USMB Micro #1: Vengeful Mafia

well i find it interesting that only aye and rd havent mentioned using the revenge shot if they are killed.

Just saying.
Besides, why let your enemy know you're coming after them? LOL
So we have two people, rd and aye, not talking about the revenge shot. Two people, shaitra and F2, excited about using it. And me being reluctant to use it.

Any significance to this
So we have two people, rd and aye, not talking about the revenge shot. Two people, shaitra and F2, excited about using it. And me being reluctant to use it.

Any significance to this

I'm not sure. I definitely understand your thought process. But didn't Aye unvote because she was voting for someone that already have 2 votes so scum couldn't come through and hammer? That would seem to be a pro-town move, but could just be a clever scum move.
Seriously guys are we just going to sit around or are we going to start hitting someone?
What do you want us to hit you with? As an attorney, you know that's abuse!!!
I'll go ahead and say I'm just a plain 'ol VT again; nothing to hide here. No awesome killing skills or stealth moves to make when it's dark out, even though I hoped! If I'm lynched first, I will not use the revenge kill unless I know as fact that someone is scum. Misusing it will cost us the game.
I need to see the results of game 2 so I can see who's scum there. It might be revealing to see how badly I got played by certain people. :lol:
Vote Count: 1.6​

Avatar4321 (1): FA_Q2
FA_Q2 (1): Avatar4321

Not Voting (3): Shaitra, R.D., AyeCantSeeYou

~ With 5 players, it takes 3 to lynch!
~ Deadline expires 6/26/14, @ 9pm central.
~ I can do votecounts, too!

1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5
I need to see the results of game 2 so I can see who's scum there. It might be revealing to see how badly I got played by certain people. :lol:

Why? You should know exactly who is who by now even without the death scene and it has no affect whatsoever for this game.

making me think i should vote for you again:p
So we have two people, rd and aye, not talking about the revenge shot. Two people, shaitra and F2, excited about using it. And me being reluctant to use it.

Any significance to this

Three of us are gun shy
Well, then let's use knives. Preferably more effectively than you did against mani:p

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