USMB member pic thread. Don't be shy.

Mortimer the horse whisperer

Job 39:19-25 The Holy Scripture, The Bible
19 Do you give strength to the horse, do you clothe its neck with flowing mane? 20 Do you make it spring up like the locust? His magnificent snort is terror. 21 It paws in the plain, and rejoices in strength; it goes out against arms. 22 He who fears laughs and is not dismayed, nor turns back before the sword. 23 On him the quiver clanks, the flashing spear and javelin. 24 It slurps the ground with fury and fury, and cannot be held back when the trumpet sounds. 25 At the sound of the trumpet it shouts: Hui! And from a distance you can smell the battle, the thundering cry of the military leaders and the shouts of the field.
A USA Digital Passport Photo (4,99 €), via a smartphone google play app, they work together with the US authorities though, and they verify, review and edit your image (background, adjustments etc.) they after they are done send it to you, and you can print it, it can be used for USA Passport.


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