USMB Military & Vets is Bergdhal a deserter

Do you think that Bergdhal is a deserter and traitor

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We will wait for the investigation before we decide.

Those 8 who say 'yes' are why we have laws to mitigate opinion.

What about the 2 who say 'no?'

Most lefties around here didn't wait for any investigation into 'Bridgegate' or any other issue regarding Republicans before declaring guilt. Or is that different when it's libs making the accusations?

There is no question that he walked away on his own. Leaving your post without permission and not returning is deserting. I realize that libs are okay with that since he went to join those 'peaceful' Muslims. And since Obama felt it was worth trading 5 of the biggest and most dangerous assholes for the guy, the left feels obligated to speak kindly of the guy no matter what. The radical Muslims let him carry a gun. Does that sound like he was a prisoner?

How do you feel about Obama giving Bergdhal's health as an excuse for releasing the worst of the worst terrorists, then finding out that he's physically fine, according to doctors? Others were held far longer and didn't have terrorists freed for them. What was so special about this one, other than the trade helped the radical Muslims that Obama seems so fond of?
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The evidence against Bergdahl proves – beyond the possibility of the slightest doubt – that he is a deserter. A formal investigation in 2010 concluded that he walked away from his unit.

“A Pentagon investigation in 2010 concluded that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from his unit prior to his capture by the Taliban the year before, a finding that led the military to curb any high-risk rescue plans, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

“A former Pentagon official told the AP that the evidence presented in the investigation was 'incontrovertible' that Bergdahl had left the unit when he disappeared on June 30, 2009.”

Pentagon inquiry in 2010 found Bergdahl walked away from unit, report claims | Fox News

Bergdahl is not only a deserter but a liar as well. He previously stated he was captured when he lagged behind during a patrol. There's one problem with that explanation: there were no patrols the night he took off.

“But, on the day Bergdahl disappeared, June 30, 2009, there was in fact no patrol, according to other soldiers who were there. On that night, instead of patrolling, they slept in the earthen bunkers of OP Mest, an outpost scraped from a hillside in Afghanistan’s rugged and remote Paktika Province.”

Bowe Bergdahl: Perspective of a Marine in Afghanistan | New Republic

“Make no mistake: Bergdahl did not 'lag behind on a patrol,' as was cited in news reports at the time. There was no patrol that night . Bergdahl was relieved from guard duty, and instead of going to sleep, he fled the outpost on foot. He deserted. I’ve talked to members of Bergdahl’s platoon—including the last Americans to see him before his capture. I’ve reviewed the relevant documents. That’s what happened.”

We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night - The Daily Beast

Further, every man and woman who served in the military knows that if Bergdahl had gone missing during a patrol it would have been reported as soon as the patrol returned to base. The fact that no such report was made proves it never happened.

So, if he didn't desert (and he did) how in the hell did he get captured by the enemy?
Personally, I'd actually like to see an investigation, not just have Faux News find some guy who was discharged for getting drunk on duty smear the guy.

I'd like to know if Bergdahl and other members of his units were taking Go/No Go Pills that might have affected their judgement.

You know, things like "Evidence".
Deserter? Probably...that's why we need an investigation. Traitor? There is no indication that he is a traitor.

He's certainly been punished more than any other Army deserter.
I was wondering how he attended NCO school while he was a prisoner.

there's is an NCO school??? Don't think so, but there are test, as far as I know.

I went to NCO School. There are tests even if you don't go to NCO School.

Maybe I am wrong but I think NCO school is a polishing school for those already an NCO. Again, not positive, my experience was with the Navy and I don't believe he would have been promoted but that is not to say in an attempt to be fair they promoted him with the thought, THEN, that he was a POW.
Personally, I'd actually like to see an investigation, not just have Faux News find some guy who was discharged for getting drunk on duty smear the guy.

I'd like to know if Bergdahl and other members of his units were taking Go/No Go Pills that might have affected their judgement.

You know, things like "Evidence".

Joe, for once, drop the FOX news BS. The NYT reported this as did all the new outlets and they all said about the same things. I don't have a problem blaming FOX when it is applicable but to just do it as a knee jerk reaction? No.
there's is an NCO school??? Don't think so, but there are test, as far as I know.

I went to NCO School. There are tests even if you don't go to NCO School.

Maybe I am wrong but I think NCO school is a polishing school for those already an NCO. Again, not positive, my experience was with the Navy and I don't believe he would have been promoted but that is not to say in an attempt to be fair they promoted him with the thought, THEN, that he was a POW.

If you are talking bout the Army, you have a series of schools known as NCODP.

PLDC in order to make Sergeant (e-5)
BNCOC for E-6
ANCOC for E-7
SNCOC for E-8
The evidence against Bergdahl proves – beyond the possibility of the slightest doubt – that he is a deserter. A formal investigation in 2010 concluded that he walked away from his unit.

“A Pentagon investigation in 2010 concluded that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl walked away from his unit prior to his capture by the Taliban the year before, a finding that led the military to curb any high-risk rescue plans, the Associated Press reported Tuesday.

“A former Pentagon official told the AP that the evidence presented in the investigation was 'incontrovertible' that Bergdahl had left the unit when he disappeared on June 30, 2009.”

Pentagon inquiry in 2010 found Bergdahl walked away from unit, report claims | Fox News

Bergdahl is not only a deserter but a liar as well. He previously stated he was captured when he lagged behind during a patrol. There's one problem with that explanation: there were no patrols the night he took off.

“But, on the day Bergdahl disappeared, June 30, 2009, there was in fact no patrol, according to other soldiers who were there. On that night, instead of patrolling, they slept in the earthen bunkers of OP Mest, an outpost scraped from a hillside in Afghanistan’s rugged and remote Paktika Province.”

Bowe Bergdahl: Perspective of a Marine in Afghanistan | New Republic

“Make no mistake: Bergdahl did not 'lag behind on a patrol,' as was cited in news reports at the time. There was no patrol that night . Bergdahl was relieved from guard duty, and instead of going to sleep, he fled the outpost on foot. He deserted. I’ve talked to members of Bergdahl’s platoon—including the last Americans to see him before his capture. I’ve reviewed the relevant documents. That’s what happened.”

We Lost Soldiers in the Hunt for Bergdahl, a Guy Who Walked Off in the Dead of Night - The Daily Beast

Further, every man and woman who served in the military knows that if Bergdahl had gone missing during a patrol it would have been reported as soon as the patrol returned to base. The fact that no such report was made proves it never happened.

So, if he didn't desert (and he did) how in the hell did he get captured by the enemy?

The three requirements from the UCMJ:

(1) without authority goes or remains absent from his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently;

Can you, right now with the evidence available, say without a doubt his intent was to leave permanently? My opinion is that this means a soldier leaves his unit and heads for the rear not to the enemy such as what happened in the civil war. As I have said from the beginning I think the guy is f..ked up in the head for absolutely sure. It is like the Army enlisted a retard then we are surprised when he acts like a retard.

(2) quits his unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service; or

They were not under attack and this has never been given as a motive.

(3) without being regularly separated from one of the armed forces enlists or accepts an appointment in the same or another one of the armed forces without fully disclosing the fact that he has not been regularly separated, or enters any foreign armed service except when authorized by the United States Note: This provision has been held not to state a separate offense by the United States Court of Military Appeals in United States v. Huff, 7 U.S.C.M.A. 247, 22 C.M.R. 37 (1956), is guilty of desertion.

Maybe this could be argued but I doubt it will be.

So he does not, in my opinion, fit the definition of desertion.

Do you really want to fry this obviously mental case?
I vote "other": Bush should die in prison for war crimes.

How about Obama who committed real war crimes? Hell he is the first president to target Americans since the civil war. Talk about criminal.
there's is an NCO school??? Don't think so, but there are test, as far as I know.

I went to NCO School. There are tests even if you don't go to NCO School.

Maybe I am wrong but I think NCO school is a polishing school for those already an NCO. Again, not positive, my experience was with the Navy and I don't believe he would have been promoted but that is not to say in an attempt to be fair they promoted him with the thought, THEN, that he was a POW.

In the Marine Corps it was used as a polishing school for those who had already been promoted and as a preparation school for those that displayed outstanding leadership qualities or who had ambitions for promotion.
I vote "other": Bush should die in prison for war crimes.

Typical. Give Bergdhal the benefit of the doubt, but not Bush. Seriously, it gets old when you post that in every other thread. The Dems backed him. And stop with the bullshit that Bush did anything without the Dems. As if the mindless little Dems were lied to and went along anyway. They never took Bush's word for anything and made their own decisions. They ALL agreed on this. The only reason the left now claims war crimes is because the lame ass UN inspectors couldn't find the WMDs. Considering the way they went about it, anyone with a modicum of common sense knew they would not find anything.

You probably believe that Lerner's emails were really lost in a computer crash, that protestors were responsible for Benghazi and that Obama really did learn about the scandals by watching the news.

Bergdhal deserted and there is plenty of evidence. They did not come on post and kidnap him. He left on his own. And he was NOT physically ill as Obama claimed.
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I believe that the overwhelming proof points to this clown deserting his post and (purposely) going to the enemy for "aid and comfort". That's MY belief.

I also believe that the US Army will conduct an investigation and (at the behest of the president) will find "no grounds for Court Martial" - he will be given a dishonorable discharge and will be turned loose in the dead of night.

I hope to God that I'm wrong - but I trust this "so-called" president as far as I can throw his skinny ass - which isn't far.
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Deserter? Probably...that's why we need an investigation. Traitor? There is no indication that he is a traitor.

He's certainly been punished more than any other Army deserter.

That's what Private Eddie Slovak said.

Oh wait, hard to talk once you've been executed for desertion..

Say, wasn't it FDR who ordered Slovak shot?

Why yes, yes it was...
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What's done is done. At this point court martial him and whatever they come up with I'll support 100%.
Active military and Vets please vote.


The Lies Grow More Audacious

Americans are very susceptible to propaganda. They seem to have a special taste for it. Consider the hate whipped up against Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, a US soldier just released by the Taliban in a prisoner exchange with the US. The hatred and bloodlust that the presstitute media have whipped up against Bergdahl has caused his hometown to cancel the celebration of his release. The press engineered hatred of Bergdahl has spilled over into threats against Hailey, Idaho.

What is the basis for the attacks on Bergdahl? Apparently, the answer is that Bergdahl, like pro-football star Pat Tillman who turned down a $3.6 million contract to join the Army Rangers and go to defend freedom in Afghanistan, came down with a case of doubts about the war. Originally Pat Tillman’s death was attributed to his heroic action and enemy fire. Then it emerged that Tillman was a victim of “friendly fire.” Many concluded that he was murdered, because the government did not want a sports hero speaking out about the war. As Bergdahl is off the battlefield, he has to be murdered in the press–like Russia, China, Iran, Putin, Assad, Crimeans, and the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine."


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