USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just wanted to add my voice that I wish you would reconsider Fox

Since you may pull the plug I'll be frank with my thoughts. Sherry hit the nail on the head when a spinoff was created, and it's been a bit rough since then, but sadly party lines were drawn and used to hurt your very welcoming and inclusive forum.

If you close it down, their victory will be hollow, but we lose all the same.
I just wanted to add my voice that I wish you would reconsider Fox

Since you may pull the plug I'll be frank with my thoughts. Sherry hit the nail on the head when a spinoff was created, and it's been a bit rough since then, but sadly party lines were drawn and used to hurt your very welcoming and inclusive forum.

If you close it down, their victory will be hollow, but we lose all the same.
We all need what this place offered from the beginning, namely a haven from the conflict on the rest of the board. All of us have gotten the opportunity to, at least, get to know our political opposites and perhaps understand that they are unique individuals and not part of some cadre that exists to silence our opposing views.

Closing the Coffee Shop removes that haven and the opportunity to understand people at a personal level.

If the decision to close the shop was left to the members, I'd vote "Hell No".
Thanks everybody. I love 007 but was angry when he, out of his own frustrations, chose to make it partisan. I love Sarah who I have come to appreciate very much even though we are miles apart socio-politically, and I would have had no problem with her saying "eww, I don't want to see that" re the dead deer, but I was angry when she unnecessarily disrespected BBD in the process. I adore BBD more than I could ever fully explain here, but I was annoyed when he made what I interpreted as an inflammatory remark about the election even though he intended no harm, no foul. I only single those out because they were among the most recent incidents. I could go right on down the list--there probably isn't anybody who has been here for any time who hasn't said or posted at least something sometime or another that annoyed or irritated or just plain made me or somebody else mad.

And I'm quite certain that there isn't anybody who hasn't had at least one or two problems with me over the years. It's going to happen just like it does in real life. It is just the way it is in every family.

But over the years, just because we think it has usually not translated into saying it. I was proud that we had all varieties of conservatives, liberals, moderates, and various others who were all getting along, that most had the maturity to ask themselves how important is it before responding negatively to somebody. And if sometimes any one of us is a bit out of sorts, then oh well. We can overlook that and love them back into good spirits and their usual nature.

So I am hearing you. Every one of you. I'm thinking about it. Not convinced yet, but will admit to some wavering.

Hombre and I have the Senior Saints luncheon shortly and I have to finish getting ready for that. Will check back later.
You would not want Ernie's angle (as he calls me) to be out of touch again, after it took 40 years of wondering about each other?
It was this forum that got us connected again and the coffee shop that has kept us connected with what we are doing with our lives after Woodstock.
I would have never seen the pic's of his grandkids for his birthday if not for the coffee shop
We would not have any of our wonderful pictures and images that we all share and love each and every day.
It would be a shame to shut down all of the laughs and giggles and smiles that we all share and have grown to love.
We are all such a wonderful group of diversified people it would be a shame not to have it any longer.
Eventually everything will settle down and get back to normal.
We are after all pretty good at policing each other.
None of these wonderful things happen on the rest of the board only here.
I vote that the Coffee Shop remain open to all who agree to abide by it's rules. Those that agree, quote this post and vote to keep it open.

I agree. It's a nice respite from some of the nastiness of the rest of the forum. I like coming here some days and chatting about non-political things. :) Even if I don't always post, I do stop by and read.
Thanks everybody. I love 007 but was angry when he, out of his own frustrations, chose to make it partisan. I love Sarah who I have come to appreciate very much even though we are miles apart socio-politically, and I would have had no problem with her saying "eww, I don't want to see that" re the dead deer, but I was angry when she unnecessarily disrespected BBD in the process. I adore BBD more than I could ever fully explain here, but I was annoyed when he made what I interpreted as an inflammatory remark about the election even though he intended no harm, no foul. I only single those out because they were among the most recent incidents. I could go right on down the list--there probably isn't anybody who has been here for any time who hasn't said or posted at least something sometime or another that annoyed or irritated or just plain made me or somebody else mad.

And I'm quite certain that there isn't anybody who hasn't had at least one or two problems with me over the years. It's going to happen just like it does in real life. It is just the way it is in every family.

But over the years, just because we think it has usually not translated into saying it. I was proud that we had all varieties of conservatives, liberals, moderates, and various others who were all getting along, that most had the maturity to ask themselves how important is it before responding negatively to somebody. And if sometimes any one of us is a bit out of sorts, then oh well. We can overlook that and love them back into good spirits and their usual nature.

So I am hearing you. Every one of you. I'm thinking about it. Not convinced yet, but will admit to some wavering.

Hombre and I have the Senior Saints luncheon shortly and I have to finish getting ready for that. Will check back later.

Wow Foxy, this was disturbing to read. I'm not qualified to tell you what your best course is, none of us are, but from a selfish POV I'm inclined to say, without naming or intending specific names, "if you close the CS, the terrorists win".

I'm hoping you'll consider what it means to those who partake as far as human connections. In the political forums :puke: I'd prolly have very little in common with Peach, but here I found out she's a hammered dulcimer player. That's pretty rare, and it's because of the Coffee Shop. In the political forums I'd prolly have very little in common with Ernie, but here I find out about the World Market and exotic strains of coffee. The CS is responsible for that enrichment too. Then there's Ringel's vital tech advice on anything from computers to plumbing. Nosmo's ongoing novel. BBD's artfully capricious dog-diary. And of course, advice from all corners on dealing with a cat who thinks he's Tarzan (however briefly). ;)

Not to even mention the spiritual energy prayers and good wishes transmitted daily and nightly.

This thread is to blame for all of that, so I guess whatever you decide is best, at the very least you deserve this note of, for lack of a better word, Thanksgiving. :thanks:

I'd echo what Ringel said - you deserve a break, and you deserve more thanks than you get for herding us cats here. If you ultimately decide it's not worth the hassle, I for one will understand. But I will also haz a big sad. :(

I'd like to send you back a maxim you often use, and that is:
"This too shall pass".

It's Veteran's Day. My American Legion Post will be having our annual Post members banquet tonight. We'll all be feasting on some great chow, looking at our lovely wives who will be dressed like the princesses they are, and the majority of us will be wearing a suit and tie. It will be a grand event as it always is. I would like to say just a couple of things...

THANK YOU to all the veterans who have served our fine country.

Secondly, I hope Mrs. BBD will at least let me take my tie off before I begin to wash dishes after the event. (I drew the short straw this year and will be on KP duty after we all eat.)
One of the most important reasons to keep the coffee shop open is this;

Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

The coffee shop is run by one of the smartest most intelligent and high level thinkers ever to come to the USMB....that's why!!

The Libs keep piloting to close it down because they are so jealous of it. :)

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