USMB Coffee Shop IV

riding in on the bust this morning i sat next to a late teens, maybe early 20's girl. she had on the headphoes and ws listening to music which i could still overhear. one of the songs i was like am i really hearing what i think i'm hearing. I was shocked. so anyway, this conversation reminded me of it again and i just googled the words i thought i heard. and damn, if i wasn't right.

Not sure how to use the spoiler here, because this definitely isn't work safe and this would definitely be found offensive by many. but IMO this is a little to far ahead of pop culture. and this is what teen girls are listening too?

I'll put the link to in case i don't get the spoiler right

OH MY FREAKIN' GAWD ..............

OH MY DOUBLE FREAKIN' G-D ..............:eek:

Those lyrics make twerking look like a church service by comparison....

no wonder we have so much teen pregnancy
Good morning everybody. So after I fired the electrician Lowe's sent out--the guy was totally incompetent--I consulted the neighbors and came up with Murray who came by to analyze our rather complicated situation late yesterday afternoon. So he determined that our circuits are all just fine--the other guy said they were dead--but we had a couple of fixtures shorted out likely due to the one frog strangler of a rainstorm we had last year. Replace those at a nominal cost and we're good to go. He figured out to fix our front porch light situation and will install the fan/light assembly that did require a new box, do some other repairs--total bill $315 plus tax. Can't complain about that. Plus we loved Murray. :)

Meanwhile, trying to get our installation contract with Lowes cancelled was an adventure and I was finally required to pitch a mild hissy fit after they tried to transfer me to somebody else for the fifth time. But got that done.

So I'm up way earlier than usual because Murray is coming to do the work and he gets started early.
Haha, noo. Just getting wisdom teeth out, is all. :)

My daughter had to have hers out a year, or so, ago. It wasn't much fun. I count myself very fortunate that I have never had, and will never have, wisdom teeth. Yup, unlike most "normal" humans, I was born with only 28 teeth.
Hope your surgery goes well. Eat lots of ice cream for me!

Wow! I thought I was the only person that never had wisdom teeth. My dentist told me that I was one in a million, and here you are, just like me.

I was told it's pretty rare, too. What do you think, does this mean we are more highly evolved? :eusa_whistle:
My daughter had to have hers out a year, or so, ago. It wasn't much fun. I count myself very fortunate that I have never had, and will never have, wisdom teeth. Yup, unlike most "normal" humans, I was born with only 28 teeth.
Hope your surgery goes well. Eat lots of ice cream for me!

Wow! I thought I was the only person that never had wisdom teeth. My dentist told me that I was one in a million, and here you are, just like me.

I was told it's pretty rare, too. What do you think, does this mean we are more highly evolved? :eusa_whistle:

Heck, I have no frontal sinus cavities...... Greater brain capacity.......
This made me giggle. I think I might have posted sometime back that our Siamese mama cat would do that. We had a corner table unit in our kitchen with an L-shaped bench against the wall and chairs on the outside. Mama kitty would stealthily creep up onto that bench and keep her head low so she would be invisible. And then we would see one black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook a pork chop or piece of chicken or whatever was there.

My Sherman does that now. I had a bag of jerky on the table, sharing it with the dog. Shortly, that stealthy paw appeared, hooked a piece of jerky on to the floor, where it quickly became something of a soccer toy, since cats don't really "do" jerky the same way the dog does.
My little black and white livestock likes to smack her double dish every time I pick it up to feed her, and invariably there's a little water left in the water side because she prefers to get her drink from the tap with a little stream running out, so when she smacks the dish she spills water, every time. So I've been telling her, "watch out," so this morning she finally GENTLY tapped her bowl, and didn't spill any water... I had to laugh. She finally learned.

They can be clever. Unfortunately, Sherman likes to splash water out of the bowl on purpose, then he dabbles it all over the floor. There's good reason why he was named Sherman. This
Mornin' All!


And happy Friday before Memorial Day Weekend!
My Sherman does that now. I had a bag of jerky on the table, sharing it with the dog. Shortly, that stealthy paw appeared, hooked a piece of jerky on to the floor, where it quickly became something of a soccer toy, since cats don't really "do" jerky the same way the dog does.
My little black and white livestock likes to smack her double dish every time I pick it up to feed her, and invariably there's a little water left in the water side because she prefers to get her drink from the tap with a little stream running out, so when she smacks the dish she spills water, every time. So I've been telling her, "watch out," so this morning she finally GENTLY tapped her bowl, and didn't spill any water... I had to laugh. She finally learned.

They can be clever. Unfortunately, Sherman likes to splash water out of the bowl on purpose, then he dabbles it all over the floor. There's good reason why he was named Sherman. This

So it wasn't because he marched through Georgia. OK. :thup:
Good morning everybody. So after I fired the electrician Lowe's sent out--the guy was totally incompetent--I consulted the neighbors and came up with Murray who came by to analyze our rather complicated situation late yesterday afternoon. So he determined that our circuits are all just fine--the other guy said they were dead--but we had a couple of fixtures shorted out likely due to the one frog strangler of a rainstorm we had last year. Replace those at a nominal cost and we're good to go. He figured out to fix our front porch light situation and will install the fan/light assembly that did require a new box, do some other repairs--total bill $315 plus tax. Can't complain about that. Plus we loved Murray. :)

Meanwhile, trying to get our installation contract with Lowes cancelled was an adventure and I was finally required to pitch a mild hissy fit after they tried to transfer me to somebody else for the fifth time. But got that done.

So I'm up way earlier than usual because Murray is coming to do the work and he gets started early.

And at the usual 4:30 am time when the birds of the forest outside my bedroom window begin chirping in unison, I awakened, but THIS day...surprise...closed the window and was able to go back to slumber and catch some serious Zs....though the accompanying dreams were not something I needed right before waking for the day. :eek: All I can say is I hope my pretty and sweet cat, Laci, doesn't really have cancer...:(
Good morning everybody. So after I fired the electrician Lowe's sent out--the guy was totally incompetent--I consulted the neighbors and came up with Murray who came by to analyze our rather complicated situation late yesterday afternoon. So he determined that our circuits are all just fine--the other guy said they were dead--but we had a couple of fixtures shorted out likely due to the one frog strangler of a rainstorm we had last year. Replace those at a nominal cost and we're good to go. He figured out to fix our front porch light situation and will install the fan/light assembly that did require a new box, do some other repairs--total bill $315 plus tax. Can't complain about that. Plus we loved Murray. :)

Meanwhile, trying to get our installation contract with Lowes cancelled was an adventure and I was finally required to pitch a mild hissy fit after they tried to transfer me to somebody else for the fifth time. But got that done.

So I'm up way earlier than usual because Murray is coming to do the work and he gets started early.

And at the usual 4:30 am time when the birds of the forest outside my bedroom window begin chirping in unison, I awakened, but THIS day...surprise...closed the window and was able to go back to slumber and catch some serious Zs....though the accompanying dreams were not something I needed right before waking for the day. :eek: All I can say is I hope my pretty and sweet cat, Laci, doesn't really have cancer...:(

We did lose one beloved cat to cancer, but it is fairly rare in cats. So probably not.

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