USMB Republicans......Are you ready to admit you are worried?

We forced the issues of illegals, border security, trade and jobs, and corruption front and center this election. Issues proven to resonate across party lines with the American people. Issues the establishment politicians on both sides didn't want to discuss. That's a huge win. We have the momentum on these issues now, the establishment is on the run. There is zero chance now of passing any kind of amnesty deal for illegals, or passing TPP, or ignoring border security anytime soon.

The battle on these issues has only just begun, its not over in November no matter who wins. Upending the corrupt DC establishment will take perhaps several presidential elections but we'll get there.
I am so glad that Trump brought out those issues, because the citizens of the US were frustrated with the status quo.. I know I was..I wanted a little parity in federal govt. operations and it's operatives...Which affected my income and started during the Bush presidency..

Trump said it best during the primary debates, if not for him nobody on that stage would even be discussing these issues. So can the Dem and Rep establishment put the genie back in the bottle...I doubt it.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Do you understand that Trump didn't get 100% of the vote? He didn't get mine.

And what does that have to do with your erroneous belief that Republicans will stay home?

Will they show up to defeat Hillary?
When polls show Hillary winning by 10% even the staunchest Republican knows that won't happen

Will Republicans in blue states show up at the polls to support the Senate/House candidate?
It will take some major initiative to vote down ballot in a Presidential landslide

Yes and yes.

They may not have the numbers to defeat Hillary but only because of the moderates and independants. This last primary had more GOP voters than ever before. They are engaged, and Hillary is hated.

We will see on Nov 8
Not worried about it at all. I cant control the outcome of the election. I can just do what I need to do and trust God for the rest.

I suspect, however, that President McMullin will have a Republican majority and turn this nation around.

If I were you id be worried that democrats will control all branches of government and you can no longer lie and pretend Republicans are responsible for your bad policies.
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We forced the issues of illegals, border security, trade and jobs, and corruption front and center this election. Issues proven to resonate across party lines with the American people. Issues the establishment politicians on both sides didn't want to discuss. That's a huge win. We have the momentum on these issues now, the establishment is on the run. There is zero chance now of passing any kind of amnesty deal for illegals, or passing TPP, or ignoring border security anytime soon.

The battle on these issues has only just begun, its not over in November no matter who wins. Upending the corrupt DC establishment will take perhaps several presidential elections but we'll get there.
I am so glad that Trump brought out those issues, because the citizens of the US were frustrated with the status quo.. I know I was..I wanted a little parity in federal govt. operations and it's operatives...Which affected my income and started during the Bush presidency..

Trump said it best during the primary debates, if not for him nobody on that stage would even be discussing these issues. So can the Dem and Rep establishment put the genie back in the bottle...I doubt it.
If and when he gets elected, that is when the real pressure will be on him to change what is going on....There are over 500 people in Congress to kick in the ass to get going down his road..I hope they do not assassinate him like they did Kennedy for his different way of doing things...
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years

If she wins, America will be such a mess by 2020, there will be mass libtard suicides. So for the long run...lookin good.
America will not exist by 2020 if Democrats have any success in the 2018 election.
What will be the long term impacts of Republicans championing Trump?

Losing the Hispanic vote for a generation. This one cannot be glossed over with vague promises of respecting Hispanics and calling Trump an aberration

Major hit to the women's vote. Obama won with 55%. Hillary will take 65-70%. It may settle back to the 60% range

The GOP brand becomes a laughing stock. The party of Trump. The party of bigots and racists. The party that never heard a conspiracy theory they weren't willing to support
There is no long term consequences.

This country will not last through Hillary's 1st term.

You said the same thing about 4 years of Obama....then 8 years of Obama
Actually, I didn't say that.

After 2012 I realized that the Republicans would not be able fix this country, but I still had hope someone could.

This election is the end of that hope.
What will be the long term impacts of Republicans championing Trump?

Losing the Hispanic vote for a generation. This one cannot be glossed over with vague promises of respecting Hispanics and calling Trump an aberration

Major hit to the women's vote. Obama won with 55%. Hillary will take 65-70%. It may settle back to the 60% range

The GOP brand becomes a laughing stock. The party of Trump. The party of bigots and racists. The party that never heard a conspiracy theory they weren't willing to support
There is no long term consequences.

This country will not last through Hillary's 1st term.

You said the same thing about 4 years of Obama....then 8 years of Obama

How delusional are republicans?

No long term consequences? LOL.

So much for that "personal responsibility" they demand from everyone.
Well Tommy

I know you celebrated the Republicans "BIG WIN" in 2014

What did you get out of it?

That's MR.HORN to you, shitbird. Keeping the House and Senate from rubberstamping more of Hussein's Solyndras for one thing.
Trump was a grand experiment

An experiment in stupidity
A ex president of the United States talked to some one on a plane.CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY..... The president of the United States talked to the head of F BI. CONSPIRACY. 14MILLION DOLLARS(OUR MONEY) spent by republicans 8 times, Hillary cleared, watch out a commie under every bed.
I'm not worried. I've been preparing for the total collapse of this country ever since you fools put The Blamer in office - twice. There is no doubt in my mind that you lost clowns will put hildaskank in office to complete the embarrassing slide into a cesspool of third world sewage.
Eventually, there will come a time when you run out of other people's money. Just ask Greece. Only then you libtards will learn to think and do for for yourselves. Not because you want to - but because you'll be forced to.
You'll see.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Bullshit, Trump is doing better than Kasich, Rubio or any of the others would have done, and if you think the dems would not be slandering and lying about any of them, you are as dumb as Sarduchi in your avatar.
The press was Trump's best friend in the primary, where he could insult other candidates, and entire races and religions with impunity .... even cheers for insulting. Not so much since then. He had to pivot, but instead spent a week insulting the Khans. And then Hillary baited him into fat shaming a latina/Hispanic .. who wasn't fat!

A indictment of their complicity if there ever was one.

They got their perfect patsy.
Not complicity. They gave the masses what they wanted. It's just that there are different masses in the primary and general. Although for us mainstreet gopers, who were watching Kasich and even Rubio (too young) go down, it was seeing the trainwreck setting up, and now it's just ..... an epic disaster.

The media is biased of course, but their first master is mammon, and they give advertisers what viewers want to see.

the media and the dem machine would be doing exactly the same things to Kasich or Rubio. The dems are very good at slinging mud and the politics of personal destruction.

In addition, if you vote for the very sick Clinton, you are actually voting to put the idiot Kaine in charge of your country. THINK AMERICA, THIS MAY BE YOUR LAST CHANCE.

No they wouldn't

Because both Kasich and Rubio have control of their message. You would not find them harassing women, offending Mexicans, attacking POWs and Gold Star families
That's right.

Instead they'd be attacking gay Americans and forcing women to give birth against their will.

That's really funny. Your candidate has taken millions from countries that routinely execute gays and treat women no better than livestock. Hillary Clinton has zero credibility on the world stage, everyone knows that she is a liar and cannot be trusted.

If this country elects her, it deserves the damage she will do to it.
A ex president of the United States talked to some one on a plane.CONSPIRACY CONSPIRACY..... The president of the United States talked to the head of F BI. CONSPIRACY. 14MILLION DOLLARS(OUR MONEY) spent by republicans 8 times, Hillary cleared, watch out a commie under every bed.

Her guilt was proven. Our justice system is corrupt. I will never understand why you libs think that the Clintons should be above the laws that apply to you and me.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Bullshit, Trump is doing better than Kasich, Rubio or any of the others would have done, and if you think the dems would not be slandering and lying about any of them, you are as dumb as Sarduchi in your avatar.

Kasich, Rubio or Bush would not be struggling in RED STATES like NC, GA, Utah, Arizona and even TEXAS

Father Guido is a great Christian....expect him to be nominated for sainthood when he dies
The pitiful part is that people dont realize the either candidate will deliver exactly the same things.
Not over whether Trump can win. You already knew he never really stood a chance

But what about the impact on other elections and future Presidential elections?

Hillary looks like she will win by 8-10%. This will have a heavy impact on down ballot elections as disgruntled Republicans stay home.

The Senate is the biggest prize with Dems looking to take 51-52 seats
The House is probably out of play but if Hillary can win by 10% she can start to negate Republican gerrymanders

SCOTUS is the major prize as Hillary could name three judges in the next four years and up to five judges over eight years


You assume much that s likely untrue.

You assume that Republicans will stay home. This assumption is based on your ignorance of exactly how hated the criminal Hillary is.

But yes we are worried. Not that Trump will lose but that Hillary will further damage this country for ourselves and our descendants.

Yea..yea...we know you have deep seated hatred of Hillary
Just like you have deep seated hatred of Obama

But what did you do about it? Rather than select a candidate who could compete with Hillary, your party chose to go to war with itself. You were more concerned with sticking it to your own party than winning in November

This is what you get

Bullshit, Trump is doing better than Kasich, Rubio or any of the others would have done, and if you think the dems would not be slandering and lying about any of them, you are as dumb as Sarduchi in your avatar.

Kasich, Rubio or Bush would not be struggling in RED STATES like NC, GA, Utah, Arizona and even TEXAS

Father Guido is a great Christian....expect him to be nominated for sainthood when he dies

Sure they would. The media and the Clinton lying machine would be making up lies about them just as they are about Trump.

Last night proved one thing----------Hillary's handlers are very good a helping her memorize talking points and making her look like a wooden headed puppet. The people saw through that shit. Trump won by letting her ramble and spout.

Guido is an act. A funny one, but an act.
Trump is concluding his historic run for the Presidency
Historically inept

This will be one for the history books as historians pose the question: WTF were Republicans thinking?
Trump is concluding his historic run for the Presidency
Historically inept

This will be one for the history books as historians pose the question: WTF were Republicans thinking?

A better historical question will be: what were the democrats thinking when they ran the most corrupt person ever to run for any political office. What was the country thinking when it voted for this terrible human being

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