USMB is Fox News

It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

I have also noticed that FOX News doesn't really cover the "news" at all, unless it can cast an unfavourable light on Democrats. FOX ginned up all of the outrage over Benghazi, the IRS non-scandal, and other minor events in the Obama Administration. I will admit that having a scandal-free administration which is not taking bribes, and having sex with boys, and laser focused on passing its agenda, give the Republicans prescious little to do in terms of oversight, but the 7 Benghazi investigations is 5 investigations too many.

Uhm the only reason MSNBC was made was to counter Fox news if you don't like it switch the channel .

I don't have to change the channel, because I don't every turn on the channel. Every clip I've ever seen from FOX NEWS, they're lying: about immigrantion, the economy, race, and law enforcement. LYING, as in easily proveable lies. The statistics they quote have no basis in reality or fact. They simply parrot whatever lie the White House is selling this week.

Rupert Murdoch started FOX News to sell the American public on the wonderful policies of the Republican Party - policies which have always benefitted the wealthy, to the detriment of the working men and women of America. As a wealthy individual, Murdoch wants the MOST benefit possible so he started a slavishly conservative network which promoted a pro-wealth agenda. The network was NEVER about news, and the truth doesn't matter. FOX News consistenly ranks at the bottom of truth in reporting. Their relationship with the truth is sketchy at best, but that really doesn't matter, because if trusted right wingers tell conservatives something, they'll believe it if it ties into their previously held belief system - like the birther lie.

FOX News was the ONLY media outlet that promoted the lie that Barrack Obama wasn't born in the USA. Why? What was gained by the birther lie, other than reliable marketing research that 30% of Republicans will believe ANYTHING you tell them? FOX had to retract the Seth Rich story and apologize to the family, and it's still facing two lawsuits for false reporting. One of those suits claims that the White House was DIRECTLY involved in promulgating that lie. Just like Trump is still selling the "no collusion, no obstruction lie".

I found it shocking that a woman was interviewed this week who was totally unaware that there was ANYTHING even critical of Donald Trump in the Mueller Report. She only watches conservative media and had heard NOTHING of Mueller's words on Russian interference in the election, or the basis for impeaching Trump for obstruction of the investigation.

Surveys have consistently shown that FOX News viewers are LESS informed than people who don't want the news at all. That's because so much of what they learn on FOX is false or misleading.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

I was shock

So you just watch cherry picked clips taken out of context and not the entire thing?
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

I suspect you're lying, being a Communist and all.

11 people killed in Virginia Beach shooting; suspect dead
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.

Fox has been covering the same thing for the last 2 days also naming the victims.
2 hours ago.
Virginia Beach police identify all 12 victims of shooting at municipal complex

That's not the Fox News I was talking about... That's their internet site, not the broadcast. They did not broadcast and cover the press briefing this morning.
They covered it, and talked the reasons why.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.

Fox has been covering the same thing for the last 2 days also naming the victims.
2 hours ago.
Virginia Beach police identify all 12 victims of shooting at municipal complex

That's not the Fox News I was talking about... That's their internet site, not the broadcast. They did not broadcast and cover the press briefing this morning.

Yes they did.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.

Fox has been covering the same thing for the last 2 days also naming the victims.
2 hours ago.
Virginia Beach police identify all 12 victims of shooting at municipal complex

That's not the Fox News I was talking about... That's their internet site, not the broadcast. They did not broadcast and cover the press briefing this morning.

Yes they did.

No, they didn't. I was watching it as it happened. Fox News was not covering the mass shooting and the press conference a little after 8 am this morning. CNN, MSNBC, and HLN did.
I thought we were discussing networks covering mass shootings?

Why don't you just admit you were wrong?

You were either talking about the 12 people killed in Virginia Beach, VA and said Florida instead...

Or suddenly out of all the last few mass shootings you were talking about the Orlando, FL Pulse nightclub shooting and said 12 victims there instead of 49.

Look back...

I didn't post any number of dead or injured.

I started to add Las Vegas, but a shooting that large would be national news.

6 here, 12 there, 10 some other place?

local news.

I think you are losing it. You said this:

"What's numbed it, is the major 'news' networks spending hours a day on the event that is only of concern to the local police and citizens.

12 people get killed in Florida by a disgruntled employee."

yes, I did.

and the shootings I mentioned, Florida, and San Bernadino, should have been handled as local news.

As should this recent one in Virginia Beach.

And... feel free to show me a Florida mass shooting of 12 that had to deal with a disgruntled employee?
WTF said anything ab out 12?

the discussion is about how networks cover mass shootings.

or have you changed the parameters of the OP?
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

Wow, you're a complete moron. Like Fox doesn't regurgitate the same AP propaganda of the day, just like CNN and CNBC do. They're all the same, idiot.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

I have also noticed that FOX News doesn't really cover the "news" at all, unless it can cast an unfavourable light on Democrats. FOX ginned up all of the outrage over Benghazi, the IRS non-scandal, and other minor events in the Obama Administration. I will admit that having a scandal-free administration which is not taking bribes, and having sex with boys, and laser focused on passing its agenda, give the Republicans prescious little to do in terms of oversight, but the 7 Benghazi investigations is 5 investigations too many.

Uhm the only reason MSNBC was made was to counter Fox news if you don't like it switch the channel .

I don't have to change the channel, because I don't every turn on the channel. Every clip I've ever seen from FOX NEWS, they're lying: about immigrantion, the economy, race, and law enforcement. LYING, as in easily proveable lies. The statistics they quote have no basis in reality or fact. They simply parrot whatever lie the White House is selling this week.

Rupert Murdoch started FOX News to sell the American public on the wonderful policies of the Republican Party - policies which have always benefitted the wealthy, to the detriment of the working men and women of America. As a wealthy individual, Murdoch wants the MOST benefit possible so he started a slavishly conservative network which promoted a pro-wealth agenda. The network was NEVER about news, and the truth doesn't matter. FOX News consistenly ranks at the bottom of truth in reporting. Their relationship with the truth is sketchy at best, but that really doesn't matter, because if trusted right wingers tell conservatives something, they'll believe it if it ties into their previously held belief system - like the birther lie.

FOX News was the ONLY media outlet that promoted the lie that Barrack Obama wasn't born in the USA. Why? What was gained by the birther lie, other than reliable marketing research that 30% of Republicans will believe ANYTHING you tell them? FOX had to retract the Seth Rich story and apologize to the family, and it's still facing two lawsuits for false reporting. One of those suits claims that the White House was DIRECTLY involved in promulgating that lie. Just like Trump is still selling the "no collusion, no obstruction lie".

I found it shocking that a woman was interviewed this week who was totally unaware that there was ANYTHING even critical of Donald Trump in the Mueller Report. She only watches conservative media and had heard NOTHING of Mueller's words on Russian interference in the election, or the basis for impeaching Trump for obstruction of the investigation.

Surveys have consistently shown that FOX News viewers are LESS informed than people who don't want the news at all. That's because so much of what they learn on FOX is false or misleading.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

I was shock

I don't have to change the channel, because I don't every turn on the channel. Every clip I've ever seen from FOX NEWS, they're lying: about immigrantion, the economy, race, and law enforcement

in other words, you have seen selected cuts of what they put out, and mad your decision based on those?

By any chance, were those cuts posted on a partisan site, or by a opoartisan poster?
Why don't you just admit you were wrong?

You were either talking about the 12 people killed in Virginia Beach, VA and said Florida instead...

Or suddenly out of all the last few mass shootings you were talking about the Orlando, FL Pulse nightclub shooting and said 12 victims there instead of 49.

Look back...

I didn't post any number of dead or injured.

I started to add Las Vegas, but a shooting that large would be national news.

6 here, 12 there, 10 some other place?

local news.

I think you are losing it. You said this:

"What's numbed it, is the major 'news' networks spending hours a day on the event that is only of concern to the local police and citizens.

12 people get killed in Florida by a disgruntled employee."

yes, I did.

and the shootings I mentioned, Florida, and San Bernadino, should have been handled as local news.

As should this recent one in Virginia Beach.

And... feel free to show me a Florida mass shooting of 12 that had to deal with a disgruntled employee?
WTF said anything ab out 12?

the discussion is about how networks cover mass shootings.

or have you changed the parameters of the OP?

Yeah and you mentioned something that never took place.

You are talking about one of three things, and have your facts wrong.

1. The Virginia Beach shooting where 12 people were killed by disgruntled worker.
2. The Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting that had 49 killed
3. The disgruntled Orlando shooter who killed 5 people
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

Wow, you're a complete moron. Like Fox doesn't regurgitate the same AP propaganda of the day, just like CNN and CNBC do. They're all the same, idiot.

Glad to see you still can't read or keep your shit straight.

My complaint wasn't just that they weren't covering the important press conference, it was the fact that instead they were grumbling about complete nonsense, like Hillary talking to a tech convention.
as for the rep, lew./..

when I see something funny, I laff.

(psst, I deleted your thank you)
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

Wow, you're a complete moron. Like Fox doesn't regurgitate the same AP propaganda of the day, just like CNN and CNBC do. They're all the same, idiot.

Glad to see you still can't read or keep your shit straight.

My complaint wasn't just that they weren't covering the important press conference, it was the fact that instead they were grumbling about complete nonsense, like Hillary talking to a tech convention.

Oh, they got around to it, shitbird. They have to, or else lose being spoon-fed the AP propaganda daily. Just because they weren't in synchronized lockstep with the other garbage outlets, doesn't mean they don't march the same way.
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

Wow, you're a complete moron. Like Fox doesn't regurgitate the same AP propaganda of the day, just like CNN and CNBC do. They're all the same, idiot.

Glad to see you still can't read or keep your shit straight.

My complaint wasn't just that they weren't covering the important press conference, it was the fact that instead they were grumbling about complete nonsense, like Hillary talking to a tech convention.

Oh, they got around to it, shitbird. They have to, or else lose being spoon-fed the AP propaganda daily. Just because they weren't in synchronized lockstep with the other garbage outlets, doesn't mean they don't march the same way.

They "they got around to" covering a live press conference. :abgg2q.jpg:
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

I have also noticed that FOX News doesn't really cover the "news" at all, unless it can cast an unfavourable light on Democrats. FOX ginned up all of the outrage over Benghazi, the IRS non-scandal, and other minor events in the Obama Administration. I will admit that having a scandal-free administration which is not taking bribes, and having sex with boys, and laser focused on passing its agenda, give the Republicans prescious little to do in terms of oversight, but the 7 Benghazi investigations is 5 investigations too many.

Uhm the only reason MSNBC was made was to counter Fox news if you don't like it switch the channel .

I don't have to change the channel, because I don't every turn on the channel. Every clip I've ever seen from FOX NEWS, they're lying: about immigrantion, the economy, race, and law enforcement. LYING, as in easily proveable lies. The statistics they quote have no basis in reality or fact. They simply parrot whatever lie the White House is selling this week.

Rupert Murdoch started FOX News to sell the American public on the wonderful policies of the Republican Party - policies which have always benefitted the wealthy, to the detriment of the working men and women of America. As a wealthy individual, Murdoch wants the MOST benefit possible so he started a slavishly conservative network which promoted a pro-wealth agenda. The network was NEVER about news, and the truth doesn't matter. FOX News consistenly ranks at the bottom of truth in reporting. Their relationship with the truth is sketchy at best, but that really doesn't matter, because if trusted right wingers tell conservatives something, they'll believe it if it ties into their previously held belief system - like the birther lie.

FOX News was the ONLY media outlet that promoted the lie that Barrack Obama wasn't born in the USA. Why? What was gained by the birther lie, other than reliable marketing research that 30% of Republicans will believe ANYTHING you tell them? FOX had to retract the Seth Rich story and apologize to the family, and it's still facing two lawsuits for false reporting. One of those suits claims that the White House was DIRECTLY involved in promulgating that lie. Just like Trump is still selling the "no collusion, no obstruction lie".

I found it shocking that a woman was interviewed this week who was totally unaware that there was ANYTHING even critical of Donald Trump in the Mueller Report. She only watches conservative media and had heard NOTHING of Mueller's words on Russian interference in the election, or the basis for impeaching Trump for obstruction of the investigation.

Surveys have consistently shown that FOX News viewers are LESS informed than people who don't want the news at all. That's because so much of what they learn on FOX is false or misleading.

A Rigorous Scientific Look Into The 'Fox News Effect'

I was shock

Yet Fox was right for 2 1/2 yrs. while CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS and night time talk shows pushed for 2 1/2 yrs. on reported collusion. :)
It is quite amazing the difference in news coverage from Fox News compared to the others.

I turn on CNN and see them talking about the mass shooting and that there would be a press conference from the Virginia Beach officials.

Then I turn on MSNBC and it is pretty much the same.

Finally I switch over to Fox News and what are they talking about? First the stock market... then a few minutes later about Obama "slamming the U.S."... and then while the press conference is going on, Fox News STILL isn't covering it but instead is putting Hillary Clinton down about a future appearance she is making.

It makes me wonder if the NRA has a hand in Fox's pocket. TWELVE people were killed in a mass shooting and 4 more injured including a police officer, and Fox is trashing Obama and Hillary instead of talking about current events. This mirrors quite a bit of behavior on this forum.

Really? Because I had FNC streaming in my truck all day yesterday while I was driving and they talked about it almost constantly the entire evening into the night. And whenever the cops would come on with a press conference they would break into their coverage for it.

Me thinks you need a brain.
The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.
The same reason The NYT and WaPo essentially run the same stories simultaneously. Hive mind.

FOX had wide coverage of the incident yesterday, and will no doubt follow up today.

How much coverage do you need for a local crime?

While other news channels were broadcasting this important follow up that named the victims, Fox News was instead slamming Hillary because of some tech group she was supposed to talk to.

The only "hive mind" thing going on here is that Fox News is more worried about slamming ex-politicians and making Trump happy, than broadcasting REAL news.

Fox has been covering the same thing for the last 2 days also naming the victims.
2 hours ago.
Virginia Beach police identify all 12 victims of shooting at municipal complex

That's not the Fox News I was talking about... That's their internet site, not the broadcast. They did not broadcast and cover the press briefing this morning.

Yes they did.

No, they didn't. I was watching it as it happened. Fox News was not covering the mass shooting and the press conference a little after 8 am this morning. CNN, MSNBC, and HLN did.
Fake news
Oh it was a black dude that shot up those people.

You don't need fewer guns, you need fewer blacks.

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