USMB Coffee Shop IV

This was the perfect day off! I managed to sleep in a bit, which is a true pleasure. I tagged the 2014 Pimplebutt Christmas tree. No one else has tagged yet! I had the rpick of the crop literally.

Daisy the Mutt enjoyed romping around on the Christmas tree farm. After that, we walked in the park so she could chase the damn squirrels back up in the trees where they belong. I did some light yard work and then we walked the Grand March in the cemetery.

If you walk the length of the outside loop, you've gone a mile. If you add in all the inner loops, make that 2.

But, for whatever reason, Daisy is getting her slut on. That"'s right. She posed for dog porn.

A warning to parents with young children. The scene shots may be disturbing.

Can't see the images Nosmo. But based on your commentary, I'm wondering if that is a good thing. :)
I'm sorry. It's that whacky iPad! I can't seem to be able to post pictures from it.





She'll lay on the pillows until some place looks more comfortable.
One of the most important reasons to keep the coffee shop open is this;

Why does the Coffee Shop still exist? It appears to be full of whining cons.

The coffee shop is run by one of the smartest most intelligent and high level thinkers ever to come to the USMB....that's why!!

The Libs keep piloting to close it down because they are so jealous of it. :)

That's a load of BS. Nobody is trying to close it down. The ones that are responsible for the possibility of closing it down are people like you and those that thanked your post for making the type of remarks like you just did. The rules of the Coffee Shop are that no politics or religion are to be discussed. Most of us with sensibility toward Foxy, who is the OP and is trying to make this place a non-partisan thread for everyone to feel welcome, refrain from making those types of comments. But, how can a person feel welcome when people like you and 007 and others decide that you don't have to obey the rules, because somehow you are privileged and you can throw dirt in the face of those that disagree with you politically. And I understand FF's position in not wanting to go against those she likes, who she considers friends, but who continue to do the same thing over and over. If it was not mentioned, reported or brought out by someone, when one of these people posts their insensitive slurs, it would just be swept under the rug, as if it never happened.

The other place was not opened to compete with the Coffee Shop, it was opened with the distinct goal to not let anyone violate the rules and make anyone feel uncomfortable. It has been said or implied by some that many have left the Forum and the Coffee Shop because Liberals came in and ruined it, but the ones ruining it are the ones that don't seem to know that rules are not meant to apply to some and not to others, and who seem to not want a non-partisan thread, but instead want to make it known that those that don't have the same political leaning are not really welcomed here.

So before you go spewing more hate and accusing us of piloting to close it down, you need to know that I'm not jealous of it, and I don't believe anyone else is either. I am disappointed, because I used to love to post here and thought I had friends here who were able to converse about other things we have in common and leave the politics, religion and fighting for the other Forums. Having to put up with those who feel they are above the rules and don't care that their insensitive remarks can hurt feelings is not pleasant and that is why some of us have decided not to post here anymore.

Perhaps you all need to make up your minds whether or not you really want everyone to feel welcomed or whether you just want those who think and like the same things, including politics to do so. But don't imply that it is a non-partisan thread and then let some throw their barbs whenever they feel like it.

Very well put Mertex and exactly why I just don't bother coming here. I thought I'd try posting here this morning but I see its SSDD from the RWs.

Oh well. Their choice. But, I'm not in grade school and don't need the silly little popularity cliques in a supposedly non-partisan forum.
Mertex is very right. The Cappucino Corral (spelling is deliberate) was opened by me and is for ALL USMB members completely irrespective of ideology and any other orientation, to shoot the shit without getting shot at. Hence, "Corral" in the thread title. [emoji14]

In the Cappucino Corral, the rules of the Lounge are strictly and politely enforced. In the last months in the Coffee Shop, I have witnessed numerous blatant attacks on specific members and of Liberals in general, a move that has forever destroyed the trust and spirit of friendliness here in the Coffee Shop. In my opinion, the damage is irreparable. It is irreparable because it has gone on with impunity for so long.

A great deal of the blame for forever having poisoned the well lies squarely with 007, whose vicious postings were not only tolerated, but thanked by regulars in the CS. It was at this moment that my suspicion was confirmed: that Liberals are just barely tolerated here and if you scratch just one Millimeter under the surface, it gets ugly really fast.

Not so at the Cappucino Corral: there we don't care if you sleep with your rifle or long for the days of Kruschev, whether you believe in one G-d, many gods or no god at all, whether you love hot women or hunky men - none of that is important. In other words, the CC does the things that the CS claims to do, but fails utterly. And the reason why it fails utterly is because there has (probably) always been a strong undercurrent of bare-minimum tolerance for Liberals and if people think that people haven't noticed it, they are fooling themselves. With that kind of fake tolerance, any project is bound to run ashore.

And yet, in spite of that, I don't think the Coffee Shop should close. I just think that the OP and the regulars there should just -finally- be honest about the clientele they really want here. Lying is never good. Just be honest. I think we can all live with that.

Pretty much everyone here knows that I live in the BRD and not in the USA and am therefore 6 hours ahead of the East Coast and cannot always monitor the CC but there are others there who do. In fact, I have invited some real hard-core Conservatives and Libertarians to join the CC. If people just use the golden rule of behavior, then there should be few problems.

And with that, I wish the CS well but will no longer partake. A good man knows when and where he is not welcome and the evidence that I and, well, all Liberals, are not welcome, is here in abundance. And now, back to the CC.



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Excellent post, Stat.

Thank you.
Good Morning!

If they don't want Libs in the coffee shop and I suspect it was more than 007 who felt that way, please just get your coffee thread active and happy, Stat. Don't stay mad too long at the CS, this anger isn't good for anyone. Nice post, Mertex. I've been looking for you to see whether you saw Homeland this week. Especially the ending...

My two cents:

I was pretty pissed at the way I was treated when I posted an opinion about a dead deer, same thing a couple of weeks ago when I posted my objections to non stop talking about a dog who had died. You don't realize how this brings a grey cloud over things. It's okay to address but to keep the conversation going about it for a long time or to post a picture of the dead thing, creates a sad but also negative place for people who come here for lite conversation.

Foxy, I really don't care if you are mad at me for posting my opinion the way I wanted to. It's just not me to say something like "ewww", :lol: Also, what possessed you to post that ding dong the witch is dead post? Do you have a reason?

I also noticed that Ringel was more focused and verbal about what I did than how BBD and 007 were reacting to uppity little me. Ringel says he is the enforcer but if he is that, why was 007 allowed to continue spewing his shit even after I said I would leave. I believe I am one of the last Libs here so now things should go back to it's normal, peaceful atmosphere with me gone. I am not mad at anyone but just wish certain people here would stop trying to define me, my actions, my responses to dumb postings. It's just how I react.

I am very happy and loved in real life, (Ringel) I address issues directly and people actually talk to me and listen to what I say. I have really cute dogs around me, they're my daughter's but they love me. I have lots of family and hunters in my family so I don't need anyone (Peach) explaining that to me. I have a lot of Repubs in my family and we get along fine. Maybe because they aren't Teaparty Republicans, I dunno. Please don't feel you all are my life, you aren't.

Well, since everyone else got a chance for a last blast, I thought I'd put in my two cents. I don't want the CS to close, keep it for others to enjoy. Maybe they won't be opinionated, demanding, dictators like me.

For the last time, have a great day!
Folks, it looks like there was a bit of dust up in the Coffee Shop last night, it's a bit too late to fix the mess, but this might be a good time to remind patrons of the Coffee Shop Rules:

From the OP:

here should be one place in the USMB village where folks can just be themselves and get to know each other as we would if we lived next door or worked together or joined the same gym.

This is a place to just come in and say hi, let us know what's going on with you these days, celebrate joys, concerns, jokes, music, hobbies, interests, love and life.

So check your spurs, sidearms, politics, and religious fussing at the door, come in to enjoy an adult beverage or a hot cup of coffee and a piece of pie or whatever comforts your soul, and let's just enjoy each other.

The Coffee Shoppe is located in the USMB Lounge:
USMB Lounge Guidelines US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Good Morning!

If they don't want Libs in the coffee shop and I suspect it was more than 007 who felt that way, please just get your coffee thread active and happy, Stat. Don't stay mad too long at the CS, this anger isn't good for anyone. Nice post, Mertex. I've been looking for you to see whether you saw Homeland this week. Especially the ending...

My two cents:

I was pretty pissed at the way I was treated when I posted an opinion about a dead deer, same thing a couple of weeks ago when I posted my objections to non stop talking about a dog who had died. You don't realize how this brings a grey cloud over things. It's okay to address but to keep the conversation going about it for a long time or to post a picture of the dead thing, creates a sad but also negative place for people who come here for lite conversation.

Foxy, I really don't care if you are mad at me for posting my opinion the way I wanted to. It's just not me to say something like "ewww", :lol: Also, what possessed you to post that ding dong the witch is dead post? Do you have a reason?

I also noticed that Ringel was more focused and verbal about what I did than how BBD and 007 were reacting to uppity little me. Ringel says he is the enforcer but if he is that, why was 007 allowed to continue spewing his shit even after I said I would leave. I believe I am one of the last Libs here so now things should go back to it's normal, peaceful atmosphere with me gone. I am not mad at anyone but just wish certain people here would stop trying to define me, my actions, my responses to dumb postings. It's just how I react.

I am very happy and loved in real life, (Ringel) I address issues directly and people actually talk to me and listen to what I say. I have really cute dogs around me, they're my daughter's but they love me. I have lots of family and hunters in my family so I don't need anyone (Peach) explaining that to me. I have a lot of Repubs in my family and we get along fine. Maybe because they aren't Teaparty Republicans, I dunno. Please don't feel you all are my life, you aren't.

Well, since everyone else got a chance for a last blast, I thought I'd put in my two cents. I don't want the CS to close, keep it for others to enjoy. Maybe they won't be opinionated, demanding, dictators like me.

For the last time, have a great day!
Sarah, you're misconstruing my intentions, actions and supposed inaction but it seems there's a lot of that going around, sorry if I inadvertently added to it.
Thought with getting rid of 007 yesterday that would calm things down but it appears there are some who are either looking for or imagining reasons to have conflict for conflicts sake :dunno: and no you are not one of the last "libs" here, if you read through you'll see how many want to keep it open and still post here.
No, I'm not hanging on every post 24-7 so it took a little while to see what happened and deal with it.
Every one of you are and always have been welcome here, we had one really bad apple and at least one other building on that then other getting so worked out of shape as to make mountains out of a mole hill. Sarah, I was simply trying (obviously poorly) to calm things down with the reaction to your reaction over BBD's post, yes I did a bad job of it and I apologize
What I have to ask myself is are some of you doing it deliberately or is everyone so worked up they can't see straight? I don't know. Honestly, we're supposed to be a bunch of friggin' adults and we've all seemingly failed at that recently, it's too bad really.
Last edited:
Well it's in the teens this morning and we have some snow but they're reporting a nice, dangerous layer of ice under much of it. Rescheduled the wifes doctors appointment because the hour + drive up to Pueblo would take and extra hour.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.

I'm with you WQ. I respect policies of anything I participate in and I have always been the same way at work, too. I try to be a value creator as opposed to a value distractor. My life is more successful that way.

I don't hang around forums and thus miss much of what is going on and that has worked for me, too. I have no clue as to what went on here and am not going back into the pages to find out. Why spoil a good morning, ;)
Wow....hard to believe adults can act this way. So many victims with very, very thin skin. Quite sad.

I saw the same thing happen to the Tavern. Mostly Lib posters feeling they were victimized.

Maybe simply say no politics in the CS and move on if your feelings are hurt?

It's a thought....right?

Maybe some prefer to be victims. Me....I don't talk politics here. I try to respect the OP and her wishes. Those of you who have pushed the limits and not respected the OP's or the spirit of this thread are equally wrong.

The entire thing is so incredibly childish. Childish and ridiculous.

Your comments would of been much better without the bolded. As it is, I have a hard time reading it without feeling like you are being a major hypocrite.
Good morning everyone! I've got a busy day ahead filled with chores and other household duties. We leave tomorrow for the cabin and there is much to procure. I hope everyone has a wonderful day! Cheers!

Morning, M. Keep warm up there!

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