USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning everybody. I'm stuck on waiting for the electrician duty today--getting a new fan/light assembly installed in the master bedroom and a new front porch light. Hombre has volunteer duty at the hospital urgent care today so I'm it.

Hold down the fort, Foxfyre.

Enormous Gale-Winds are projected for tonight where I live, the Weather service is encouraging people to stay indoors. But I gotta to travel to my next appointment. great...

Prayers up for your and your family's safety, Stats.
Four days until I say goodbye to my teeth. Oh yay. But disappointing to have to miss at least two classes - and mum isn't making me miss anymore.

Hope everyone missed me the last two days lol.

What's happening to your teeth? Last year you had all your hair cut off, are you donating your teeth this year?

Haha, noo. Just getting wisdom teeth out, is all. :)

My daughter had to have hers out a year, or so, ago. It wasn't much fun. I count myself very fortunate that I have never had, and will never have, wisdom teeth. Yup, unlike most "normal" humans, I was born with only 28 teeth.
Hope your surgery goes well. Eat lots of ice cream for me!
Morning !

Kitty Say's "I gotz to haz my morning chocolate". :)


This made me giggle. I think I might have posted sometime back that our Siamese mama cat would do that. We had a corner table unit in our kitchen with an L-shaped bench against the wall and chairs on the outside. Mama kitty would stealthily creep up onto that bench and keep her head low so she would be invisible. And then we would see one black tipped paw come up over the edge and feel around trying to hook a pork chop or piece of chicken or whatever was there.

My Sherman does that now. I had a bag of jerky on the table, sharing it with the dog. Shortly, that stealthy paw appeared, hooked a piece of jerky on to the floor, where it quickly became something of a soccer toy, since cats don't really "do" jerky the same way the dog does.
OK herpetologists, I gots a question.

What manner of creature is this, that meandered across my path while I was weed-whacking?

I'd say it's between four and five feet long.

Some black snakes I've heard of are King Snakes, Water moccasins, Black Milk Snake, Texas Indigo snake (exceptionally attractive), and the Northern Black Racer.

You don't want to get cozy with the moccasin. Miss Music did, and we nearly lost her and would have if it hadn't been for an all-night animal clinic open 50 miles from here in Conroe, Texas.

Black Labradors do not run from trouble. *sigh*
I absolutely can't stand that bubble headed little skank.

Just my opinion.

same here. I'm so tired of negative role models.

Oy. Wasn't trying to awake bad feelings in anyone, really, I wasn't.

I must admit, I know very little of Miley Cyrus. Sorry if the pic offended some sensibilities.

Usually I get bullseyes around here with cool pics....


Nah, the picture does't offend sensibilities, Miley Cyrus does, though. Not a very good role model for young women/girls. I believe someone used the word "skank". Rather apropos...
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So we got a wet vac to try and clean up the carpets a bit, what with having the soon-to-be 5 year old and, currently, 2 dogs and a cat here (the little dog being only sort of potty trained). Anyway, we've cleaned all of the downstairs carpets recently. I just did my room 2 days ago, and put all my stuff back in yesterday after it had dried. So, of course, the cat decides that today is a perfect time to get a bunch of litter stuck on her fur and drop it off in my room. :mad:

Just can't win with these animals!

If you have animals and small children in residence, best to tear up all the carpets and install hardwood flooring. Or vinyl will do. Seriously, carpets, pets, and children make for a lot of work.
I cannot recall any celebrities preforming so out of bounds when I was just a wee shaver. Sure there were polarizing figures. Muhammad Ali for example. Some people disliked him for his politics, others loved him for his stand. But no one disputed his athleticism or his charisma. The Beatles sang "I wanna hold your hand" and then the Rolling Stones sang "Let's spend the night together" and both were criticized for their hairstyles, not lifestyles.

Jim Morrison became legendary on stage in Miami Florida, but no one seemed to think less of him because there wasn't TMZ and Youtube to document what really went on. A lot of those rockers died, but aspersions were not heaped upon them for their fates.

But today in the era of instant and thorough communications, every transgression every misstep is documented and posted. These two kids, Cyrus and Beiber, came of age too late to survive being kids in the guise of adults.

I think any pop culture icon reflects the values they're swimming in at the time. In order to keep an attentive audience they'll usually find the edge of that envelope and push it along. In that sense I don't think we have anything going on now that hasn't always been the case.

In other words I don't think they're driving those values; they're trying to be in the front of it as a figurehead but they're really following values that are already trending.

True that. Anyone recall when Elvis started gyrating his hips on stage? Oh, the horror. Of course, he never got naked and rode a wrecking ball around...


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I cannot recall any celebrities preforming so out of bounds when I was just a wee shaver. Sure there were polarizing figures. Muhammad Ali for example. Some people disliked him for his politics, others loved him for his stand. But no one disputed his athleticism or his charisma. The Beatles sang "I wanna hold your hand" and then the Rolling Stones sang "Let's spend the night together" and both were criticized for their hairstyles, not lifestyles.

Jim Morrison became legendary on stage in Miami Florida, but no one seemed to think less of him because there wasn't TMZ and Youtube to document what really went on. A lot of those rockers died, but aspersions were not heaped upon them for their fates.

But today in the era of instant and thorough communications, every transgression every misstep is documented and posted. These two kids, Cyrus and Beiber, came of age too late to survive being kids in the guise of adults.

I think any pop culture icon reflects the values they're swimming in at the time. In order to keep an attentive audience they'll usually find the edge of that envelope and push it along. In that sense I don't think we have anything going on now that hasn't always been the case.

In other words I don't think they're driving those values; they're trying to be in the front of it as a figurehead but they're really following values that are already trending.

riding in on the bust this morning i sat next to a late teens, maybe early 20's girl. she had on the headphoes and ws listening to music which i could still overhear. one of the songs i was like am i really hearing what i think i'm hearing. I was shocked. so anyway, this conversation reminded me of it again and i just googled the words i thought i heard. and damn, if i wasn't right.

Not sure how to use the spoiler here, because this definitely isn't work safe and this would definitely be found offensive by many. but IMO this is a little to far ahead of pop culture. and this is what teen girls are listening too?

I'll put the link to in case i don't get the spoiler right


Eeeewwww! That's entertainment? More like verbal porn, really.
Just catching up before I go horizontal in preparation for a good night's work.

It's been a tough day here. There are two or three wild fires burning, one has already consumed more than 44,000 acres. Of course, the wind is just right to bring all that smoke to us. Anyone who has allergies or asthma has been having a particularly bad time of it. People all over are wearing face masks. We do need a bit of rain. Of course, we'll no doubt get more than our fair share later this summer, if the last two summers are any indication.
Under the "Good News" column...I had my annual performance review at work this morning and was told that all the customers like me (no complaints), and because of the way I have accepted and performed multiple additional tasks, I should see a $1.00/hr raise! In this day and age or increasing costs, that's not too scabby.
Only a few more weeks before my girls arrive. I am sooooo excited! I miss my family, but y'all couldn't ever tell...
not complaining about your post stat. no issues there at all. persoannly i am disapponted in miley. I think she used to be a positive role model for kids. i'm not sure what happened, whether it was to jumps start here career, prove to the world she was an adult or whatever. But IMO she gives a very bad model for young ladies to follow, which is who she appeals too. Maybe I'm getting old fashion in my old age. Or maybe its that i see first hand the issues many of my friends are having with their teenage daughters and I see with teen age girls in general. I think they are being bombarded with the wrong values in our current culture. and miley has become part of that wrong message. She has a huge following and its not my place to judge others. I would just rather see people with that much influence sending a better message.

Money beats out morals for a lot of people.

I have more money than I do morals... but I have to add, very little of each.:lol:
And you probably have more than Miley....:D
What's happening to your teeth? Last year you had all your hair cut off, are you donating your teeth this year?

Haha, noo. Just getting wisdom teeth out, is all. :)

My daughter had to have hers out a year, or so, ago. It wasn't much fun. I count myself very fortunate that I have never had, and will never have, wisdom teeth. Yup, unlike most "normal" humans, I was born with only 28 teeth.
Hope your surgery goes well. Eat lots of ice cream for me!

Wow! I thought I was the only person that never had wisdom teeth. My dentist told me that I was one in a million, and here you are, just like me.
OK herpetologists, I gots a question.

What manner of creature is this, that meandered across my path while I was weed-whacking?

I'd say it's between four and five feet long.

Looks like a Black King snake, I don't think they are poisonous.
I wonder if its a bad thing if I stop thanking folks for reputation given? I spend the first twenty minutes online thanking various people for their reps, and I wonder if people would mind if I didn't thank them, but tried to return the rep when I was able?

I wonder if its a bad thing if I stop thanking folks for reputation given? I spend the first twenty minutes online thanking various people for their reps, and I wonder if people would mind if I didn't thank them, but tried to return the rep when I was able?


Well, Noomi, here's the thing. Some people complain about the extra pms they get because of people thanking them for rep, and some people complain that some posters are ungrateful because they don't ever thank them when they rep them. So, who's to know.

Do what you want to do, and know that you are not going to please everyone.

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