad B movies, huh? :lol:

I don't think Dante's Peak was a bad B movie though. It is among my favorites of my fairly large and growing collection of disaster movies. Now "Bermuda Tentacles", yeah, pretty bad though I don't know if it qualifies as a B movie--they appeared to be using a real aircraft carrier. I'll watch Dante's Peak again and again. I doubt I'll ever watch "Bermuda Tentacles" again and I sure won't be adding it to my private collection. :)
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Yesterday was supposed to be my day off, but I got a call from the bartender who was supposed to work a double. She was sick, so I went in to open up and hold the fort til my partner got there..
Not bad... only 5 hours. So... I'll just take today off right?

Nope I have to go in and sign some checks and pay some bills. AND it's BEER day. Gotta tote LOTS of beer and my hand still hurts from getting it between 2 kegs last week.

Now that's one reason I decided, at an early age, my main goal was to be a beach bum during the summer and a ski bum during the winter...... Now I'm just working towards being a plain old bum........

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