USMB Republicans......Are you ready to admit you are worried?

Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


Yes, sweetie, I am worried. I can't fathom the future of America being in the hands of socialists and the demise of the U.S. Constitution, later to be replaced with Sharia Law.

Then why didn't you do a better job in selecting your candidate?

the primary votes selected these two flawed candidates. Whats at stake in November is the future of the USA. We will either become a large version of failed European socialism with an arrogant dictator in the white house, or we will return to the constitution, freedom, and opportunity for everyone.

This election will determine whether this country remains a free democratic representative republic or a socialist dictatorship where all of the money and all of the power is concentrated in a tiny band to super elites, where education becomes indoctrination and the media becomes an arm of the government.

Its up to the voters.
European socialism only existed with European demographics.

It is impossible to replicate in a country that doesn't even have a secure border with Mexico.
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2014

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2014?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year
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Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Do you understand that Trump didn't get 100% of the vote? He didn't get mine.

And what does that have to do with your erroneous belief that Republicans will stay home?
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years

Worried? Not really..I am concerned with the direction of the nation..Congress seems to have it's own private agenda, and is not interested in helping Americans........
Rather than coasting to an easy victory, Democrats are turning up the heat to win in formerly red states. Hillary just won the latest poll in Arizona. Formerly solid red states like Utah and Texas are now down to single digits

Democrats were handed a gift when Republicans selected Trump

They do not want it to go to waste

You're gonna need the suicide hotline on Election night.....I hope the line is busy.

I don't know if Republicans have the balls to commit suicide

I suspect they will just claim they were cheated, that there was no way Trump could have lost, that the media was against them, that the GOP sold them out.....that Hillary "only won because she is a woman"
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2012

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2012?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year
They have not done much to the benefit of the average Joe...
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2012

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2012?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year

They knew any resistance would result in Rat screams of "GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN NO SS. CHECKS!"...You can't win without the MSM ignoring your failures and trumpeting your lies. We should keep the mehicans and deport YOUR sorry asses.
Rather than coasting to an easy victory, Democrats are turning up the heat to win in formerly red states. Hillary just won the latest poll in Arizona. Formerly solid red states like Utah and Texas are now down to single digits

Democrats were handed a gift when Republicans selected Trump

They do not want it to go to waste

You're gonna need the suicide hotline on Election night.....I hope the line is busy.

I don't know if Republicans have the balls to commit suicide

I suspect they will just claim they were cheated, that there was no way Trump could have lost, that the media was against them, that the GOP sold them out.....that Hillary "only won because she is a woman"

The old "I'm not, you are" refrain.....don't you get tired of being a no-talent bore?
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Do you understand that Trump didn't get 100% of the vote? He didn't get mine.

And what does that have to do with your erroneous belief that Republicans will stay home?

Will they show up to defeat Hillary?
When polls show Hillary winning by 10% even the staunchest Republican knows that won't happen

Will Republicans in blue states show up at the polls to support the Senate/House candidate?
It will take some major initiative to vote down ballot in a Presidential landslide
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2012

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2012?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year

They knew any resistance would result in Rat screams of "GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN NO SS. CHECKS!"...You can't win without the MSM ignoring your failures and trumpeting your lies. We should keep the mehicans and deport YOUR sorry asses.
Frankly there is no need to shut down the govt......Compromise and working together makes the US stronger, not weaker...
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years

Let them will make Nov 9th that much more fun.
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2012

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2012?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year

They knew any resistance would result in Rat screams of "GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN NO SS. CHECKS!"...You can't win without the MSM ignoring your failures and trumpeting your lies. We should keep the mehicans and deport YOUR sorry asses.

Well Tommy

I know you celebrated the Republicans "BIG WIN" in 2014

What did you get out of it?
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Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

And now you see why you’ve lost all but one Popular votes since 1992. You guys are idiots.
The idiots would be the ones that need other to support them, you know, welfare, reduced housing, phones transportation food, those things. Mostly associated with ghetto thug democrats.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Do you understand that Trump didn't get 100% of the vote? He didn't get mine.

And what does that have to do with your erroneous belief that Republicans will stay home?

Will they show up to defeat Hillary?
When polls show Hillary winning by 10% even the staunchest Republican knows that won't happen

Will Republicans in blue states show up at the polls to support the Senate/House candidate?
It will take some major initiative to vote down ballot in a Presidential landslide

Yes and yes.

They may not have the numbers to defeat Hillary but only because of the moderates and independants. This last primary had more GOP voters than ever before. They are engaged, and Hillary is hated.
We forced the issues of illegals, border security, trade and jobs, and corruption front and center this election. Issues proven to resonate across party lines with the American people. Issues the establishment politicians on both sides didn't want to discuss. That's a huge win. We have the momentum on these issues now, the establishment is on the run. There is zero chance now of passing any kind of amnesty deal for illegals, or passing TPP, or ignoring border security anytime soon.

The battle on these issues has only just begun, its not over in November no matter who wins. Upending the corrupt DC establishment will take perhaps several presidential elections but we'll get there.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Do you understand that Trump didn't get 100% of the vote? He didn't get mine.

And what does that have to do with your erroneous belief that Republicans will stay home?

Will they show up to defeat Hillary?
When polls show Hillary winning by 10% even the staunchest Republican knows that won't happen

Will Republicans in blue states show up at the polls to support the Senate/House candidate?
It will take some major initiative to vote down ballot in a Presidential landslide

Yes and yes.

They may not have the numbers to defeat Hillary but only because of the moderates and independants. This last primary had more GOP voters than ever before. They are engaged, and Hillary is hated.
I lived in Arkanass 1986-2001, and I never liked the Clinton's....the gov that took over after Clinton left for Washington D.C. was kicked out of office for corruption in a gas deal..The whole bunch was rotten.....Bunch of cocaine dealers that included Don Tyson, owner of Tyson's Foods in Springdale....He was a great dude to party with though...
We forced the issues of illegals, border security, trade and jobs, and corruption front and center this election. Issues proven to resonate across party lines with the American people. Issues the establishment politicians on both sides didn't want to discuss. That's a huge win. We have the momentum on these issues now, the establishment is on the run. There is zero chance now of passing any kind of amnesty deal for illegals, or passing TPP, or ignoring border security anytime soon.

The battle on these issues has only just begun, its not over in November no matter who wins. Upending the corrupt DC establishment will take perhaps several presidential elections but we'll get there.
I am so glad that Trump brought out those issues, because the citizens of the US were frustrated with the status quo.. I know I was..I wanted a little parity in federal govt. operations and it's operatives...Which affected my income and started during the Bush presidency..
JUst worried for the country. She will finish it off....and that will be the democrat legacy.
When no such thing happens will you and other rightwing liars admit that you were wrong yet again.

They said the same thing about Bill Clinton and Obama when they were running and when they were president.

We're still here.

It was a republican who destroyed our economy in 2008.

The republicans have nominated another tax cuts for rich and corporations and deregulate big business. Which the deregulation caused the collapse in 2008 and the tax cuts create bigger deficits and debt.
OK USMB Republicans....I warned you about 2016 while you were celebrating winning both the House and Senate in 2012

I told you that you would be facing a much bigger electorate in 2016
I told you that you would have to defend 10 Senate seats in 2016
I told you that you only had control of Congress for two years and you had better make the most of it

So, what did Republicans accomplish off of their "Historic" victory in 2012?
They managed to block a Supreme Court selection for a year

They knew any resistance would result in Rat screams of "GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN NO SS. CHECKS!"...You can't win without the MSM ignoring your failures and trumpeting your lies. We should keep the mehicans and deport YOUR sorry asses.
have you noticed that when the dems threaten to cut things its always SS, or police or EMTs, you know, the things that the governments are supposed to fund. But never to they say, gee, if this bill doesnt pass, welfare checks wont make it out on time.
is that because the majority of real U.S citizens really dont care if pookie has his crack money this month?
In his book "The Art of the Comeback," Trump calls HRC "a wonderful woman who has handled pressure incredibly well."


Anyone who fell for his rhetoric is an idiot, as Trump was a Dem until five minutes ago. He never evolved his positions over time, he evolved his positions over night so he could run as a 'Republican. People were so eager to have a non-politician they never bothered to vet him ... or they just didn't care. While I understand the exasperation with establishment GOP and wanting someone who wasn't that, I can not fathom how anyone with half a brain voted for Trump to be the nom. smh

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