USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, everybody! Beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. Coffee was super good this morning. Waiting on the guy to come fix the window in the bathroom. Waiting for my cardiologists' nurse to call with some med changes for me. Waiting for Taco, Jingles, and Nellie to come back in from outside. Waiting on a second cup of coffee. I seem to be waiting for a lot of stuff this morning. Hope everybody has a great day and everything comes up roses.

Kitty loves his coffee :)

Good morning, everybody! Beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. Coffee was super good this morning. Waiting on the guy to come fix the window in the bathroom. Waiting for my cardiologists' nurse to call with some med changes for me. Waiting for Taco, Jingles, and Nellie to come back in from outside. Waiting on a second cup of coffee. I seem to be waiting for a lot of stuff this morning. Hope everybody has a great day and everything comes up roses.
A second cup? Yessir! :salute:


Good morning, everybody! Beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. Coffee was super good this morning. Waiting on the guy to come fix the window in the bathroom. Waiting for my cardiologists' nurse to call with some med changes for me. Waiting for Taco, Jingles, and Nellie to come back in from outside. Waiting on a second cup of coffee. I seem to be waiting for a lot of stuff this morning. Hope everybody has a great day and everything comes up roses.
A second cup? Yessir! :salute:


being alive and feeling good is my caffiene
Good morning everybody. Going to be another toasty one for us today--they are predicting that we may get a couple of record high temps this week.

Hombre got a good check up yesterday--he was terrified his worse cancer was coming back but the doc said nope, everything looked good. Needless to say I am regarding that as answered prayer. He has one more little teensy one that just came on recently on his right ear to go--scheduled to be removed in late July--but after what he has been through that should be a piece of cake. Moral of story--you guys wear a hat that shades your ears and use a high grade sunscreen if you are outside a lot.

Today is my day to declutterfy all closets meaning I will be boxing up a LOT of stuff to go to the Salvation Army or whoever will come pick it up. So another cup of coffee and to work I go. . . .

A friend just e-mailed me this link and it was so good I wanted to share it. Be sure your speakers are turned way up.
Hombre remarked as we were having breakfast: "What a difference a day makes." He was referring to getting up this morning feeling great and looking forward to his day. Yesterday morning he got up with dread and fear expecting the worse news from the doctor.

And I had to smile at Kissmy's post. Do you know what it must have felt like finding that key on the path? It would be like finding two or three hundred dollar bills.

But sometimes it can be bittersweet too.

Reminds me of back in Kansas, the juvenile probation officers (and his family) were among our best friends. And his kids were about the same age as ours. But his oldest, a really sweet girl with a bit of rebellion in her, just couldn't win. When she succumbed to peer pressure and cut class with her friends, the minute she entered the mall she found herself face to face with her mother. The night she went our her bedroom window to go to a nearby party that was verbotten because it was on a school night, she hadn't gotten a block from the house before she was picked up by a cop for teenage curfew violation--they were doing an intentional sweep that night.

And there was the week the daughter was supposed to be at a debate meet and when she got home announced that she had lost her $1,000 retainer somewhere in that neighboring city. So that weekend we were out at the lake--20 minutes from town--with her folks the next day and lo and behold we spy a retainer almost buried in the sand on the beach. The Mom says it looked a whole lot like her daughters. And surprise!! It was. Turns out there was no debate meet. What are the odds?
Good morning everybody. Going to be another toasty one for us today--they are predicting that we may get a couple of record high temps this week.

Hombre got a good check up yesterday--he was terrified his worse cancer was coming back but the doc said nope, everything looked good. Needless to say I am regarding that as answered prayer. He has one more little teensy one that just came on recently on his right ear to go--scheduled to be removed in late July--but after what he has been through that should be a piece of cake. Moral of story--you guys wear a hat that shades your ears and use a high grade sunscreen if you are outside a lot.

Today is my day to declutterfy all closets meaning I will be boxing up a LOT of stuff to go to the Salvation Army or whoever will come pick it up. So another cup of coffee and to work I go. . . .

A friend just e-mailed me this link and it was so good I wanted to share it. Be sure your speakers are turned way up.

I love hearing about good news like that and :thanks: for sharing that link. :smiliehug:

Off to the library this evening and then tomorrow an early 6 am start. Going to be busy which I suppose is a good thing because it keeps me out of mischief. :D
Good morning, everybody! Beautiful day here in my neck of the woods. Coffee was super good this morning. Waiting on the guy to come fix the window in the bathroom. Waiting for my cardiologists' nurse to call with some med changes for me. Waiting for Taco, Jingles, and Nellie to come back in from outside. Waiting on a second cup of coffee. I seem to be waiting for a lot of stuff this morning. Hope everybody has a great day and everything comes up roses.
A second cup? Yessir! :salute:


:clap2: Well done Becki. I know that place -- it's one of my favorite coffee shops in Montréal. (one of them - it's a chain)
I had my very first alcoholic beverage at an iconic place in Denver called "Joe Awful Coffee". I was 19, definitely under age, and on the way to Pocatello ID with my college Press Club group to attend a college Press Club convention. But the place was dark, and when I gave the server my New Mexico driver's license with tiny white print on a black background, he apparently couldn't read it or just pretended to. I got my daquiri. And loved it. :)

Good morning, America (and the world), time to rise and shine, throw back the covers and greet Monday with CARPE DIEM!!!

Today's celeb no. 1 drinking coffee:


Lauren Bacall
I always thought Bacall was great, but that is the ugliest pair of pants on a woman I have ever seen.....they look like Dickies.....glad they don't make them like that anymore.

Back in the day when camel toes were unheard of and probably would have been considered tacky.
I had my very first alcoholic beverage at an iconic place in Denver called "Joe Awful Coffee". I was 19, definitely under age, and on the way to Pocatello ID with my college Press Club group to attend a college Press Club convention. But the place was dark, and when I gave the server my New Mexico driver's license with tiny white print on a black background, he apparently couldn't read it or just pretended to. I got my daquiri. And loved it. :)

I remember when I was 18 and my dad was bringing me back home from college one time. We stopped at this little restaurant in North Bend and he ordered a drink, so I ordered a drink when the waitress asked. He didn't say a word until she left, then he leaned over and said, "You better drink it!"


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