USMB Coffee Shop IV

All the best GW. Moving is hell. :)
Fact! I am not looking forward to leaving Alaska. I am uniquely situated at this time, though. I've been living in this 28' travel trailer for 7 years now, so all I really have to do is hook up to the truck and away I go. Unfortunately, I have a lot of valuable property stored in various locations. That's why I built the new storage place in Willow. It's already looking pretty full. It isn't just sorting and storing things, there are a lot of other small issues to take care of before, finding new situations for my goats. I have to clean up this property, too. At least I have allowed myself just around a year to get this all done. The other issue that concerns me is, when should I start looking for a new job? The job situation up here is pretty good, but I understand it is not so in other places. A buddy of mine just moved back up after two years in FL because there were no jobs available.
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All the best GW. Moving is hell. :)
Fact! I am not looking forward to leaving Alaska. I am uniquely situated at this time, though. I've been living in this 28' travel trailer for 7 years now, so all I really have to do is hook up to the truck and away I go. Unfortunately, I have a lot of valuable property stored in various locations. That's why I built the new storage place in Willow. It's already looking pretty full. It isn't just sorting and storing things, there are a lot of other small issues to take care of before, finding new situations for my goats. I have to clean up this property, too. At least I have allowed myself just around a year to get this all done. The other issue that concerns me is, when should I start looking for a new job? The job situation up here is pretty good, but I understand it is not so in other places. A buddy of mine just moved back up after two years in FL because there were no jobs available.
So if you're living around Willow, then you're virtually just a hop, skip and a jump away from Wasilla and Sarah Palin. Is that the air port right there in Willow that you've been working at? Any earth quakes? How are the mosquitoes around there? I watched a new, two hour long episode of "Finding Bigfoot" on the Animal Planet channel tonight, and the mosquitoes were worse than anything I've ever seen or heard of before in my life. That would be a deal breaker I think for me as far as living up there. I hate those little blood suckers with a passion, and they just love my type O- blood.
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Finally! Some time to just zone out and visit the CS. I decided it would be better if I didn't try to catch up on all the conversation I've missed these last days.
In addition to my usual busy schedule, I decided that the lectures about aircraft instruments that the previous instructor passed on to me were...ehem, anemic at best. So I have been producing the Powerpoint presentations to support my new lectures, as well as all the supporting homework and test material for the instruction. It's pretty grueling, putting together the initial instructional material. We're almost done with this semester, though, so I should have more time for "fun" stuff soon.
The weather here is practically tropical, hanging in the mid-40's. I understand that the same storm that brought us these temps is putting the Lower 48 on ice. It's been warm long enough these past few days that the ground is starting to thaw!
Still looks like I'll be relocating to south of Seattle late next summer. It's only a few years and then I'll come home. I just miss my granddaughters and daughter a bunch. The task of preparing everything here, storing stuff, selling some things, and just throwing away all the usual detritus that has accumulated of the years can be daunting, as many of you know.
I can sing Teterboro Tower..... :eusa_whistle:
For the record, I assume my avie is alive.

<checks pulse>

Yep, I was just stretching.

I am not a hunter. If I shot a deer I'd feel compelled to eat it, which really isn't going to happen, so I leave that to others for food and fun. Many guys do hunt at work and at some point a person brings in their deer or turkey. I enjoy seeing the animal up close for a minute or so, then am saddened it has died.

I am sure many of you have witnessed the death of message boards at some point too. This is pretty much how the final stages start.
For the record, I assume my avie is alive.

<checks pulse>

Yep, I was just stretching.

I am not a hunter. If I shot a deer I'd feel compelled to eat it, which really isn't going to happen, so I leave that to others for food and fun. Many guys do hunt at work and at some point a person brings in their deer or turkey. I enjoy seeing the animal up close for a minute or so, then am saddened it has died.

I am sure many of you have witnessed the death of message boards at some point too. This is pretty much how the final stages start.
This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.
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This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.

Can't see the images Nosmo. But based on your commentary, I'm wondering if that is a good thing. :)
And for all my dearest friends here in the Coffee Shop, I would appreciate some strengthening vibes sent my way--I need some guidance as to where I go from here. I have always advocated that if you're going to fight a war, you fight to win it. But I am also coming to realize that if a war cannot be won, then it is best to stop fighting it.

Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.
And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​

Tracy's birthday gift which she will get on Thursday. It comes with small round tags, which you write your name on and the date of your birth, then hook it onto the hook under the corresponding birthday month. A woman on Facebook was making them and I thought they looked great, so I had this one personally made in colors I think Tracy will like. :)
For the record, I assume my avie is alive.

<checks pulse>

Yep, I was just stretching.

I am not a hunter. If I shot a deer I'd feel compelled to eat it, which really isn't going to happen, so I leave that to others for food and fun. Many guys do hunt at work and at some point a person brings in their deer or turkey. I enjoy seeing the animal up close for a minute or so, then am saddened it has died.

I am sure many of you have witnessed the death of message boards at some point too. This is pretty much how the final stages start.
I live in Ohio and have 6 brothers in law. We have plenty of hunters in the family and I know that people do eat the meat, cull the herd and aren't just angry killers by nature. What I object to is posting the kill just to gross people out.

I don't care anymore tho so support of the mean guy thing worked..

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