USMB Coffee Shop IV

My AT&T U-Verse went down last night and didn't come back until this morning. It's never been completely shut down like that before.

I hate Xfinity today.

That is all.

Broke down on your huh?

Not exactly. They first contact us and tell us our modem is out of date and they need to replace it. Fine we said. When do you want to come do that? Oh we don't do it they said--you'll install it but we'll walk you through it step by step. So the modem arrives, we figure out really quick that it is way over our level of expertise, and we request permission to wait until Thanksgiving to install it when our son (and IT expert) is here and can reconfigure our wireless network. Nope. No extension. Install it on time or there will be extra equipment charges.

So yesterday I installed the dang thing and sure enough have no clue how to transfer our wireless network from the Netgear we were using to the new all-in-one Xfinity modem. And voila, we were without phones and without internet. Well I finally got some clueless IT tech who barely spoke English who did manage to tell me what to do to get my computer and phones back up and running, but didn't have a clue how to tell me to do the wireless network or get any other computers to talk to this modem.

So now I am connected by Ethernet to my computer--reinstated the Netgear that allows the rest of our stuff to function, but because I did what the clueless person told me, I now have my computer on a different network, it can't communicate with the other stuff, and I can't print. And there is absolutely no way to fix it.

So Xfinity is happy to send a guy out to get it all straightened out, but it will cost us $50.

Had to go to Rockford to get some routine lab work done this morning so I stopped by the bank and got the cash I intend to use to do my Christmas shopping. After I got my lab work done I went over to Gander Mountain and Christmas shopped for my friend, the vet. Boy, old Santa was really good to him this year! So far I have one name scratched off my Christmas shopping list. Oddly enough, when I got home, Mrs. BBD said it was time I went down to the bank and took out some money so she could begin her Christmas shopping. I'm thinking to myself, "Why should I take out money from my account so she can do her Christmas shopping?" Then I remembered about being married. What's hers is hers and what's mine is hers... I cheerfully said, "Yes Dear. I'll do it tomorrow." Ain't life grand?
Gorgeous 84 degrees here today. And I packed all my summer clothes away cuz that last rain we had on halloween brought in some cold weather and figured it planned to stay. Wrong.
I'm a bit peeved tonight. Couple of days ago a guy that has bought from me before, came by to look at some stuff hubby picked up at local garage sales. Being in a hurry cuz he arrived without notice, we quickly showed him a few items so he could get an idea of what we had to sell and he was to come back later that afternoon for the bargaining. Unfortunately, he palmed two items, which we did not notice until after he left. So we called him asking if he mistakenly put the items in his pocket during the hurry session because they were not on the counter where we left them for him. Gone. He never returned our calls, which we did numerous times. By then we realized he stole them.

So after a few days, I posted a warning in Craigslist to beware of anyone coming to look at items of value that could be stolen easily and to meet at the local police department outside on the curb if need be, just to be safe. I didn't name the guy or give any clues to his identity but he must have had a guilty conscience cuz he placed FOUR ads in CL naming both me and hubby and our address and our phone number, claiming we were thieves and steal from garage sales. FOUR ads. So CL pulls MY ad and leaves HIS up..with our full names, address and phone number.

Pretty pissed.
Talk to a lawyer, Gracie. I can't believe there's no law here that hasn't been broken on his part. This guy sounds like an absolute psychopath. That's why if I sell something on craigslist, I meet them somewhere other than my home.
He's just pissed that he got busted. CL took ALL his posts down. I checked when I got up this morning.

And in future..anything I sell from now on is going to be in front of the sheriffs department.

What an arsehole, but what he is doing is defamation. That is illegal. You have done nothing wrong and this bastard needs to be charged.
Nice long chat with Tracy last night and this morning. Good to know she is doing well. Its her birthday on Thursday, and I am hoping her gift will be available for pick up before then.

This morning I went to a friend's place to make us pancakes for breakfast. She found a recipe which we followed and had our pancakes with icecream, chocolate sauce, and sprinkles. Then we both headed off to class to burn of all that sugar!

My RSA certificate arrived in the mail last night, they certainly posted it quickly! :)
I'm a bit peeved tonight. Couple of days ago a guy that has bought from me before, came by to look at some stuff hubby picked up at local garage sales. Being in a hurry cuz he arrived without notice, we quickly showed him a few items so he could get an idea of what we had to sell and he was to come back later that afternoon for the bargaining. Unfortunately, he palmed two items, which we did not notice until after he left. So we called him asking if he mistakenly put the items in his pocket during the hurry session because they were not on the counter where we left them for him. Gone. He never returned our calls, which we did numerous times. By then we realized he stole them.

So after a few days, I posted a warning in Craigslist to beware of anyone coming to look at items of value that could be stolen easily and to meet at the local police department outside on the curb if need be, just to be safe. I didn't name the guy or give any clues to his identity but he must have had a guilty conscience cuz he placed FOUR ads in CL naming both me and hubby and our address and our phone number, claiming we were thieves and steal from garage sales. FOUR ads. So CL pulls MY ad and leaves HIS up..with our full names, address and phone number.

Pretty pissed.
Talk to a lawyer, Gracie. I can't believe there's no law here that hasn't been broken on his part. This guy sounds like an absolute psychopath. That's why if I sell something on craigslist, I meet them somewhere other than my home.
He's just pissed that he got busted. CL took ALL his posts down. I checked when I got up this morning.

And in future..anything I sell from now on is going to be in front of the sheriffs department.

What an arsehole, but what he is doing is defamation. That is illegal. You have done nothing wrong and this bastard needs to be charged.
He is paying more now than he would in a court. His rep is in shreds.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys
And we're still keeping vigil for

Pogo and Hobbes,
Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.
And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.

Forum List
