USMB Official 2020 Debate Thread -- Round 2..

Did anyone change their mind with this debate?

Do undecided voters even exist at this point?
Zero emissions by 2025 or 2035? He just said he will eliminate the oil industry?!!?? How many jobs is that? We ll see what happens. Balsy but stupid.
The Oil & Natural Gas Industry in America is YUGE, employing millions of people. Right now it's one of the things keeping the economy going.
I have a bird's photo thread here and feed birds and pigeons regularly. I had no idea windmills killed birds.

Yeah. Westwall talks a lot about that.

It's very kind of you to feed the birds. You're a good human, drifter. I feed them every day, too. They wait for me to come out.

I love them, The birds are mostly sparrows in my back yard. But in the morning there is a king pigeon and then his 4 other buddies show up I feed them first and then I feed the sparrows. They are so funny to watch especially after a nice sativa strain.
Here's the trend in unemployment Trumo inherited from the Obama admin that he's now taking credit for.

I have a bird's photo thread here and feed birds and pigeons regularly. I had no idea windmills killed birds.

Yeah. Westwall talks a lot about that.

It's very kind of you to feed the birds. You're a good human, drifter. I feed them every day, too. They wait for me to come out.
I got some bomb ass looking humming bird feeders. My girl uses different colors to make the juice so we got more than just red.
The bottom line is Biden is corrupt as we saw his bragging about getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine, and next his son's laptop, his lies, his bullcrap, his race baiting, his support of the radical left, his agreeing with an 8 year old being somehow a transgender (WTH) and on and on it goes.
Ouch. Plugs just recited 47 years of fucking platitudes that we've grown to hate. "we're going to choose hope over fear."

Fuck off Chinaman.
Just watched a YouTube video on windmills, and I saw many of them malfunctioned, on fire, and one even killed a worker who couldn't escape the fire in the one he was working on.
Are you suggesting that plants that run on fossil fuels don't have fire hazards?
Show a pic of a refinery ablaze. Wait, I will:

View attachment 405389
Your photo if you do a search references a terrorist act committed by illegal aliens who advocate for The Green New Deal


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