USMB poll who won tonight?

Who won?

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CNN is saying Clinton won
Nah. I wouldn't say Trump won because he neglected to say so many things that he could have smashed her with, and just never mentioned them. What an amazing list of things. But that doesn't mean Hillary won. She had too many things that just were against her.

I'd call it a tie, but if Trump would have unloaded his arsenal, Hillary would have been obliterated.

2 debates to go, plenty of time.

I watched tonight, I won't see those 2
CNN is saying Clinton won
Nah. I wouldn't say Trump won because he neglected to say so many things that he could have smashed her with, and just never mentioned them. What an amazing list of things. But that doesn't mean Hillary won. She had too many things that just were against her.

I'd call it a tie, but if Trump would have unloaded his arsenal, Hillary would have been obliterated.
The next wiki leak dump is due out shortly. Assange promised the next dump could bring criminal charges. Could it be BOTH are waiting for it?
Hillary spewed so many lies its difficult to score, I think Trump was flabbergasted at the shear volume of lies she told. Now he knows what a Clinton is, he's going to demolish her in the next debate.
Trump missed several opportunities to flatten her but he still did better than she did, imo. And once again, the Republican candidate had to debate two people.
Hillary came up with the same leftwing bleeding heart bullshit.

Trump was very effective and as Hillary will have no more personal attacks left against Trump, Mr Trump will be all fired up, well organized and should easily win the next two debates! :2up:

He's going to be ready for her stream of lies in the next debate, she's going to get ground pounded.
He faked 'looking' presidential for a while, then his true inner 9 year old came out, again. He didn't crap in his diaper which is a plus, that is how low the bar was for him.

He just can't stay on subject and answer a question, his whole schtick is deflection and talking about something else. If this guy who's entire campaign along with every con media outlet have been screaming how sickly HRC is, if he can't defeat her in a debate what does that say about him! She had the stamina to work his ass over. Exactly how would he 'negotiate' with Kim Jong Un?

She isn't perfect but for f#$k's sake people Trump is a 9 year old doing his best to appear to be an adult. This schlemeil is someone you want to have access to national secrets? Join us back in reality, either vote for Hillary or don't vote, and in 4 years you'll have another choice.

Trump is like the dogshit you stepped in that smells real bad and you can't wipe it off your shoe. Take your shoes off and put on a new pair. And in four years you'll have someone you can actually respect that you can vote for. Don't you owe it to your own morals?
I actually watched much of it because I couldn't find a good ball game. Hillary was the usual flat robotic but won by default. Rump fell all over himself. Was incoherent, couldn't finish sentences, got easily baited, couldn't control his emotions and also kept wheezing on intake breaths. Clearly he's dying form emphysema.
I'm still going for these guys

Trump missed several opportunities to flatten her but he still did better than she did, imo. And once again, the Republican candidate had to debate two people.

I called that months ago, while Clinton was allowed to lie unchallenged. Plus damn but she looked creepy, like possessed by Lucifer evil.
Trump, by a nose....

It could have been over but the hitlery/MSM machine had him on defense the entire time.....
Whining and excuses, a hallmark of thin skinned weak conservatives. How about some personal responsibility "patriot".
Trump missed several opportunities to flatten her but he still did better than she did, imo. And once again, the Republican candidate had to debate two people.

I called that months ago, while Clinton was allowed to lie unchallenged. Plus damn but she looked creepy, like possessed by Lucifer evil.
I predicted it too. Not too hard to do, it's been that way for decades.
CNN is saying Clinton won
Nah. I wouldn't say Trump won because he neglected to say so many things that he could have smashed her with, and just never mentioned them. What an amazing list of things. But that doesn't mean Hillary won. She had too many things that just were against her.

I'd call it a tie, but if Trump would have unloaded his arsenal, Hillary would have been obliterated.
The next wiki leak dump is due out shortly. Assange promised the next dump could bring criminal charges. Could it be BOTH are waiting for it?

You keep hoping. Right wingers were sure Hillary would either not show up for the debate or collapse in the middle of it. That hope didn't pan out for you either.

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