USMB Coffee Shop IV

People wear underwear and socks??!!


But, but....they don't match!

Well the package is patriotic, and the socks are my HS colors...go Spartans!:banana:
We briefly interrupt this thread for an important public service announcement:


And now back to our regularly scheduled postings. . . .
The Easter bunny is a fraud. Can I get socks?

He's what????

It's okay sweetie. Ernie is just being an Easter bunny Grinch. :)

Reminds me though when our kids were little we followed a long standing family tradition of having the kids put their newly lost baby teeth under their pillow at night and the next morning the tooth fairy would have miraculously transformed that tooth into a quarter. Except that Hombre (my hubby) and I too often forgot our tooth fairy duties. I still remember our disgusted young son coming down for breakfast and scowling: "We have the most fink tooth fairy around here. . . ." (We always assured him that the fairy sometimes gets behind schedule and should be there tonight. . . )
Actually, I figured since if you don't believe in Santa you get underwear, I'd try for socks. I'm good on undies, bur half my socks have holes.

I'm picky about both my underwear and my socks. But if I got a gift of the kind I would buy for myself, I wouldn't mind at all. :)
My former mother-in-law was a practical woman. I could always depend on her for a years supply of cotton boxers and black crew socks. I miss her more than her daughter.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Alan1 for good test results,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
A light mist last night turned to ice needing scraped off the windshield this morning. A few slippery spots too.
We also have ice, it rained for 2 days and then got down to 25 during the night.
It's 27 right now.

I saw this on youtube
It's awesome and all of these neighbors coming together to make it work. It's great :)

Rain in South Alabama this morning. The wife is leaving this morning. She will be picked up by one of her grand sons and his mother for the drive to Coral Springs. They will spent Christmas with all the collected grands.

The Santas on Bikes ride is tomorrow and I have a problem. I was under the impression that it was to be on Sunday. I have poker at Doc's at noon, exactly when the ride is scheduled to leave another bar.
The SOB's pick one needy family each year and lavish them with the best Christmas ever. This year, our kids are a family of nine from 18 to 18 months.
Dad or dads is/are out of the picture and mom ran, unable to cope. The kids are under the care of Grandma and Grandpa who have been struggling.
Ahead of time, we tracked down mom who has signed over custody so that the kids can get some state help and Grandpa has gotten a job, but this Christmas still was going to be pretty tight.
That's where we come in.
The kids all wrote out their lists and the items were all put on a master list distributed to participating bars and clubs.
At Doc's alone, we collected a washing machine box full of gifts and a few hundred in cash donations.
After breakfast at Good Time Charley's tomorrow morning, we will ride out to their home and pass out the gifts piled in sidecars and pick-ups.

Don't quite know what to do. I may just set up for poker tonight at closing and call my dealer to run the game.
It's Christmastime and all's right with the world (at least from my prospective). At 4:30 this afternoon, my Christmas vacation begins. It won't end until 8:00 Monday January 5, 2015.

All that time off! Wonderful!

I'll get all the gifts wrapped this weekend, do the usual housekeeping chores and cap it off by going to Heinz Field for the Steelers/Chiefs game Sunday morning.

I have been providing the family Christmas dinner since Pop passed away in 2008. I buy a ten pound prime rib roast and all the trimmings. My brother is the best cook in the family and he prepares everything to a tee. I buy the roast seven days before the big feast and dry age the thing in my refrigerator. By Christmas Eve morning, it looks like an old maroon handbag at the bottom of a bus depot lost and found box, but it is consistently moist and flavorful.

Christmas Eve is when the Nosmo King family has our celebration. We eat well then open our Christmas presents. Christmas Day is reserved to receive visitors and nosh on leftovers.

Back when I was a kid, our family did pretty much the same, except for the opening of the gifts. That was done Christmas morning. The Christmas of 1965 was memorable because that year I got a set of Lincoln Logs. An imaginative child could make anything from Lincoln Logs. The cylindrical canister showed a farmstead on the label, but that is just too pedestrian. I made an aircraft carrier.

That year my cousins Amy and Beth (Aunt Roxie had a thing for "Little Women") came to the Big House to show off their newly acquired collection of all things Barbie. Barbie and her Corvette, Barbie and her Dream House, Barbie and her kit of cosmetics. Who cares? Those two girlie girls had come to our house, me and my brother's house, to play with and gloat over their girlie toys.

Meanwhile, in the dining room the fleet commander was putting the final touches on his plan of attack. The air crew drank a ceremonial cup of sake, climbed into their cockpits and shouted Banzai! The fighters took flight first, followed by a torpedo squadron. The enemy planes rendezvoused by the breakfront and headed east into the living room and the rising sun.

The denizens of the sleepy Barbie village were gathered out in the open to enjoy a snack of sugar cookies and milk. The were unaware of the impending danger gathering in the skies over their heads.

The command was given. The air squadron climbed to an altitude of five feet above the Barbie complex, veered to the left and dove out of the glare of the sun. The planes dropped Lincoln Log bombs that were attached to the underside of the wings of their airplanes. They strafed the compound and met minimal resistance. Climbing back to altitude, the pilots could hear sheiks and cries coming from the devastated Barbie villagers. "Why?!? Oh! Look at our village! Damnable Japanese!"

Landing on the home carriers, the triumphant pilots laughed with the glee of the victorious! The commander readied his squadron for a follow up attack that would surely drive the Barbie invaders from his territory.

But the radio crackled with a dire warning. The Emperor would soon be on the scene. And indeed, there he was! A sudden tug on the neck of the commander's pajamas and a swift swat across the seat of his trousers and then exile. Exile to his headquarters in the bedroom for the duration of the war. What was victory had been snatched from him and bitter, lonely defeat was his plight, all for doing what had to be done in the interest of Christmas fun and masculine domination of his own homeland.
A local radio personality rings a Salvation Army kettlebell today. Several local business people match donations raised for about five hours. I think me and President Grant will have to part company today.
Morning everybody.
Rain in South Alabama this morning. The wife is leaving this morning. She will be picked up by one of her grand sons and his mother for the drive to Coral Springs. They will spent Christmas with all the collected grands.

The Santas on Bikes ride is tomorrow and I have a problem. I was under the impression that it was to be on Sunday. I have poker at Doc's at noon, exactly when the ride is scheduled to leave another bar.
The SOB's pick one needy family each year and lavish them with the best Christmas ever. This year, our kids are a family of nine from 18 to 18 months.
Dad or dads is/are out of the picture and mom ran, unable to cope. The kids are under the care of Grandma and Grandpa who have been struggling.
Ahead of time, we tracked down mom who has signed over custody so that the kids can get some state help and Grandpa has gotten a job, but this Christmas still was going to be pretty tight.
That's where we come in.
The kids all wrote out their lists and the items were all put on a master list distributed to participating bars and clubs.
At Doc's alone, we collected a washing machine box full of gifts and a few hundred in cash donations.
After breakfast at Good Time Charley's tomorrow morning, we will ride out to their home and pass out the gifts piled in sidecars and pick-ups.

Don't quite know what to do. I may just set up for poker tonight at closing and call my dealer to run the game.

Tis a noble thing you do, Ernie. But you're going to spend Christmas alone?
Morning everybody.
Rain in South Alabama this morning. The wife is leaving this morning. She will be picked up by one of her grand sons and his mother for the drive to Coral Springs. They will spent Christmas with all the collected grands.

The Santas on Bikes ride is tomorrow and I have a problem. I was under the impression that it was to be on Sunday. I have poker at Doc's at noon, exactly when the ride is scheduled to leave another bar.
The SOB's pick one needy family each year and lavish them with the best Christmas ever. This year, our kids are a family of nine from 18 to 18 months.
Dad or dads is/are out of the picture and mom ran, unable to cope. The kids are under the care of Grandma and Grandpa who have been struggling.
Ahead of time, we tracked down mom who has signed over custody so that the kids can get some state help and Grandpa has gotten a job, but this Christmas still was going to be pretty tight.
That's where we come in.
The kids all wrote out their lists and the items were all put on a master list distributed to participating bars and clubs.
At Doc's alone, we collected a washing machine box full of gifts and a few hundred in cash donations.
After breakfast at Good Time Charley's tomorrow morning, we will ride out to their home and pass out the gifts piled in sidecars and pick-ups.

Don't quite know what to do. I may just set up for poker tonight at closing and call my dealer to run the game.

Tis a noble thing you do, Ernie. But you're going to spend Christmas alone?
Far from it. Christmas Eve will be quiet time for a couple of repairs/general maintenance at Doc's; hell, I may even sell a few beers, but Christmas Day will be spent with Max, Lori and the kids. The food, as always, will be exceptional and I get to spend quality time with my adopted grand kids assembling toys and running for batteries.
Max's traditional Christmas dinner is really something. The main course is fillet Mignon heads. He fries up a couple pounds of bacon and sautés garlic and onion in the drippings and after straining, injects it into the fillet heads.
They then get wrapped in more bacon, (it takes about 6 pounds in all) pan seared and then smoked over lump charcoal and pecan wood. This must be tasted at least once in the life of all carnivores.
Shannon (my current "project") and I are doing dinner rolls and a veggie to be determined. I may just do a couple apple pies as well.

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