USMB poll who won tonight?

Who won?

  • Total voters
1. Hillary sounded much better than I thought she would. She managed to get rid of the shrill lecturing style but she needs to work more on getting rid of her condenscending tone and demeanor.

2. If you like the trade deals of the last 28 years and like the loss of manufacturing jobs being replaced by burger flipping jobs, if you like the complete domination of the Northern Levant by ISIS and the steady increase of regulation and taxes Then yo most likely think Hillary Clinton won the debate and you want 4 more years of Obama-like stagnation with front loaded promises. IF you think the last 28 years of governance by both parties has been pathetic and incompetent,t hen you most likely think Trump won.

3. Trump made some substantiated charges on Hillary that she tried to laugh away like some drugged up idiot, and she failed. She conveyed herself in a manner one might expact from someone who thinks that they are above the law.

4. Trump needed to come across to the public as a serious statesman and not the Hitler that Hillary tries to paint him as and she failed to make that case. This means Trump won hands down, but no libtards will admit it because they are lying fucks.
Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.
Yeah, that must be why both the Time and MSNBC polls are showing Trump won by a 60% to 40% vote right now.

Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.

That is the MSM narrative which I find puzzling. Crooked Hillary was actually babbling somewhat incoherently, resorting to memorized personal insults that were unrelated to the questions. And that is sad because she said she was studying to be president this past week. :p In essence, Crooked Hillary said studying to be president is memorizing personal insults and implying her opponent was wrong to respond to Rosie O'Donnell. :p Crooked Hillary supporters should be insulted that she chose to bring the level of discussion down like that. She was drugged up good though. Check out when she is not talking, almost in a pre-sleep state.
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On the Presidential debate tonight:
If you like the trade deals we have had these past 28 years, the loss of jobs and corporations to China, Mexico and the rest of the globe, if you like the stagnation of wages the working class has had for the past 40 years, if you like the fact that Obama doubled our national debt and is working hard to bring in hundreds of thousands of unchecked "refugees" then you will likely think Hillary won.
If you have a brain you know Trump won.
Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.
Yeah, that must be why both the Time and MSNBC polls are showing Trump won by a 60% to 40% vote right now.


Im not a clinton supporter, I don't like her, but that was just the way I saw it. Think Trump needs a little more practice
Think trump lost his focus in the second half and started to become unhinged a bit, the first half was pretty close.
To undecided votes I might toss it to Hillary, but Trump didn't lose any of his base here I think.
Yeah, that must be why both the Time and MSNBC polls are showing Trump won by a 60% to 40% vote right now.

Online polls don't work.
It's pretty simple stuff at this point...if you're content with the status quo and want more of what Barack Obama has given the country for the past eight years...then vote for Hillary. If you want change...then vote for Trump. All the rest of it is nothing but hot air.

What kind of change? He is threatening to crash all of our agreements with other countries. That will throw the world in chaos. He also wants to have a double dose of trickle down economics. We already saw what that causes. Stupid changes are not what we need.

First of all, Trump isn't threatening to "crash" our trade deals...he's promising to renegotiate them if they are bad. It's what you DO unless you're an idiot!

As for your "trickle down economics"? Trickle down doesn't exist. It's a liberal talking point and when you accuse someone of proposing that you're simply showing that you know nothing about business or economics. Profits have ALWAYS trickled up in free market economies...they have NEVER trickled down!
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.
Hillary got in the best zingers, but Trump won on policy points, so I would give him the edge. She was composed and passionless except when she was attacking him. He was passionate about the issues and showed great restraint in not attacking her with the same enthusiasm she showed.
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?
Do you blow your right wing overlords with that mouth?
I don't ether of them had a particularly strong performance, but Trump won.
Definitely Clinton as far as policy, nuance, and professionalism. She got some good jabs in as well.

Trump sounded like a 13 year old like always, but he got in some good jabs that rattled Hillary. Just cheap debate points though. I'll also give him credit for being more restrained than usual. That could help him in the polls because Americans are dumb enough to fall for it.
I'm pissed off because my state doesn't allow write in candidates. I want to vote for "Slappy". Seriously considering moving because of this bullshit.
When she hit him with the tax return punch, he could have easily said,

My returns will be released at sometime BECAUSE I NEVER DELETED THEM, now let's talk a little bit about those 33,000 EMAILS YOU DID! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU HIDING BITCH.

Pay attention pop.... the question is about tax returns. He failed miserably. What is he hiding anyway?
No one give a shit about those emails.
We know you don't give a shit about Hillary breaking the law. That's because you're a douche bag. You're a sleazy low-life, cock sucking, mother fucking, shit stained douche bag.

Any questions?
Do you blow your right wing overlords with that mouth?
How bout the 22 million Bush deleted?
It's pretty simple stuff at this point...if you're content with the status quo and want more of what Barack Obama has given the country for the past eight years...then vote for Hillary. If you want change...then vote for Trump. All the rest of it is nothing but hot air.

What kind of change? He is threatening to crash all of our agreements with other countries. That will throw the world in chaos. He also wants to have a double dose of trickle down economics. We already saw what that causes. Stupid changes are not what we need.

First of all, Trump isn't threatening to "crash" our trade deals...he's promising to renegotiate them if they are bad. It's what you DO unless you're an idiot!

As for your "trickle down economics"? Trickle down doesn't exist. It's a liberal talking point and when you accuse someone of proposing that you're simply showing that you know nothing about business or economics. Profits have ALWAYS trickled up in free market economies...they have NEVER trickled down!

Total bullshit

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