USMB Coffee Shop IV

Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.

Your comments would of been much better without the bolded. As it is, I have a hard time reading it without feeling like you are being a major hypocrite.

That is my opinion. And no I am not a hypocrite. As I said...those that push the limits and talk politics here are equally wrong.

Your need to attack me personally for expressing an opinion is exactly what I am talking about. No one is victimizing you personally. Relax.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.

I'm with you WQ. I respect policies of anything I participate in and I have always been the same way at work, too. I try to be a value creator as opposed to a value distractor. My life is more successful that way.

I don't hang around forums and thus miss much of what is going on and that has worked for me, too. I have no clue as to what went on here and am not going back into the pages to find out. Why spoil a good morning, ;)

I agree. I have stayed away for several days and have not participated in the bickering at all. It seems to happen in all of these "social" threads eventually. Very sad.

I will probably stay away. I neither need or want the drama.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
I agree with Wolf. I know you were trying to draw an analogy but again, the CS is not a place for this. This is what we are putting a stop to here as it has and is creating an atmosphere of hostility that does not belong in the CS.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.

Your comments would of been much better without the bolded. As it is, I have a hard time reading it without feeling like you are being a major hypocrite.
I understand why but that doesn't belong here either, it simply exacerbates the problem and none of us need or want that in the CS. Let's clean it up and stop this folks, we're all adults here, or at least we're all supposed to be.
Everyone needs to get over their "hard feelings" and move on, it's counterproductive and really unnecessary. The primary cause of the problem is no longer posting here so that should alleviate most, if not all of the conflict that has arisen over the last month or two.
Let's sit down, have some coffee, share some stories and have a few good laughs, it's what this thread was created for. Let's make it welcoming again.
Thanks folks!
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
I agree with Wolf. I know you were trying to draw an analogy but again, the CS is not a place for this. This is what we are putting a stop to here as it has and is creating an atmosphere of hostility that does not belong in the CS.

Not a problem. I have never been hostile here with anyone nor discussed any political issues. Don't need or want the drama. Bye. :bye1:
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
I agree with Wolf. I know you were trying to draw an analogy but again, the CS is not a place for this. This is what we are putting a stop to here as it has and is creating an atmosphere of hostility that does not belong in the CS.

Not a problem. I have never been hostile here with anyone nor discussed any political issues. Don't need or want the drama. Bye. :bye1:
Hopefully the drama is finally done, cause I don't need or want it either. Unfortunately someone needs to stop it and clean it up, if that's me then so be it. Here's a simple solution to the problem, ignore the drama, have some nice conversations and let me deal with the crap. I'm a big boy, I can handle it...... :D
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
I agree with Wolf. I know you were trying to draw an analogy but again, the CS is not a place for this. This is what we are putting a stop to here as it has and is creating an atmosphere of hostility that does not belong in the CS.

Not a problem. I have never been hostile here with anyone nor discussed any political issues. Don't need or want the drama. Bye. :bye1:
Hopefully the drama is finally done, cause I don't need or want it either. Unfortunately someone needs to stop it and clean it up, if that's me then so be it. Here's a simple solution to the problem, ignore the drama, have some nice conversations and let me deal with the crap. I'm a big boy, I can handle it...... :D

Thanks man. I really like Foxy....she's a very good lady. But I've seen this happen before.

Maybe if things settle down I'll be back. I've stayed away for 3 days while the bickering was going on. I said nothing.

I come here to avoid bickering. :) And I definitely want a place where politics is off the table. No hard feelings with anyone....but I've been to this rodeo before.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

Morning! I went for a run this morning and it was bitter. I hope to see a flurry or two this weekend. I always get excited for the first snow.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

Morning! I went for a run this morning and it was bitter. I hope to see a flurry or two this weekend. I always get excited for the first snow.

We had a few inches on Monday. It's cold now too. In the 20's. Winter has arrived. Had to happen sooner or later.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

Morning! I went for a run this morning and it was bitter. I hope to see a flurry or two this weekend. I always get excited for the first snow.

We had a few inches on Monday. It's cold now too. In the 20's. Winter has arrived. Had to happen sooner or later.

It was 70 here yesterday and now it is in the mid-30's. Quite a dramatic shift, I had to bring in the last of the outdoor plants. My home resembles a green house for the next several months. lol.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
I agree with Wolf. I know you were trying to draw an analogy but again, the CS is not a place for this. This is what we are putting a stop to here as it has and is creating an atmosphere of hostility that does not belong in the CS.

Not a problem. I have never been hostile here with anyone nor discussed any political issues. Don't need or want the drama. Bye. :bye1:
Hopefully the drama is finally done, cause I don't need or want it either. Unfortunately someone needs to stop it and clean it up, if that's me then so be it. Here's a simple solution to the problem, ignore the drama, have some nice conversations and let me deal with the crap. I'm a big boy, I can handle it...... :D

Thanks man. I really like Foxy....she's a very good lady. But I've seen this happen before.

Maybe if things settle down I'll be back. I've stayed away for 3 days while the bickering was going on. I said nothing.

I come here to avoid bickering. :) And I definitely want a place where politics is off the table. No hard feelings with anyone....but I've been to this rodeo before.
Yeah, unfortunately so have I, way too many times but I have always been one of those crisis, take charge type of people. Heck I'm sure there are still people in the work force that still curse my name for holding them accountable for their actions or inaction when fixing a major problem that could have led to the loss of a contract. :lol:
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

Morning! I went for a run this morning and it was bitter. I hope to see a flurry or two this weekend. I always get excited for the first snow.

I'm always kind of "meh" about the first couple of snowfalls. If they don't stick, they don't count!
Here's the deal everybody.

As I posted yesterday, there are very few Coffee Shop regulars who have posted here for any time at all--that includes those left, right, center--who has not made some comment that bent the Coffee Shop concept and/or who has not posted something that somebody else didn't have a problem with. That is just the way it is with people dealing with people.

Some, maybe all of those who have complained or are complaining the most about unfair partisanship in here have made some of those comments or posts--posts that I saw but decided were not a big enough deal to make somebody feel bad or uncomfortable over--and I let slide. Sometimes it has been handled with a 'whoops too political, or too controversia'l and we all move on'.

People have quit the Coffee Shop because it was too 'risqué and vulgar' and people have quit the Coffee Shop because it was too 'prim and proper'. The fact that I generally try very hard not to take sides in any issue is because nobody has 100% clean hands in here and I prefer to allow us all to be grown ups and use the 'how important is it?' method of deciding what needs to be dealt with and what just isn't important enough to disturb the peace over. Some people have too thin a skin for a thread like this because they take everything so damn personally and get their feelings ruffled over the slightest things. The cartoon I posted yesterday was intended to be a funny cartoon puzzle and nothing else. It was intended to return some fun and levity to the Coffee Shop. And some seem unable to accept that and took it personally? Give me a break.

The fact is that anytime you try to accommodate one person's preferences or schtick, you're going to disappoint or offend or anger somebody else. But I apologize for any offense or hurt I have given or for being too insensitive to anybody's needs.. I am sorry that I couldn't conform the Coffee Shop to each person's demand or dictates. Some here understand how impossible it is to do that.

I am sorry that I don't know every single thing that some of you are sensitive about. Most of us have no intention of offending and most of us allow others to be who and what they are and are grown up enough to ignore and move on past minor irritations. I can't do anything about those who start threads or otherwise try to hurt me and/or others and/or the Coffee Shop and we have dealt with that kind of childish ugliness for the four years and six months the Coffee Shop has been in operation. I would never do something like that to any of you no matter how angry I was with you. And I have chosen not to respond in kind to mean spirited, vindictive, or otherwise disagreeable people who do things like that. All we can do is the best we can do here in the Coffee Shop and I honestly have tried to do that.

Because there are people here who do understand and embrace the principle of the Coffee Shop and who do care about the community we have developed here is the only reason the Coffee Shop is still open. I appreciate those people more than I can put into words.
So...if we are the same people you enjoyed conversing with over the last several years...

...AND we are trying very hard to follow our rules...

...AND addressing the problem posters...

What else are we suppose to do?

If you enjoy hurting my feelings by leaving, you're doing a good job. Not sure how it benefits you in any way though.
So I posted doggie porn. Daisy the Mutt as Daisy the Slut.

And what pop up ads show up on my iPad? Harry and an ad for dog beds.

How did they know?

LOL. And thanks for reposting the photos Nosmo. Love it. I was expecting

It is amazing how much we are being tracked on line. If I do a search for say radios, for days afterwards ads for radios show up everywhere. I'm just too cheap to pay for one of those 'make myself invisible' on line services though.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

Morning! I went for a run this morning and it was bitter. I hope to see a flurry or two this weekend. I always get excited for the first snow.

I'm always kind of "meh" about the first couple of snowfalls. If they don't stick, they don't count!

The first snowfall makes me happy. The second snowfall makes me happy. The tenth, eleventh and so on snowfall has me thinking about spring and rosebuds.

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