USMB Coffee Shop IV

Did anybody go for their free meals today?
My husband did. He went to Denny's for his free grand slam breakfast.
He is a very happy camper now. :)
For years I have posted photos of deer here in the Coffee Shop - both alive that I captured on my trail cameras and ones that have been harvested on my farm during deer season. Never until just recently has there been a complaint or an attack on me for doing so. I guess the times are changing. I feel responsible for the up roar that has been going on here in the Coffee Shop with both the posting of the deer and possibly a comment I made on election night that was totally taken out of content. I can't be a part of this any more. There are people here now that lay in wait for any opportunity to cause a fuss and create troubles and I don't want to be a part of that. I have too many other things I can be doing with my time.

If in the past I have offended anybody, in any way, I beg your pardon and ask for your forgiveness. I think it's best that I move along with the hopes that the Coffee Shop will become what it once was and in the future be a place for fun - not conflict. With that said, I wish you all a good day and a bright future. Because the USMB board has no real interest for me, with the exception of the Coffee Shop, I will be leaving the board for good and I shall not return. I leave you all with the hopes of a peaceful future for you all.
Thanks everybody. I love 007 but was angry when he, out of his own frustrations, chose to make it partisan.
You can always count on me to say what everyone is thinking, but afraid to say. I'll take the heat, because frankly getting the truth out in the open to me is more important than dancing around the issue speaking in nuance and pretending it doesn't exist. What I said was true. Look back at the beginning of this CS. Look at who was here. Look how long we went without a single issue, and then the first issues that we did have were when a liberal would waltz in and spew some trash before a mod warned them to leave. Now the CS is full of liberals, and who's fault that is we can all speculate, but I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that after all, the people now in the CS have fought tooth and nail else where on the board, and also more than likely have developed a genuine disgust for each other. So to expect them all to just wondrously and peacefully meld together and play nicey, nicey is, well, a little pollyannaish in thinking. It just can't be. Not forever. Sooner or later something will happen to set off events such as we've recently seen, because the worlds in which these people all live in are far too different, as we've also witnessed. So if you're going to expect people from both sides of the spectrum to post in here Ff, then you might as well get used to some fireworks once and awhile. You don't want the fireworks, then I guess we should start a conservative only, and/or liberal only CS, and separate out again.
Thanks everybody. I love 007 but was angry when he, out of his own frustrations, chose to make it partisan.
You can always count on me to say what everyone is thinking, but afraid to say. I'll take the heat, because frankly getting the truth out in the open to me is more important than dancing around the issue speaking in nuance and pretending it doesn't exist. What I said was true. Look back at the beginning of this CS. Look at who was here. Look how long we went without a single issue, and then the first issues that we did have were when a liberal would waltz in and spew some trash before a mod warned them to leave. Now the CS is full of liberals, and who's fault that is we can all speculate, but I don't think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out that after all, the people now is this CS have fought tooth and nail, and also more than likely have developed a genuine disgust for each other. So to expect them all to just wondrously and peacefully meld together and play nicey, nicey is, well, a little pollyannaish in thinking. It just can't be. Not forever. Sooner or later something will happen to set off events such as we've recently seen, because the worlds in which these people all live in are far too different, as we've also witnessed. So if you're going to expect people from both sides of the spectrum to post in here Ff, then you might as well get used to some fireworks once and awhile. You don't want the fireworks, then I guess we should start a conservative only, and/or liberal only CS, and separate out again.
Here's the reality, the rules state no politics, you are the one inserting politics and have been the primary reason for the contention in the CS lately. I don't care how long you've been posting here, either abide by the rules or leave, if you refuse to do either the Mods will get involved and make the decision for you. End of discussion.
For years I have posted photos of deer here in the Coffee Shop - both alive that I captured on my trail cameras and ones that have been harvested on my farm during deer season. Never until just recently has there been a complaint or an attack on me for doing so. I guess the times are changing. I feel responsible for the up roar that has been going on here in the Coffee Shop with both the posting of the deer and possibly a comment I made on election night that was totally taken out of content. I can't be a part of this any more. There are people here now that lay in wait for any opportunity to cause a fuss and create troubles and I don't want to be a part of that. I have too many other things I can be doing with my time.

If in the past I have offended anybody, in any way, I beg your pardon and ask for your forgiveness. I think it's best that I move along with the hopes that the Coffee Shop will become what it once was and in the future be a place for fun - not conflict. With that said, I wish you all a good day and a bright future. Because the USMB board has no real interest for me, with the exception of the Coffee Shop, I will be leaving the board for good and I shall not return. I leave you all with the hopes of a peaceful future for you all.
You're leaving won't change a thing.

A turf war of sorts was thrown down a few weeks a ago, I guess you missed it. CS has been a target from some for years, some people miss that too. Others made Election Day comments and as you mentioned deer pics are not new. Just like Fox not shutting down, I wish you would reconsider leaving.
There are cons and libs here who simply want to have their ways and spit on others here.

Absolutely unacceptable. Let's leave the partisanship outside.
You probably know where you can stick that bs right 007?
Stop playing around, son. The time for lying to yourself and everyone else is past. With the coming of libs in the CS, it's the 900 lb gorilla in the room. With the underlying friction it's caused, it was bound to boil over at some point, and it did.

Now it's ruined it for those of us that started the whole thing. Sure Ff started the thread, but without the charter group of us people, us CONSERVATIVES, that assembled and enjoyed chatting with each other, it would have went the way of all the other attempts by other's to duplicate it.

You just got a taste of what libs think of this place from Ravi. They're here to butt in and disrupt, and now they're laughing their asses off, because they've accomplished their goal.

Infiltrate, divide and conquer. Works every time. Intellectual Warfare 101.

United we stand, divided we fall.
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There was a reason that the OP states leave your politics and spurs at the door. This has never been a place for 'conservatives' or any particular ideology. Many of our friends here over the years--many still here--have been openly left of center, and have been important to our little community here. We have discussed in the past that whatever problems anybody has with anybody else on this board or any other will not be brought in here.

The most angry I have EVER been in the Coffee Shop is when somebody forgot that.

Over the years we have had a number of staunch leftists and rightists who were able to find common ground outside of sociopolitical issues and many of those became good friends. And those left, right, and in the middle once were unified in admonishing those who did bring politics or controversial issues in here and did not allow it. For heavens sake, if we can't be grown up enough to make a friendly, supportive message board thread work, what chance is there for society as a whole? For our nation?

I have had to develop a back bone and shrug off childish actions of some fair weather friends who apparently never read or understood the intent of the OP. And I have mourned the loss of people I had thoroughly enjoy interacting with when they left the board for other reasons. Maybe I put too much faith in too many.

But because there are several who seem to understand and are willing to stand up for the goodness of the Coffee Shop, I am very reluctant to blow you all off and just do what my gut wants to do. So I will sleep on it for at least one night before taking any action.

I hope those who have been so important to the Coffee Shop all these years--so important to me--will do the same.
We actually made it up to the low 40s today but now it's around 28 degrees, windy and it looks like snow clouds moving in......... Jasper, our oldest cat (short, fine hair) ran out, stopped dead in his tracks and ran back inside...... :lol:
Weather is chilly and bright blue sun glaring sky stares down on us.

Went and saw "Interstellar." What an amazing movie. The science nerds will have their fun with. As narrative and metaphor, it makes one think about man and the universe.
You probably know where you can stick that bs right 007?
Stop playing around, son. The time for lying to yourself and everyone else is past. With the coming of libs in the CS, it's the 900 lb gorilla in the room. With the underlying friction it's caused, it was bound to boil over at some point, and it did.

Now it's ruined it for those of us that started the whole thing. Sure Ff started the thread, but without the charter group of us people, us CONSERVATIVES, that assembled and enjoyed chatting with each other, it would have went the way of all the other attempts by other's to duplicate it.

You just got a taste of what libs think of this place from Ravi. They're here to butt in and disrupt, and now they're laughing their asses off, because they've accomplished their goal.

Infiltrate, divide and conquer. Works every time. Intellectual Warfare 101.

United we stand, divided we fall.[/QUOTE
We actually made it up to the low 40s today but now it's around 28 degrees, windy and it looks like snow clouds moving in......... Jasper, our oldest cat (short, fine hair) ran out, stopped dead in his tracks and ran back inside...... :lol:

Bundle up and keep warm.
I hope you have some good indoor entertainment.
You probably know where you can stick that bs right 007?
Stop playing around, son. The time for lying to yourself and everyone else is past. With the coming of libs in the CS, it's the 900 lb gorilla in the room. With the underlying friction it's caused, it was bound to boil over at some point, and it did.

Now it's ruined it for those of us that started the whole thing. Sure Ff started the thread, but without the charter group of us people, us CONSERVATIVES, that assembled and enjoyed chatting with each other, it would have went the way of all the other attempts by other's to duplicate it.

You just got a taste of what libs think of this place from Ravi. They're here to butt in and disrupt, and now they're laughing their asses off, because they've accomplished their goal.

Infiltrate, divide and conquer. Works every time. Intellectual Warfare 101.

United we stand, divided we fall.[/QUOTE
We actually made it up to the low 40s today but now it's around 28 degrees, windy and it looks like snow clouds moving in......... Jasper, our oldest cat (short, fine hair) ran out, stopped dead in his tracks and ran back inside...... :lol:

Bundle up and keep warm.
I hope you have some good indoor entertainment.
The USMB, books, TV, video games, playing with the cats (who are both napping now) and talking with the wife.
Not necessarily in that order. :lol:
Tomorrow we have to go up to Pueblo, CO for my wife's ortho consult on her knee, it's supposed to be highs in the low 20s.......
There was a reason that the OP states leave your politics and spurs at the door. This has never been a place for 'conservatives' or any particular ideology. Many of our friends here over the years--many still here--have been openly left of center, and have been important to our little community here. We have discussed in the past that whatever problems anybody has with anybody else on this board or any other will not be brought in here.

The most angry I have EVER been in the Coffee Shop is when somebody forgot that.

Over the years we have had a number of staunch leftists and rightists who were able to find common ground outside of sociopolitical issues and many of those became good friends. And those left, right, and in the middle once were unified in admonishing those who did bring politics or controversial issues in here and did not allow it. For heavens sake, if we can't be grown up enough to make a friendly, supportive message board thread work, what chance is there for society as a whole? For our nation?

I have had to develop a back bone and shrug off childish actions of some fair weather friends who apparently never read or understood the intent of the OP. And I have mourned the loss of people I had thoroughly enjoy interacting with when they left the board for other reasons. Maybe I put too much faith in too many.

But because there are several who seem to understand and are willing to stand up for the goodness of the Coffee Shop, I am very reluctant to blow you all off and just do what my gut wants to do. So I will sleep on it for at least one night before taking any action.

I hope those who have been so important to the Coffee Shop all these years--so important to me--will do the same.

We can't let them win.
There was a reason that the OP states leave your politics and spurs at the door. This has never been a place for 'conservatives' or any particular ideology. Many of our friends here over the years--many still here--have been openly left of center, and have been important to our little community here. We have discussed in the past that whatever problems anybody has with anybody else on this board or any other will not be brought in here.

The most angry I have EVER been in the Coffee Shop is when somebody forgot that.

Over the years we have had a number of staunch leftists and rightists who were able to find common ground outside of sociopolitical issues and many of those became good friends. And those left, right, and in the middle once were unified in admonishing those who did bring politics or controversial issues in here and did not allow it. For heavens sake, if we can't be grown up enough to make a friendly, supportive message board thread work, what chance is there for society as a whole? For our nation?

I have had to develop a back bone and shrug off childish actions of some fair weather friends who apparently never read or understood the intent of the OP. And I have mourned the loss of people I had thoroughly enjoy interacting with when they left the board for other reasons. Maybe I put too much faith in too many.

But because there are several who seem to understand and are willing to stand up for the goodness of the Coffee Shop, I am very reluctant to blow you all off and just do what my gut wants to do. So I will sleep on it for at least one night before taking any action.

I hope those who have been so important to the Coffee Shop all these years--so important to me--will do the same.

We can't let them win.
They wont.
It's relatively warm for us but the colors are breathtaking

Weather is chilly and bright blue sun glaring sky stares down on us.

Went and saw "Interstellar." What an amazing movie. The science nerds will have their fun with. As narrative and metaphor, it makes one think about man and the universe.

Nolan has made some very good movies, so I'm interested in Interstellar. It's been getting some mixed reviews from critics, but I rarely put a lot of stock in 'professional' reviews. I'm not sure I'll see it in the theater though, I rarely do that.

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