USMB Coffee Shop IV

Fuck it... I'm otta here... like Ollie... Like Becki... Like BBD... this isn't the CS we used to know... :eusa_hand:
That's okay, you can stay. I didn't realize this place was for charter members so I'll go. Nice to know Becki and Ollie left because of all the Libs here too.
Looks like this last election still has people suffering from raw nerves (regardless of political affiliation) and they can't seem to find an outlet elsewhere. :dunno:
Oh well. Cold here this morning, had some flurries last night so I'm sitting here in my robe suckin' down coffee.

It's usually mild in NJ ;(
That's okay, you can stay. I didn't realize this place was for charter members so I'll go. Nice to know Becki and Ollie left because of all the Libs here too.
Actually they didn't leave for that reason. 007 is the only one here who has consistently brought up political affiliation in a negative way against the CS rules and (hopefully) he just solved the problem by bowing out.
Okay that's it. I'm out of rabbit tricks to keep the Coffee Shop the haven it was intended to be and it seems we have too few left who understand what it was supposed to be to make it viable. And I'm not willing to see it dissolve into another Flame Zone insult thread. So with a great deal of sadness, I am going to ask that it be closed later today.

We've had a great run and I was looking forward to our fifth anniversary, but like I said last night. If you see that a war won't be won, at some point you just have to stop fighting it. We were able to weather the little spats that flared up from time to time before, but oh well. We weathered the full blown attacks on us, but oh well.

Those who want to stay in touch, PM me your e-mail addresses. I have them for a lot of you and those who have entrusted me with them know I will not share them with anybody without your express written permission.

Those of you who have made the Coffee Shop a great place to hang out, you have my respect, affection, and appreciation. Those who hung out with us through thick and thin, thank you. I will miss meeting you here but hope to stay in contact in the other forums. Those who moved on, it was good to get to know you. And those who seemed gung ho to destroy what we have had here, congratulations and I'm sure you'll all glad hand each other and celebrate. You win.

I really do love you guys. But it is time to move on.
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Okay that's it. I'm out of rabbit tricks to keep the Coffee Shop the haven it was intended to be and it seems we have too few left who understand what it was supposed to be to make it viable. And I'm not willing to see it dissolve into another Flame Zone insult thread. So with a great deal of sadness, I am going to ask that it be closed later today.

We've had a great run and I was looking forward to our fifth anniversary, but like I said last night. If you see that a war won't be won, at some point you just have to stop fighting it. We were able to weather the little spats that flared up from time to time before, but oh well. Those who want to stay in touch, PM me your e-mail addresses. I have them for a lot of you and those who have entrusted me with them know I will not share them with anybody without your express written permission.

Those of you who have made the Coffee Shop a great place to hang out, you have my respect, affection, and appreciation. Those who hung out with us through thick and thin, thank you. I will miss meeting you here but hope to stay in contact elsewhere. Those who moved on, it was good to get to know you. And those who seemed gung ho to destroy what we have had here, congratulations and I'm sure you'll all glad hand each other and celebrate. You win.

I really do love you guys. But it is time to move on.
Not yet. It's post election raw nerves and it's going to take a little while to overcome. People will eventually come around to their senses and calm down besides one person has been the primary instigator of most of the problems and he has claimed he's saying bye, bye, that should relieve much of the stress that has found it's way in here.
Foxy, you take a break, ya need it, some of the rest of us will hold down the fort while the Indians are circling and attacking.
Simple. We all stay. Put Sarah G and 007 and anyone else you want on Ignore.

I won't read their nonsense, and no one else here should have to as well.

Edit: I just realized they are only two I have on actual Ignore. Wow.

Yes, there are plenty of us who will hold the fort.
For the record, I assume my avie is alive.

<checks pulse>

Yep, I was just stretching.

I am not a hunter. If I shot a deer I'd feel compelled to eat it, which really isn't going to happen, so I leave that to others for food and fun. Many guys do hunt at work and at some point a person brings in their deer or turkey. I enjoy seeing the animal up close for a minute or so, then am saddened it has died.

I am sure many of you have witnessed the death of message boards at some point too. This is pretty much how the final stages start.
I live in Ohio and have 6 brothers in law. We have plenty of hunters in the family and I know that people do eat the meat, cull the herd and aren't just angry killers by nature. What I object to is posting the kill just to gross people out.

I don't care anymore tho so support of the mean guy thing worked..
Seriously... I HIGHLY doubt he posted that picture... "just to gross people out." For one, it doesn't gross me out, two, I wanted to see it, three, it's American tradition to hunt and take pictures of your harvest that is as old as the camera. So for all your objections, I stress the opposite. I urge BBD to continue to post pictures of their harvest. What a bunch of lucky guys to have such bounty from which to hunt.

He can post all he wants obviously. It's up to me whether I view them or not and it's up to me how I choose to think about it. I personally do not like to see trophy's of wild defenseless animals, but I understand it all and just avoid looking, IF I can help it. I understand the hunter mentality and the many reasons they use to justify it. I just don't judge them. It goes back to our hunter-gatherer roots and it helps with deer over-population.

Unless under attack, I could personally NEVER kill a deer or any defenseless animal and I will never judge those that can. None of my business.

Make a good day coffee-mates. The sun is sure shining here.
Okay that's it. I'm out of rabbit tricks to keep the Coffee Shop the haven it was intended to be and it seems we have too few left who understand what it was supposed to be to make it viable. And I'm not willing to see it dissolve into another Flame Zone insult thread. So with a great deal of sadness, I am going to ask that it be closed later today.

We've had a great run and I was looking forward to our fifth anniversary, but like I said last night. If you see that a war won't be won, at some point you just have to stop fighting it. We were able to weather the little spats that flared up from time to time before, but oh well. We weathered the full blown attacks on us, but oh well.

Those who want to stay in touch, PM me your e-mail addresses. I have them for a lot of you and those who have entrusted me with them know I will not share them with anybody without your express written permission.

Those of you who have made the Coffee Shop a great place to hang out, you have my respect, affection, and appreciation. Those who hung out with us through thick and thin, thank you. I will miss meeting you here but hope to stay in contact in the other forums. Those who moved on, it was good to get to know you. And those who seemed gung ho to destroy what we have had here, congratulations and I'm sure you'll all glad hand each other and celebrate. You win.

I really do love you guys. But it is time to move on.

I'm sorry, Foxy, but I don't respect your decision. No one is forcing you to continue to participate in the thread if it's become too burdensome, but I think it's unreasonable to bolt and lock the door to the rest of us who still want to participate. I know you started it, but does that really mean you feel it's necessary to end it just because you don't approve of how some of the patrons are acting?? If the CS is going to die, let it be OUR choice.
It's not a good day to be combining corn because of the poor weather so I have been reading through a few of the posts this morning here in the Coffee Shop. It makes me a little sad to read what I have been reading. Many of us, and myself included, should maybe hang our heads in shame. I have been thinking about leaving the USMB board for some time now because, in my opinion, the rest of the board outside of the Coffee Shop is mostly garbage. Very few of the other threads have any interest to me because what is posted is mostly garbage. The only reason I have stayed in the past is because of the Coffee Shop. Now, the Coffee Shop is about to collapse because that same vile crap is slowly, but surely, working it's way into the Coffee Shop. There are very clear people who post here that always seem to be at the root of the problem, and maybe to some degree, I have been guilty of that too from time to time. If that is a true statement, I am very sorry. However, Foxie has created something here that needs to continue and we need to take our hats off to her and give her thanks for it, and we need to take a time out to consider what we are allowing to happen here. The Coffee Shop is the very last place on this board that has, or use to have, a civil tone to it and it used to be a fun place to visit. It needs to continue. It's the only place on this board that is unique. This Coffee Shop does not belong to "Charter Members", "Liberals", "Conservatives", "Long-time Members", or any other specific label you would like to put on someone who posts here. It belongs to us all. It does not belong to any specific one person. No single person has the right, or the sole claim on it's approval of what is posted inside of the guidelines that established it. The only exception to this, in my opinion, would be Foxie because it was her brainchild and she has suffered the most to nurture it's well-being. Those of you, and maybe even myself, should thank her, ask for her forgiveness, and either begin to behave in here or leave. Those of you that "tap dance" around the rules of the Coffee Shop, or constantly stir the pot, should either immediately stop, or leave and stay gone. I sent Foxie a personal message last night and told her I was leaving the board because I did not like the tone of it any more, and specifically what was going on in the Coffee Shop. She said if I left, then the trouble makers would win. I think she is right. I've never ran away from a fight so I am staying. However, I urge everybody that comes here to stop being a pain in the ass - and that statement is aimed exactly at the people who know who they are. I truly hope the Coffee Shop does not fall. It would be a shame if it did.
I do respect your opinion Sherry. And normally I would agree. I have always refused to take credit for the Coffee Shop's success as I saw it as a team effort. But I my name is still on the OP as well as the founding principles that went into it and the team seems to have fallen apart. And I don't want my name on something that has turned into the very opposite of what was originally intended. It has not escaped me that at least some of those trying to destroy what we have here did so at least in part to attack me personally, or sometimes one or more other members, but we have always had a strong enough census of teamwork and comaraderie to weather those storms, and I could shrug it off.

I know most have left because of reasons unrelated to the Coffee Shop and, while I miss those people, I have to respect their decision. And those that have left because of a problem with me or somebody else, well I can't stop them. When 'getting even' or punishing somebody becomes more important than other friendships, oh well. But like I said, I'm out of hat tricks. If I don't take sides, I have two people mad at me. If I do take sides, all hell breaks loose. And I'm just plain tired of walking on those eggs.

I hasten to add that I don't fault those of you who have made an effort to protest the probably unintended but actual inappropriate comments that have been almost daily events lately. I didn't close the Coffee Shop immediately just so the air could be cleared by those of you who wanted to comment.
Okay that's it. I'm out of rabbit tricks to keep the Coffee Shop the haven it was intended to be and it seems we have too few left who understand what it was supposed to be to make it viable. And I'm not willing to see it dissolve into another Flame Zone insult thread. So with a great deal of sadness, I am going to ask that it be closed later today.

We've had a great run and I was looking forward to our fifth anniversary, but like I said last night. If you see that a war won't be won, at some point you just have to stop fighting it. We were able to weather the little spats that flared up from time to time before, but oh well. We weathered the full blown attacks on us, but oh well.

Those who want to stay in touch, PM me your e-mail addresses. I have them for a lot of you and those who have entrusted me with them know I will not share them with anybody without your express written permission.

Those of you who have made the Coffee Shop a great place to hang out, you have my respect, affection, and appreciation. Those who hung out with us through thick and thin, thank you. I will miss meeting you here but hope to stay in contact in the other forums. Those who moved on, it was good to get to know you. And those who seemed gung ho to destroy what we have had here, congratulations and I'm sure you'll all glad hand each other and celebrate. You win.

I really do love you guys. But it is time to move on.
Don't do it! We will self police. It may get ugly for a couple days, but the Coffee Shop must survive.
I've been busy with life and haven't been here that much, maybe in a way I kinda blame myself because honestly I used to be the unofficial "enforcer" of the rules and I've let it get out of hand so until some people decide to grow up and treat this place like it's supposed to be treated I'll start knocking heads again, no more mr beat around the bush and hinting. You break the rules I'll tell you straight up, if you don't like it and refuse to comply you'll leave voluntarily or via Mod action even if I have to take on the mantle of Mod again. Act like an adult, respect each other here and comply by the rules, that's all we ask. :D
Foxfyre, listen to Ernie S. He is 100% correct, and all who want the CS to be here need to get on Board.

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