USMB Coffee Shop IV

It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.
Cold and spitting a bit of a mist here at mid day--looks like maybe a snowflake or two over the higher elevations. More stuff to the west/southwest to still pass through. Looks like the worst weather in the country is in Oklahoma and western Arkansas today.
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But that wouldn't explain why you're getting barraged with ads from vendors you don't visit on the web etc.

However, it is very obvious that if I am look for books or movies, I immediately start seeing ads for those things. If I research a refrigerator or TV or furniture I immediately start seeing ads for those things. They most definitely are tracking us. But I hate to block all cookies because it shuts me out of places I want to go. And I hate to delete all the cookies because I really enjoy not having to enter a password at every site I go to often. (Though Bing does provide me the ability to do that quite easily and efficiently because it will do it for me on this computer. But I don't let it do it on my laptop that travels with me and therefore uses less secure internet connections.)


Je l'adore!!!!!! I want one! Do you know who made this lil beauty?

It was available at Dillard's, but unfortunately no longer.

Dillard s Trimmings Cloisonne 5.5 Mermaid Ornament
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But tracking cookies don't have ability to access your e-mail. :)
It's cold a rainy here.
Were suppose to have this for 2 days.
I am glad I don't have to go anywhere until Friday.

My spam mail was back to normal today. It was weird yesterday.

So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But tracking cookies don't have ability to access your e-mail. :)

If you're getting either floods of spam or suspicious phishing e-mails, to me that indicates somebody hacked into your account. Usually I hear about it when somebody receives a mail supposedly from me trying to sell the recipient something. The way they say to deal with it is to change your e-mail password, and that seems to work.
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
Alan1 for good test results,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is on awaiting the return of Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
So yesterday we didn't get unusual e-mail but Hombre did get about 30 text messages mostly from some outfit claiming to the Century Bank confirming transactions ranging from a few hundred dollars up to $200,000 plus some other weird comments like "repetitive message: yes". We immediately checked our bank account (with a bank other than Century) and all was normal. I called Century Bank this morning and they said it was likely a scam and just delete the messages. They weren't interested in knowing anything about the messages which was a bit frustrating.

We aren't getting any more today though.

Mine was all advertisers wanting to sell anything and everything you could think of.
Satellite Deals
Wireless Internet
Portable Showers, Sandals really weird tings like this. I don't even go to any of these types of sites.

Maybe its those Chinese hackers or something just messing with us?

I think it's the tracking on our cookies selling our web mails like they do with junk mail.

But tracking cookies don't have ability to access your e-mail. :)

If you're getting either floods of spam or suspicious phishing e-mails, to me that indicates somebody hacked into your account. Usually I hear about it when somebody receives a mail supposedly from me trying to sell the recipient something. The way they say to deal with it is to change your e-mail password, and that seems to work.

Why would that happen for only one day ?
If it's hacked wouldn't that large amount of advertisement continue?
I had a Christmas moment yesterday. Listening to the local radio station, a song came on that I recognized as one from an album my school choir made back in 1978. Fun

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