USMB Coffee Shop IV

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But tracking cookies don't have ability to access your e-mail. :)

If you're getting either floods of spam or suspicious phishing e-mails, to me that indicates somebody hacked into your account. Usually I hear about it when somebody receives a mail supposedly from me trying to sell the recipient something. The way they say to deal with it is to change your e-mail password, and that seems to work.

Why would that happen for only one day ?
If it's hacked wouldn't that large amount of advertisement continue?
It depends, sometimes it's a continuous flood sometimes it's an intermittent flood. Likely it's a phishing or an advertising "expedition" to feel out if the email account is active, if you respond they know it's a live person on the other end. The other most likely scenario is someone they know had their account hacked and the hackers are using that persons contact list.
Also spammers sell lists to one another, if your name was on that list your email spam filters will not recognize the spam at first coming from a new source. The spam filter will eventually catch up with a little help from the user, spammers are always looking for ways around the filters.


Je l'adore!!!!!! I want one! Do you know who made this lil beauty?

It was available at Dillard's, but unfortunately no longer.

Dillard s Trimmings Cloisonne 5.5 Mermaid Ornament

Thank you! I just checked their website and was able to order one!

Good morning everybody. Chilly but otherwise nice here today--some rain overnight. We're now praying for good weather for the next three days as our daughter will be heading our way from the California coast either tomorrow or early Saturday--takes two days of driving to get here because she dog parks it with her two dogs the whole way. She's a highly intelligent, competent, successful career person, but she's still our baby and we still worry about her when she's out on the road.

Je l'adore!!!!!! I want one! Do you know who made this lil beauty?

Under the sea of course...

... I thought it was an excellent choice for you boedicca.

As a mermaid I must aver,
I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely faboo,
she's really most sincerely faboo.

They have all kinds of mermaid ornaments at amazon boedicca.
I have not found that exact one though sorry. mermaid tree ornaments
Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But tracking cookies don't have ability to access your e-mail. :)

If you're getting either floods of spam or suspicious phishing e-mails, to me that indicates somebody hacked into your account. Usually I hear about it when somebody receives a mail supposedly from me trying to sell the recipient something. The way they say to deal with it is to change your e-mail password, and that seems to work.

Why would that happen for only one day ?
If it's hacked wouldn't that large amount of advertisement continue?

And considering the companies you cited as being among that flood of e-mails, it is highly unlikely they hacked your account. So I think your situation was entirely unique to the kind of stuff we usually get from hackers and phishers. Just like that barrage of text messages Hombre got. Very unusual and inexplicable.

Je l'adore!!!!!! I want one! Do you know who made this lil beauty?

Under the sea of course...

... I thought it was an excellent choice for you boedicca.

As a mermaid I must aver,
I thoroughly examined her.
And she's not only merely faboo,
she's really most sincerely faboo.

LOL. That's a side of you I have not seen before. :)

Save charm in action. :lol:
I'm way behind again. Life is what it is: busy.
I figured I's post an update on Max.
Saturday night, he came in to work his late shift and started off complaining of a pain in his elbow. As the night wore on, he started with chills, his frequent phantom pain and he was nearly unable to move. He sat at a table and Megan and Lori took up the slack at the bar.
He missed his Sunday shift. He had flu -like symptoms on top of everything he experienced the night before. He spent the day in bed. He couldn't hold down water much less his meds which may have actually saved him from funeral expenses.
It seems he had an even worse reaction to the antibiotic, Levaquin than I did 6 or 7 years ago.
Tuesday, he was up and about and went to have the pic line installed. (again) Again, the cultures were inconclusive and since he can't deal with Levaquin, they needed to do further cultures to decide on the appropriate medication.
Today or tomorrow is the target. He did work last night and feels pretty good.
The good news is it appears from x-rays, that the infection hasn't progressed in the last week.
I'm way behind again. Life is what it is: busy.
I figured I's post an update on Max.
Saturday night, he came in to work his late shift and started off complaining of a pain in his elbow. As the night wore on, he started with chills, his frequent phantom pain and he was nearly unable to move. He sat at a table and Megan and Lori took up the slack at the bar.
He missed his Sunday shift. He had flu -like symptoms on top of everything he experienced the night before. He spent the day in bed. He couldn't hold down water much less his meds which may have actually saved him from funeral expenses.
It seems he had an even worse reaction to the antibiotic, Levaquin than I did 6 or 7 years ago.
Tuesday, he was up and about and went to have the pic line installed. (again) Again, the cultures were inconclusive and since he can't deal with Levaquin, they needed to do further cultures to decide on the appropriate medication.
Today or tomorrow is the target. He did work last night and feels pretty good.
The good news is it appears from x-rays, that the infection hasn't progressed in the last week.

Good news Ernie. My prayers are for Max to not need the surgery. But if that has to be, that it will produce the very best possible outcome. I've always said that all medicines contain some form of poison and, while some are necessary, there are consequences. It really sucks when the remedy is worse than the disease.
I'm way behind again. Life is what it is: busy.
I figured I's post an update on Max.
Saturday night, he came in to work his late shift and started off complaining of a pain in his elbow. As the night wore on, he started with chills, his frequent phantom pain and he was nearly unable to move. He sat at a table and Megan and Lori took up the slack at the bar.
He missed his Sunday shift. He had flu -like symptoms on top of everything he experienced the night before. He spent the day in bed. He couldn't hold down water much less his meds which may have actually saved him from funeral expenses.
It seems he had an even worse reaction to the antibiotic, Levaquin than I did 6 or 7 years ago.
Tuesday, he was up and about and went to have the pic line installed. (again) Again, the cultures were inconclusive and since he can't deal with Levaquin, they needed to do further cultures to decide on the appropriate medication.
Today or tomorrow is the target. He did work last night and feels pretty good.
The good news is it appears from x-rays, that the infection hasn't progressed in the last week.

Good news Ernie. My prayers are for Max to not need the surgery. But if that has to be, that it will produce the very best possible outcome. I've always said that all medicines contain some form of poison and, while some are necessary, there are consequences. It really sucks when the remedy is worse than the disease.
Levaquin is one of the better antibiotics for bone infections. My doctor used it on me when he suspected osteomiolitus when I got that infection in my hand, what 7 years ago?
The stuff came close to blowing out both of my Achilles tendons. I had no idea that the pain in my anchles was from the meds and figured it was because I had been laid up so long. When I felt the tightness, instead of asking the doc, I did stretching exercises and very nearly crippled myself permanently.
God bless the internet! I checked on-line forums and found the beginnings of the horror stories about the stuff and called it to the attention of my doctor. He read the links I sent him and changed my meds fast. Thankfully, my ankles healed up in a month or 2, but I did wear braces to limit the movement for 6 weeks.
I'm way behind again. Life is what it is: busy.
I figured I's post an update on Max.
Saturday night, he came in to work his late shift and started off complaining of a pain in his elbow. As the night wore on, he started with chills, his frequent phantom pain and he was nearly unable to move. He sat at a table and Megan and Lori took up the slack at the bar.
He missed his Sunday shift. He had flu -like symptoms on top of everything he experienced the night before. He spent the day in bed. He couldn't hold down water much less his meds which may have actually saved him from funeral expenses.
It seems he had an even worse reaction to the antibiotic, Levaquin than I did 6 or 7 years ago.
Tuesday, he was up and about and went to have the pic line installed. (again) Again, the cultures were inconclusive and since he can't deal with Levaquin, they needed to do further cultures to decide on the appropriate medication.
Today or tomorrow is the target. He did work last night and feels pretty good.
The good news is it appears from x-rays, that the infection hasn't progressed in the last week.

Good news Ernie. My prayers are for Max to not need the surgery. But if that has to be, that it will produce the very best possible outcome. I've always said that all medicines contain some form of poison and, while some are necessary, there are consequences. It really sucks when the remedy is worse than the disease.
Levaquin is one of the better antibiotics for bone infections. My doctor used it on me when he suspected osteomiolitus when I got that infection in my hand, what 7 years ago?
The stuff came close to blowing out both of my Achilles tendons. I had no idea that the pain in my anchles was from the meds and figured it was because I had been laid up so long. When I felt the tightness, instead of asking the doc, I did stretching exercises and very nearly crippled myself permanently.
God bless the internet! I checked on-line forums and found the beginnings of the horror stories about the stuff and called it to the attention of my doctor. He read the links I sent him and changed my meds fast. Thankfully, my ankles healed up in a month or 2, but I did wear braces to limit the movement for 6 weeks.

This is what frustrates me the most about modern medicine though--there is no way that the doctors can keep up with the case histories and all the side effects of all the new pharmaceuticals and treatments coming out now, plus there is the hopefully infrequent phenomenon of doctors getting kickbacks for the medicines they prescribe. It wasn't that long ago that a blood pressure of 120 over 80 was ideal--but now the docs are prescribing blood pressure meds like crazy to bring it much lower than that. And I can't believe that is a good thing.

The patient shouldn't have to research the internet to diagnose his/her condition or discover the possible side effects of the treatment he/she is receiving. But blessed are we who make us do that. I require every medical professional I deal with for me or my loved ones to explain everything and answer all the questions I have about a treatment or med and I have a LOT of questions. And if I don't get answers that resonate as accurate, I immediately do my own research.
Some people, in fact, most, have no reaction to Levaquin, and in fact, it likely saved my right hand and Max's left leg. I'll deal with not going out in the sun or nausea for that, but seizures and blown tendons.... seems to me there would be a rush to replace this med as the first line against bone infections.

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