USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ewww. I haven't had a mosquito bite in years.....and we frequently have our front door, sans screen, standing wide open on a summer night. The only place really REALLY bad for mosquitos that I have been was in Plainview TX--on Hombre and my very first date I think I counted 33 mosquito bites from sitting at the drive-in movie in a hardtop convertible with all the windows down that night. And one summer we vacationed in Minnesota where the mosquitos get big enough to saddle and they have dubbed them the state bird.

But what you are describing sounds worse. I don't remember any mosquitos when we were vacationing in Alaska and we spent a lot of time in the Talkeetna area in August then. Were we just lucky?
I tell ya, it's a fact that some people either taste better or smell better to mosquitoes.
Some 20 years back, me, my ex-bro-inlaw (Dan) and his room mate (Mike) used to summertime night catfish. The mosquitoes would be tearing Mike up whilst Dan and I wouldn't get a single mosquito bite. Something about Mike attracted the mosquitoes. We took him fishing with us mostly for that reason.

A gold star for the first one who gets this. :)
Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead.

I could only come up with "hostess with the mostest"
Mosquito population varies greatly depending on how much rain, and where you are. The North Slope is always infested. In June, when my girls were up here, the mosquitos were bad enough that the granddaughters chose to spend most of their time indoors, reading and playing games. I am allergic to DEET so had to find a non-deet alternative. Again, consuming copious quantities of garlic helps. Later in the year, like August, it's the biting flies (we call them whitesocks) that are the biggest nuisance.
Whitesocks sound a lot like sweat bees. During the summer it seems like sweat attracts them, they land on you and bite instead of stinging like regular bees. Once sweat bees get attracted to you it is almost impossible to chase them off when you are outdoors. Very annoying insects.
Mosquito population varies greatly depending on how much rain, and where you are. The North Slope is always infested. In June, when my girls were up here, the mosquitos were bad enough that the granddaughters chose to spend most of their time indoors, reading and playing games. I am allergic to DEET so had to find a non-deet alternative. Again, consuming copious quantities of garlic helps. Later in the year, like August, it's the biting flies (we call them whitesocks) that are the biggest nuisance.
Whitesocks sound a lot like sweat bees. During the summer it seems like sweat attracts them, they land on you and bite instead of stinging like regular bees. Once sweat bees get attracted to you it is almost impossible to chase them off when you are outdoors. Very annoying insects.
Nah, we have sweat bees, too. White socks are also called no-see-ums, I believe. They bite. Leave nice little bits that get infected. They're small enough to get through most mosquito nets and are unaffected by most bug dope.
One of the most important reasons to keep the coffee shop open is this;

Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

The coffee shop is run by one of the smartest most intelligent and high level thinkers ever to come to the USMB....that's why!!

The Libs keep piloting to close it down because they are so jealous of it. :)
hahahahaha! I knew someone would do that. You people are like pavlov's dogs.

Enjoy your dead animals. ;)
I see what you're doing there. I doubt it will work.
One of the most important reasons to keep the coffee shop open is this;

Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

The coffee shop is run by one of the smartest most intelligent and high level thinkers ever to come to the USMB....that's why!!

The Libs keep piloting to close it down because they are so jealous of it. :)

C'mon Peach. That is a satire thread. It's not honest to pretend it's a straightforward post.

And it's inching back to the same kind of divisive poison that started this.
Sigh. Maybe Foxy's right after all.
That shit doesn't belong here. By all means, discuss the post in the thread it came from, but when someone who is a very infrequent visitor jumps in to stir up shit, ignore her.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Sheila’s friend Shirley,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, and Sheila's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Sheila and son Andrew,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Sheila's sore foot post surgery healing,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
GW's student/friend Sean, his injured brother, and their family,
Tresha and hubby,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
One of the most important reasons to keep the coffee shop open is this;

Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

The coffee shop is run by one of the smartest most intelligent and high level thinkers ever to come to the USMB....that's why!!

The Libs keep piloting to close it down because they are so jealous of it. :)

That's a load of BS. Nobody is trying to close it down. The ones that are responsible for the possibility of closing it down are people like you and those that thanked your post for making the type of remarks like you just did. The rules of the Coffee Shop are that no politics or religion are to be discussed. Most of us with sensibility toward Foxy, who is the OP and is trying to make this place a non-partisan thread for everyone to feel welcome, refrain from making those types of comments. But, how can a person feel welcome when people like you and 007 and others decide that you don't have to obey the rules, because somehow you are privileged and you can throw dirt in the face of those that disagree with you politically. And I understand FF's position in not wanting to go against those she likes, who she considers friends, but who continue to do the same thing over and over. If it was not mentioned, reported or brought out by someone, when one of these people posts their insensitive slurs, it would just be swept under the rug, as if it never happened.

The other place was not opened to compete with the Coffee Shop, it was opened with the distinct goal to not let anyone violate the rules and make anyone feel uncomfortable. It has been said or implied by some that many have left the Forum and the Coffee Shop because Liberals came in and ruined it, but the ones ruining it are the ones that don't seem to know that rules are not meant to apply to some and not to others, and who seem to not want a non-partisan thread, but instead want to make it known that those that don't have the same political leaning are not really welcomed here.

So before you go spewing more hate and accusing us of piloting to close it down, you need to know that I'm not jealous of it, and I don't believe anyone else is either. I am disappointed, because I used to love to post here and thought I had friends here who were able to converse about other things we have in common and leave the politics, religion and fighting for the other Forums. Having to put up with those who feel they are above the rules and don't care that their insensitive remarks can hurt feelings is not pleasant and that is why some of us have decided not to post here anymore.

Perhaps you all need to make up your minds whether or not you really want everyone to feel welcomed or whether you just want those who think and like the same things, including politics to do so. But don't imply that it is a non-partisan thread and then let some throw their barbs whenever they feel like it.
Mertex is right.

But it's not just here, the whole site is being overrun by posters with no sense of community. And it's being abandoned by cool members that hate the new software.

Policing has to be done. The idea that there aren't so many people here so we have to appease the ones that remain is just wrong. Get rid of the losers and the winners will come back.

And it's DingDong the witch is dead.
Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



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Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



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Quoted for posterity.

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Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

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